Use The JekenIIS deployment automation for the first time, and document the operation
1 installation jekenis
War –httpPort=3344 to start the terminal in the Jekenis folder
2 Go to the Jekenis pagehttp://, enter the password
3 Create a task
4 Configuration Tasks
4.1 the General
For now, just fill in the description
4.1 Source Code Management
There are two ways to manage source code, background and remote (git/ SVN, the two operations are similar).Git Enter the Git address and account password
Select none locally and drag the code file into the Jekenis workspace
4.2 Building triggers
Trigger a remote build (for example, using a script): Start the task using a remote script
Build after other projects are built:
Triggers the current task after other tasks finish running
Periodically perform this operation. 5 parameters can be filled in (use “*” instead of periodically, H indicates the range of Jekenis periodically run according to the resource condition)
GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling: Execute after git repository code is updated
4.2 Building an Environment
Temporary don’t have to
4.2 build
How do I start a taskExecute Windows Batch Command: runs Windows commands. Execute shell: runs Linux commands
4.3 Operations after Construction
An action that is completed after a task has been executed
4.3.1 the Publish HTML reports
Display HTML reportLoad the HTML style system setup –Script Console
Input commands, execute (jekenis restart after failure) System. SetProperty (” Hudson. Model. DirectoryBrowserSupport. CSP “, “”)
4.3.2 the Publish HTML reports
5 Build Now
6 Resolve jekenis decoding errors in Windows
By default, Jekenis decodes Chinese in GBK mode, but some characters cannot be decoded, so it is necessary to change the decoding mode to UTF8
6.1 Setting the Jekenis Decoding Language
Go to system Settings and select the global property –Environment Variables
6.2 Modifying the Windows Environment Variable to specify PYTHon&NBspEncoding
6.3 Adding Java Tools
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONAL  -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8
6.4 restart jekenis
7 Manage Plugins
7.1 Jenkins sends emails
Open system Settings and set the administrator email address
The SMTP server address is specified
Click advanced Configuration
Send test reports in the project
Click on the advance – triggers – always