# 1. Effect drawing

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       <div class="content"<p style= "max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em"margin-bottom: 40px;"> Around the data accumulation of "people, vehicles, fields and services", combined with the advanced collection technology of IOT, using the way of Internet + big data, mining the market potential of smart parking, make smart parking become an important part of smart city, smart traffic... </p> <svg t="1585122467933" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="5894" width="32" height="32"><path d="M512 909.061224 218.906122 0-397.061224 - c - 178.155102-397.061224-397.061224 s178.155102 397.061224 397.061224 to 397.061224 397.061224 178.155102 397.061224 397.061224-178.155102 397.061224 397.061224z" fill="#16C4AF" p-id="5895"></path><path d="M660.897959 531.853061 h - 297.795918 - c - 10.971429-0-19.853061-8.881633-19.853061-19.853061 s8.881633-19.853061 19.853061 8.881633 19.853061 19.853061 19.853061 19.853061 h297.795918 c10.971429 0 s - 8.881633-19.853061-19.853061 19.853061 z" fill="#DCFFFA" p-id="5896"></path><path d="M512 680.75102 10.971429 0-19.853061 - c - 8.881633-19.853061-19.853061 v - 297.795918 - c0-10.971429-8.881633-19.853061 19.853061-19.853061s19.853061 8.881633 19.853061 19.853061v297.795918c0 10.971429-8.881633 19.853061-19.853061 19.853061 z" fill="#DCFFFA" p-id="5897"></path></svg>
            <span style="margin-left: 10px; margin-top: -5px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: text-top;">LEARM MORE</span>
        $(function (param) { 
            $('.card').mouseover(function (param) { 
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