Jingdong advanced Java scene three sides, including: algorithm, database, design mode, Java advanced, etc., tail has the most complete BAT advanced Java interview questions and answers welfare, want to come to take it ~(to receive the way to see the end of the article)

Jingdong Technical Interview (I) :

Algorithmic interview:

How is binary tree implemented

Know which sorting algorithms

How is quicksort implemented

How to implement heap sort

An algorithm problem: two ordered arrays, have the same elements, find out

Collection classes and Java advanced features interview

Linked lists, advantages and disadvantages of arrays, application scenarios, complexity of finding elements

What is the problem with using hashmap in multiple threads?

Jvm memory model

Do you know the Tomcat container?

Have you done any JVM tuning

What protocols are used for front – and back-end connections in Web projects

Thread creation

What locks are available in Java

What is the design idea of reentrant lock

The hashmap principle, which method is used to handle hash conflicts

If you delete an element from the hash table, and you add an element that conflicts with the original hash, where does that element go

Concurrent containers, Hashtable and ConcurrenthashMap

Jingdong Technical Interview (2)

Design patterns

Know which design patterns

Talk about adapter patterns, decorator patterns, proxy patterns

Database interview

The three major paradigm

Database index

A database can have several clustered indexes

Which engines support clustered indexes

Transaction characteristics (ACID)

Isolation level

Index mechanism, clustered index and non-clustered index

Jingdong Technical Interview (III) :

What high concurrency projects have you worked on? Tell me about your architectural design experience.

There are 10 million random elements in a set, how to quickly calculate their sum.

Give you an e-commerce project, how to database design (order, shopping cart and goods), including the process.

Summary interview:

1, Java basic and advanced, which includes syntax, multithreading, various features, JVM, some source code, dynamic agents, etc.

2. Computer network knowledge (both elementary and advanced)

3. Knowledge of operating system

4. Algorithms (very important)

5. Framework-related basic operation and underlying implementation (important)

6, the underlying data structure of the collection class (basic every test).

7. High concurrency projects (advanced required).

The above is jingdong interview 32 questions and interview experience summary, the following is the latest summary of the most complete BAT advanced Java interview 68 questions contain the answer, want to hurry to get it!

On the eve of the interview

How do I review

1. Prepare a great resume

If you want to get an Offer from JINGdong, you must first have an interview with Ali. It is not easy to get an interview with a big factory, while the resume is the key to pry open the door of the interview. Whether the key matches depends on whether the resume is excellent. Many college graduates do not know how to make their own resume, just download a copy on the Internet, change personal information. In fact, the resume of the big factory interview is not about your personal hobbies, nor what associations and students have participated in school, but more about your personal practical ability. Therefore, a good resume should include your skills, whether you have internship experience, what projects you have participated in, what project problems you have solved and so on.

2. Demonstrate your soft power (knowledge and technology)

The second key will own strength strong, whether you are fresh graduates, or work for several years, the school recruit or club, hiring is always strength high, that is your knowledge reserves, your technical level to meet the requirements, and the only way to improve its soft power is: learning.

Below I will share some of my personal learning documents, friends who need to choose to obtain:

  • Java core knowledge

Java Core Knowledge

  • Spring Family barrel (Actual combat Series)

  • Algorithm (Field document)

3, brush

Now that is going to interview, then without brush, in fact home after the Spring Festival, where also can’t go, my own brush is a lot of interview questions, so during the interview process to accomplish know fairly well, basically be clear that the interview will be asked about what knowledge, what high frequency problem, so the brush problem is very important in the process of the interview preparation.

Here are my personal interview questions:

Write in the last

Many people lament the “uselessness of study”. In fact, the reason for the uselessness theory is that what one wants does not match what one has learned, which means that one has not learned enough. No matter in study or work, you should have initiative, so if you have a big factory dream, then you should work hard to realize it.

All the above learning materials are free of charge. Finally, I wish you good health and a smooth offer!

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