Got fleet experience qualification a few days ago. To make a long story short, let’s take a look at fleet today


What is fleet? N. fleet; Fishing fleets; All of a country’s warships or navy

JetBrains, it seems, wants to make the slogan “One IDE to Code it all “a reality. With its own Distributed mode, front-end and back-end unified management. Maybe the real Monorepo will come?

Take a look at the icon

The iron grey base is matched with two gaps missing and a round ball body with a gradation of sky blue and lavender, and I guess it… Sorry I didn’t understand, so I asked the JetBrains staff on the spot, what do you think of this icon? Of course, they didn’t talk to me for 2 days, so just click the button.

Next open the door and look

Open an ordinary new project, the first thing you see is white, not an industrial yellow map, but it is really concise. As a DIY enthusiast, I first checked to see if there was a theme configuration: the good news is that he did

Not quite, though, as it’s only day and night, and with the plugin market coming online soon, the future can be expected.

Control mode (shortcut)

All shortcut keys are as follows

Try it. Open itctrl + k

It smells like that. After many attempts, the usual shortcuts are available, such as split/jump/switch, etc

Workspace layout

As usual

These three ICONS control the display and hiding of the left and right toolbar. Except the left one is displayed by default and [Files] [Git] [History] is automatically added, the right and bottom ICONS can be customized, as shown below:

All the tools you can add are in the toolbox at the top left nine points, then to the right

Manage multiple projects in one:

A management branch:

Assist mode

And here’s the thing!! Fleet Workspace!!

The fleet collaboration mode is implemented by configuring the workspace, and joining the generation is matched by a similar connection…. The configuration file is in workspace. XML under. Idea

But I did not experience, now want to experience can not find people, is really around no one qualified, do you want to like the following twitter old brother shout people ping me? Can’t really experience, can only put an official map to give you a feeling

Front end — Smart mode

Fleet also provides Smart switching between Editor mode and Smart Mode, which are shown in the upper right corner

After the opening

When turned on, advanced IDE features are displayed, such as project and context-aware code completion, navigation of definitions and usages, dynamic code quality checks, and quick fixes. It is worth noting that, so far in front-end projects, except for js, TS, JSON, XML and other partial files, custom file names such as Vue have no intelligent mode, and even HTML can only be identified as text. Considering that the plug-in market is about to open, the future can be expected.

Editor mode: All local resources

Smart Mode: Adds the remote editor engine and language service

The most powerful Distributed mode, on the other hand, places the environment and code remotely, which is the basis for collaborative development.

Finally, Fleet will be deeply integrated with their product space, allowing them to remotely configure their development environment without having to worry about different local environments.

First impression here, what questions welcome to discuss ~

The last

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