One of the big things in the world of code farming recently was the departure of ACRush to Baidu.

Programmer job-hopping is a trivial matter. However, Lou Tiancheng is different. Lou Tiancheng is twice the runner-up of ACM global Finals and the favorite student of Yao Qizhi, the Chinese winner of Turing. He is known as Lou Master in Tsinghua University, where “gods are everywhere and students with excellent performance are not as good as dogs”.

In addition to a lot of competition title, he has an honour bright eye, is the inventor of The Three Kingdoms, one of the four years ago he graduated haven’t just got Facebook’s top salary Offer, propagated back to hangzhou to accept students junior worship, says he “is the first member of The Three Kingdoms team, responsible for game balance to the test”.

This great god has settled the balance of the Killing of The Three Kingdoms, but let himself into an unbalanced triangle.

Lou did not go to Facebook after graduation in 2013, but went to Google to work in the Google+ department, which is responsible for social networking. Later, Google+ was cut due to poor development, and he was transferred to the promising Google self-driving project.

In February, he announced he was switching to Quora, writing a heartfelt letter titled “Why Am I Joining Quora?” “Complimented Quora from CEO to employee.

The climax came last week, when Baidu’s chief scientist Andrew Ng announced on Twitter that Lou had joined baidu’s U.S. research team. In the photo, Lou has gained two circles compared with two years ago, and he is not as energetic as before. Some joked that the canteen of Quora was not good, and the building owner was abused.

But the canteen said THAT I don’t know how to carry this pot, and that Lou only worked in Quora for two months. He may have to go back to Hangzhou for Chinese New Year and do little work in between, which is equivalent to moving from the core department of Google to the corresponding department of a direct competitor.

Two months ago, there were two lines in Lord Lou’s letter of admission that were easy to steal,

I’m not going to join a company where I don’t use their products.

Has the flesh over the wall of the building Lord should not be Baidu. He also said he found the most valuable results on Quora every time he searched, obviously not on Baidu, which does not include Quora’s search results.

“Quora has an employee-friendly option program that allows you to keep your options exercised even after you leave.”

Is that why you left so quickly?

Lou Such a level, without half a year or so of contact is difficult to dig. So when he sent this letter of admission on February 17, he should have known that he would join Baidu, or at least considered joining Baidu as an option. Why didn’t you move down, give yourself a way out so you wouldn’t talk now?

Now there are concerns that Lou’s defection could negatively affect the situation of Chinese nationals at big Silicon Valley companies.

People with high IQs are less likely to have high EQ. Lou’s IQ is too high to run. But this time with Quora flash marriage flash divorce curve joined Baidu, posture is not good.

However can not berate building teaching Lord, this is a programmer’s common fault, god programmer especially so.

Up to now, there are nearly 10 Chinese students who have won MEDALS in ACM global finals, and most of them stay in academia. Almost all of them enter the Internet industry in Google. It seems that the atmosphere of Google really suits these programmers who are not good at dealing with the outside world.

One of those who didn’t go to Google is Dai Wenyuan, who started his own business, but he was at Baidu before moving to Huawei in 2013. He also made a big story at Baidu before jumping ship to Huawei.

One day Dai Wenyuan got up late in the morning, baidu building security said there was no parking space did not let him park. Dai Wenyuan is very serious, looked at the garage, said there are clearly a few empty parking Spaces.

These parking Spaces are very discreet. Due to the shortage of parking Spaces in Baidu Building, Robin Li once sent an internal email, saying that the company treated everyone equally and he himself did not set fixed parking Spaces. However, it was very troublesome to carry out the implementation, and the company still reserved VIP parking Spaces for Li and other senior executives.

The vacant parking Spaces are rumored to belong to Li And executive director Zhang Ming and other senior executives. People usually turn a blind eye, but Dai wenyuan couldn’t bear it and started Shouting at security guards and the administration department on weibo.

Such a trouble, the company face can not hold, ordered Dai Wenyuan to apologize, with the public relations of the unified statement, and finally walk when the posture is very ugly.

After all, Baidu is a relatively easy to recruit programmers black company, take programmers and Baidu quarrel that programmers low eq may not be convincing.

Say Google. You should still remember Wang Yin, author of the book “Working with Linux”. In China and the United States, he dropped out of school three times for his doctoral degree and entered Google for internship twice. He was considered by the project director as the most excellent intern he had ever met in the past 20 years.

But he finally decided to leave Google and wrote an article, “My Story with Google.” There’s nothing wrong with the story itself, it’s about my experience working on a project at Google, and it was supposed to be an opportunity for the younger generation to worship, the older generation to value me, and he insisted on inserting something in the story, and he said,

“Google employees, a lot of them take their company too seriously, get cocky, give up their dignity to lick the company’s ass.”

The intern was also harsh with the Google founders,

“When it comes to the two founders of Google, some people don’t know black and white. On their various arbitrary and even stupid practices, were delighted to talk. Founders are like emperors in their eyes, and they do everything right. This kind of pomp and mutual adulation is probably rare in other companies.”

The Google HR, who prided himself on the company’s culture, suffered a bit of psychological damage, and no big company dared to hire him again.

These gurus may be extreme, but even the average programmer fights on social networks and tech forums at a significantly higher rate than any other job on the Internet.

Just saying “PHP is the best language” can turn a forum upside down.

Wang Yin said in his famous book “Mental Illness of the Programmer”,

“Programmers don’t have the self-awareness to look down on other people’s work… Nine times out of ten, people will make an instant mental judgment about the value of your software simply by what language you’re using… Using a new language doesn’t make them better programmers. The best programmers can write good code in any language, even in some companies, and that’s not right.”

Do you think Wang Yin is a very positive and inclusive programmer?

But then he writes,

“I’m obviously a lot better than Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python. I can see his understanding of the programming language and every ridiculous mistake he makes. Ruby, of course, is worse.”