Write in front: recently I read many people’s annual summary, always feel that I also want to “ritual sense”, write my own annual summary; As a formal worker, I will be no exception in 2021. The larger module is work and life. Looking back on the year, 90% of the time is pleasant. 🎉 Next is also around these two aspects of the review, the test of my memory time;


Feeling after changing jobs

In this matter, in fact has always been his plan “was already a long time”, early in 2020, is preparing to, just to January 2021, officially entered the “resume, interview process, about why want to change jobs, the reason is many, want to contact more, want to see more, looking forward to working with more severe; In fact, there are some reasons, they are not willing to stay in the small factory, so they put the “change of job” on the agenda; About changing a job, you can quickly check, big factory recruit front end, walk heart interview to share. On March 26, 2021, I hired, officially opened the giant coding way, when their orientation, bring pressure to the bytes, in a short time, is really quite stressful, get used to working content, working rhythm, we need to be familiar with the business, in addition to the technology of the more important is to learning group, I will share some of my own ways and methods for quick integration on entry. I also hope that more new partners can quickly and happily integrate into the working environment, hey!

Quickly adapt to the new working environment

  • State of mind
    • It is normal to feel nervous and stressed in the early stage. After one week of entry, you should adjust your entry mentality appropriately
    • Keep a relaxed attitude, the general social recruitment will have one or two weeks to get familiar with the business, too nervous may lead to a lot of pressure, with half the result
    • I felt that I could not fit into the atmosphere of the group, so I took the initiative to communicate with colleagues. For example, when I met with difficult questions, I could discuss a lot of topics when I heard that I was good at them. At that time, the girls sitting next to me had many public topics about various dramas. Ha ha ha ha
  • plan
    • The benefits of planning your early days can be huge
    • Set a small goal for two weeks
      • technologyThere are two ways to quickly view the technologies used in the current service and how to use them
        • React. Many people switch from Vue to React. In this case, the first step should be to look at the basic use of React
        • Familiar with this technology, it is relatively simple to start with, directly pull the code warehouse combined with the code to see the page, not only familiar with the code, but also familiar with the business
      • platformI believe that many large companies have a variety of platforms, from remembering names to understanding features, is a particularly difficult process
        • Search documents, find records, record the functions and basic use of related platforms, in the subsequent use will certainly deepen the impression
    • Learn to record knowledge, which will be very important for the subsequent defense and knowledge summary
  • knowledge
    • To quickly integrate into the working environment, in addition to adapting to the working environment, it is more important to deal with their own questions
    • I hope you can prepare all the questions you have about the new company before joining the company, because it is the best time to go through the process of the new company, such as the companyTechnology stack, working modeEtc.
    • foolsIt plays a great role in improving my efficiency.fools! = “nothing, I will ask”, because we usually work time is relatively tight, some problems are able to understand themselves, as far as possible to understand in advance, encounter difficult points to ask, more efficient, but also deep memory
    • Active learningTake the initiative to learn the content that they have not mastered in the technology stack, and take the initiative to record, so as to prevent them from taking many detours in the development of requirements because they are not familiar with the technology stack
    • Be good at experimenting and taking notes“Practice is more important than truth” “A good memory is better than a bad pen” it is always true

A little heart, I hope that the new entry to the company’s partners, can quickly blend in, happy 😄 work

Regret changing jobs

Why do I mention it separately? Because in the 8 months since I entered the byte, I do sometimes feel regret. When have you ever regretted it? Contact with a new business, the code can not understand, business sorting is not clear, feel that I am a useless person, will come out of the idea of regret, may not regret, doubt yourself “why choose the front end, why to work” and other words, more like nagging words; I have never regretted it. Before I joined the company, I heard about various shortcomings of Byte. I worked till midnight, and the saying “Byte takes one year to work for three years” was said. At the same time, there is also a lot of space to create something, to touch and learn, are not in the previous work; I am also lucky to meet a very good team and a good working atmosphere.

Work development

The work is divided into soft power and hard technology

Soft power

  • Ability to communicateNecessary skills for large factories, through a short time of exercise, communication ability to improve
    • Initial state: Long words describing one thing and missing the point (frustrating at the time)
    • Evolutionary learning: Watch your co-workers, secretly learn communication skills, and then “outdo” them (🐶)
    • Now: Grasp the key points, first say the problem point, then say the background of the problem, improve the efficiency of communication
  • Ability to workThis is an ability that cannot be quantified by myself. I can only say that I have benefited more from adhering to my previous habit of taking notes and planning during the process of entry. In fact, the overview of work ability is nothing more than dedication and seriousness in the work, if the work is serious, in fact, is to lay a solid foundation for the work;
  • The ability to learnEfficient learning is the best way to the existing short time, when the work is busy, but also to take time to enrich their own personal learning ability
  • Software skillsRather than software skills, software engineering, the university had ever obtained the UML classmates should know for the realization of the software program, the necessary premise is to design, is based on the knowledge of the university, applying theory to actual project, in the design of some demand, make full use of all kinds of legend, to design functionality; Heh heh, benefit a lot
  • Listen, ask, and watch more
    • In daily work, I usually listen to my colleagues discuss relevant technologies and functions, and I will think about myself and ask directly if I am interested in them
    • Ask more questions, that is, not all questions are asked. In some requirements design, if it is more complex, discuss with others about its transformation cost and value after transformation
  • Good at summarizingFor the business and so on, will go to summarize the business content, one is to deepen their printing 🌚 image, the other is to be able to use as a reserve material, for others to view (is this the so-called document wind?)

Usually go to the list summary way, always feel a bit of an official, to use own words presentation skills for the promotion, I think it is very important in the work of basic literacy is serious, don’t study hard, seriously listen to teach others, after hearing record seriously, to be modest, the second is to learn to think, if just do demand function, In my opinion, it is far from enough. Before the requirements start, we should think about three questions and consider the compatibility and reusability of the system. If the technical design, some graphics can not clearly remember how to draw, I will look at UML related knowledge, try to achieve accuracy; The process is long and difficult to measure; Do anything, in fact, as long as they live up to their own time, on their own pay can;

Hard power

“New” technology

This “new technology” doesn’t mean following the latest developments on the front end, just learning what you haven’t been exposed to before

  • webpack

In fact, everyone has different learning methods. For example, if I learn a technology by myself, I summarize and record it, but if I want to share the technology I learn, it will bring me more benefits. In the process of preparing knowledge, I ask questions for myself from the perspective of listening and sharing. For example, I shared webPack5 Module Federation in the component. In the knowledge preparation part, besides learning the content of module federation, I also expanded and learned more, such as the writing method of WebPack plug-in, WebPack hook and various functions of WebPack construction results. It is because of this process of sharing that I have a deeper understanding of some knowledge of Webpack. Although I have not used it in my actual work, I feel like my wallet is full

  • Micro front-end

I have always heard about micro-front-end technology, but it is seldom applied in the project, so I have not tried it personally and do not know its secrets. Fortunately, I got access to the internal micro-front-end framework and took the opportunity to learn about it. There are still many mysteries.

  • React

I used to use Vue for my previous work. In recent months, I used React to develop requirements and functions. The Development mode of React hooks does give me a lot of creativity, but this process is almost forgotten because I rarely read Vue. Love;

  • other

The breadth of technology is growing, with separate microservices to implement out-of-the-box interfaces, to learn about deployment, and to learn about performance monitoring.

Job growth

Mainly talk about the technical aspects of yourself, first contact, technical breadth than before, can feel very obvious change, love of learning, and yes, core competitiveness, such as others said a technology themselves do not understand, will take the initiative to go to learn the techniques, although is also like this before, but not like this, is targeted to study.

The technical design ability is enhanced, with the coding specification, I used to name random coding habits completely changed ha ha ha, even a little virgo “obsessive compulsive”. In my work, I have more opportunities to design independently, which is also a chance to exercise my code design ability and increase my architecture ability (too big to say).

It is very important that there are a lot of people with strong technical ability around, and they work together, they will also be influenced by what they see, more investment;I also have a difficult time ah, induction by September, had received business adjustment, existing business have to answer to others, was sad for a week, after all, are themselves painstakingly to write ha ha ha, later to come into contact with new business, new business scale is very big, the known there is something wrong with the old, worry about do bad, But also jump in, have to say, the early to comb demand content is really painful ah, first of all, some of the functional requirements are meant to, code many ways can’t through the context to understand, it was also at this time, I don’t feel suitable for the front, the front is bad to do, I’m going to move brick, don’t stand in my way; behindChange state of mind, I kept looking for effective documents, and finally understood the relevant business and output corresponding documents in a short time; It’s painful. It takes a lot of patience. Fortunately, I persevered in the end. After I understood the business, the relevant work demand was “like a duck to water”.I hope I can work at a higher level in 2022


Life is also very regular, may be their own live want to live, hey hey ~

Rent a house

I rented a small room by myself. I used to live with others, but after renting it alone, I found that I was extremely happy. I also discovered my cooking skills (terrible), and it was nice that I didn’t have to adapt to other People’s Daily life. Close to the company is overflowing happiness; I spent a lot of time cooking every weekend. Failure is the mother of success. If I failed enough, I could become a chef. 😹


Should a free gym go to waste? Naturally not, there is cooperation with the gym, as before in the exercise of “shuizu” myself, finally seized the opportunity to go to the gym there are seasons, spring, summer and autumn is the most frequent time to go, in winter, or loyal to the bed; Can you lose weight by exercising regularly? Ok, unless you are not in the company to have a meal 🌚


Completed the annual city tourism plan, hey hey, the original plan to go to Changsha May Day, the results of a ticket is difficult to find, during the May Day in Beijing seriously stroll around; During the National Day, I went to Changsha and stayed there eating and drinking for three days. In the hot weather, I caught a cold when I came back to Beijing. Again have to sigh, Changsha delicious is really rich ah, rich variety, taste is also rich, “stinky tofu” buyback several times ha ha ha ha

Fall in love

In 2021, the bigger of the progress is in love, why want to say big progress, because from the fifth year of love across to the love of the sixth year, back in 2021, although is a long distance relationship, but mutual encouragement is very much, this year saw seven times back and forth, wishing everyone in 2022 also harvest their own love and happiness; 🙆 came ️

Outlook and Summary

There will be many milestones in 2021, such as changing jobs and houses; Also has a lot of details of happiness points, exercise seriously, work hard to improve themselves, of course, there are confused and upset, everything is an indispensable part of life, but the overall or happy, hey hey, in 2022, want to insist to take exercise, keep learning, to further understand the front field of knowledge, of course, to share their knowledge, To do a good job in technical accumulation, whether in life or work, still maintain some of their own good habits, to achieve a better self;

Wish you all happiness in your work and life