Write Less,Do More.

I met the jQuery


An excellent JS function library that encapsulates DOM and BOM/Ajax

Application is very wide, medium and large WEB project development preferred


  • HTML element picker (selector), jQuery extension selector to find tags
  • HTML element manipulation
  • CSS operation
  • HTML event handling, user interaction
  • JS animation Effect
  • Chain call, a().b().c()
  • Read/write synchrony: use one method to read or write an element
  • Browser compatibility
  • Easy extension plug-in
  • Ajax encapsulation
  • .


  1. Import jQuery library (JS file)

  2. Using jQuery

    • Using jQuery core functions ($/jQuery)
    • JQuery core object: the object returned by executing $(“#btn2”

3. Two ways to introduce jQuery library

  • Server local library, SRC absolute path
  • CDN remote repository

JQuery’s two powerful tools

  1. JQuery core functions: directly available
    • **$/jQuery** *
    • After importing the jQuery library, use $directly
      • When the function is used: $(XXXX)
      • When the object uses: $.xxx()
  2. JQuery Core Object
    • Get jQuery object: the object returned by executing the jQuery function
    • Use jQuery object: $obj.xxx()

JQuery core functions

It can be used as a function (with ()) or as an object (calling a method)

  1. Called as a function: $(XXX)

    • The parameter is a function. When the DOM is loaded, this callback function is executed

    • The argument is a selector string: find all matching labels and encapsulate them as jQuery objects

    • Parameter is DOM object: encapsulate DOM object as jQuery object and operate on it

    • Arguments are HTML tag strings (less) : create tag objects and wrap them into jQuery objects

      // Function call arguments are functions
          // Selector string
              // Bind event listeners
              alert($(this).html())//DOM object is converted to jQuery object and its methods are called
              $("<input type="text" name="msg3">").appendTo("div") // Insert input into the div tag})})Copy the code
  2. To use as an object: $.xxx()

    • $.each(): implicitly traverses an object/array

      var arr = [1.2.5]
      Copy the code
    • $.trim(): Remove Spaces on both ends

      var str = " aaa "
      Copy the code

Use the jQuery core functions

The selector

Note: The selector itself is just a string with a specific syntax rule and has no real use. The basic syntax rules use and extend the CSS selector syntax, and only work if you call $and pass in the selector string as an argument.

$(selector): An array (pseudo) of matching labels that is found throughout the document according to the selector rules, encapsulated as a jQuery object

Basic selector

  • #id

  • element

  • .class

  • Selector1, Selector2, selectorN

  • Selector1selector2selectorN (overlap) find contain some properties of elements

    // select the element with id div1
    $("#div1").css("background"."red")// Use multiple objects.css ({})
    // Select all div elements
    // Select all elements whose class attribute is box
    // Select all div and SPAN elements
    // Select all div elements whose class attribute is box
    // All elements include body
    Copy the code

Hierarchy selector

Selectors for finding child, descendant, and sibling elements

  • ancestor descendant

  • parent > child

  • prev + next

  • Prev ~ siblings (matches all siblings after the prev element)

    // Select all span layers under ul
    $("ul span").css("background"."red")
    // Select all subelements span under ul
    $("ul>span").css("background"."red")// Child elements are all spans in the first layer of ul, not in the multiple layers
    // select the next li whose clas is box
    $(".box + li").css("background"."red")
    // Select all sibling elements after the element whose ul attribute is box
    $("ul .box~*").css("background"."red")
    Copy the code

Filter selector

Further filter selectors in the elements of the original selector matcher, multiple filter selectors executed in sequence!

  • basic

  • content

  • visibility

  • attribute

    // select the first div
    $("div:first").css("background"."red")// select all divs and filter out the first one
    // Select the element whose last class is box
    // Select all divs whose class is not box
    $("div:not(.box)").css("background"."red")// No class attribute will work
    // Find something
    // Select the second and third li
    $("li:gt(0):lt(2)").css("background"."red")// Sequentially filter a:b:c,gt() for elements greater than subscript, lt() for elements less than subscript
    // select li with the content XXX
    // Select li to hide (dispaly: None)
    console.log($("li:hidden").length,$("li:hidden") [0])//visible
    // Select li with the title attribute name
    // Select all li whose title is Hello
    $("li:[title = "hello"]").css("background"."red")// Hello double quotes can be added or not
    Copy the code

Form selector

  // Select an unavailable text entry box
  // Select the number of explicit hobbies
  // Explicitly select the name of the city
      var city = $("select>option:selected").html()
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JQuery Core Object

The jQuery object contains a pseudo-array of DOM element objects (maybe only one element). This object has many useful properties and methods to make it easier for programmers to manipulate the DOM

[Note] jQuery object and DOM element object methods are different!


  1. Basic behavior

    • Size ()/length: number of DOM elements

    • [index] / get(index) : gets the corresponding DOM element based on the index

    • Each () : Iterates over all DOM elements contained, distinguished from $.each()

    • Index () : Gets the index in the sibling element

      // Count the number of buttons
      var $btns = $("button")/ / false array
      console.log($btns.length,$btns.size())/ / 4
      // Retrieve the second button
      $btns[1].innerHTML//$BTNS [1], which is the DOM element. We've already taken it out, so we can use innerHTML
      // Outputs all button text
          console.log (index, domEle innerHTML,this)// This corresponds to the DOM element equivalent to domEle
          // Console. log(this)
      // Print the number of buttons that a certain button is
      console.log($("#btn3").index())/ / 2
      Copy the code

Pseudo (class) arrays

  • Object
  • Length attribute
  • Numeric subscript property
  • Specific methods without arrays: forEach(), push (), pop ()
// Define a pseudo-array
var fArr = {}
fArr.length = 0
fArr[0] = "a"
fArr.length = 1
fArr[1] = "b"
fArr.length = 2
for (var i = 0; i<fArr.length; i++){var obj = fArr[i]
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$_ tool method

  1. $.each() : Iterates over the data in a group or object
  2. $.trim() : Removes whitespace from both sides of the string
  3. $.type(obj) : Gets the type of the data
  4. $. IsArray (obj) : Checks whether it is an array
  5. $.isfunction (obj) : checks whether it is a function
  6. $.parsejson (json) : Parses json strings into JS objects/arrays
//$.each() iterates over the object
var obj = {
        this.name = name
//$.type($) function
//$.isArray($("a")) false
var json = '{"name":"Tom","age":12}'/ / a json object
var josn1 = '['{"name":"Tom"."age":12}', '{"name":"jack"."age":12}'] '/ / the json array
//json object/array ===> JS object/array
JSON.parse(jsonString)//json object/array ===> JS object/array
JSON.stringify(jsObject/jsArray)//js object/array ===> JSON object/array
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JQuery object Properties

// Read the title attribute of the first div
// Set the name attribute for all divs
// Remove the title attribute from all divs
// Set class='aaa' for all divs
// Add class=' BBB 'to all divs. BBB corresponds to the CSS class name, which can have styles
$('div').addClass('bbb')//attr means Settings are overwritten, and add-ons are cumulative
// Remove the aaa class of all divs
// Get the tag text of the last li
// Set the first li tag body to "


$('li:first').html('<h1>aaa</h1>') // Get the value of the input field $(':text').val()// Note the distinction with the DOM value method // Set the input field to ABC $(':text').val('abc')// Combine reading and writing // Click the 'select all' button to select all //attr(): operates on attributes whose values are not Booleans //prop(): specialises in manipulating properties with Boolean values var $checkboxs = $(':checkbox'The $()'button:first').click(function(){ //property $checkboxs.prop('checked'.true)})// Click the 'Select None' button to select none var $checkboxs = $(':checkbox'The $()'button:last').click(function(){ $checkboxs.prop('checked'.false)})Copy the code