Welcome to visit happy Garbage collector, a front-end knowledge summary sharing platform, and we grow together and progress together! 🙏 🙏 🙏


  • Liunx basic command
  • Git Basic commands
  • nginx
  • jenkins
  • Github account and project
  • git
  • Centos server

Sit tight! It’s time to start!

First log in to your remote server address

Enter the remote server address

SSH Username @IP address of the remote serverCopy the code

If you are prompted to log in for the first time, enter yes

Install nginx

nginx -v  // Enter to view
Copy the code

Nginx is not installed on the server

yum install nginx // Enter download
yum install epel-release // If the previous installation failed
yum install nginx // Download it again
Copy the code
y / / return
Copy the code

Installation complete!

nginx -v
Copy the code

Modify the nginx configuration

nginx -t // Check the configuration file address
cd /etc/nginx
ls // You can see the nginx.conf configuration file
Copy the code

vim nginx.conf
yum install vim // If not, install vim again
Copy the code

Vim editor use method

 i // You can edit the configuration file after insert appears at the bottom of the editor;
Copy the code

Change the configuration from user to root

This is the default address for storing static resource files

esc // Exit editing mode
:+ wq // Save and exitNginx -t checks whether the configuration file has an errorCopy the code

Configuration displayed successfully

Create a project

cd /root
mkdir www
cd www
vim index.html // Create the index.html file
Copy the code

Type the following (Hello World)

Save the exit

nginx // Start nginx server
Copy the code

Enter your IP address in your local browser and add /index.html to get a big hello World! The server configuration is complete

Note: If the access error check ali cloud security group – security group rules are configured

Configuration Jenkins

The installation

Start by downloading the Java dependencies and Git

yum install java
yum install git
Copy the code

The Jenkins source will be added first

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat/jenkins.repo
rpm --import https://jenkins-ci.org/redhat/jenkins-ci.org.key
Copy the code
yum install jenkins // Use yum to install Jenkins
Copy the code


Jenkins modify permissions

vim /etc/sysconfig/jenkins
Copy the code

Find $JENKINS_USER to “root” :

chown -R root:root /var/lib/jenkins
chown -R root:root /var/cache/jenkins
chown -R root:root /var/log/jenkins
Copy the code
service jenkins restart  / / start Jenkins
Copy the code

Jenkins started successfully

Start the Jenkins

Enter your IP address and default port 8080 in your local browser to see the Jenkins unlock page

Create a task

Start configuring the first Jenkins task

The project structure
Copy the code

rm -rf test.tar.gz
tar czvf test.tar.gz *
mv -f test.tar.gz /root/www
cd /root/www
tar -xzvf test.tar.gz
rm -rf test.tar.gz
Copy the code

Welcome to visit happy scavenger for more front-end knowledge!