The JDate date component uses documentation
Antd-vue date components need to use moment transfer, use is not very convenient, special two encapsulation, use only need to pass the string
Parameter configuration
parameter | type | mandatory | instructions |
placeholder | string | placeholder | |
readOnly | boolean | True/false false by default | |
value | string | No setting is required after binding v-Model or V-decorator | |
showTime | boolean | Whether to display time True /false The default value is false | |
dateFormat | string | The default date format is ‘YYYY-MM-DD’. If showTime is set to true, set the date format to yyyY-MM-DD HH: MM :ss. | |
triggerChange | string | Set this value to true when using a V-decorator and the decorator’s option.trigger is not set to input |
Use the sample
1. Components with v-model usage
<j-date v-model="dateStr"></j-date>
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A). Set the trigger-change attribute to true
<j-date :trigger-change="true" v-decorator="['dateStr',{}]"></j-date>
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B). Set option.trigger to input of decorator
<j-date v-decorator="['dateStr',{trigger:'input'}]"></j-date>
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3. Add style for other uses
<j-date v-model="dateStr" style="width:100%"></j-date>
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Add a placeholder
<j-date v-model="dateStr" placeholder="Please enter dateStr"></j-date>
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Add a readOnly
<j-date v-model="dateStr" :read-only="true"></j-date>
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Note: Script needs to include jdate
import JDate from '@/components/jeecg/JDate'
export default {
name: "demo".components: {
/ /...
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JSuperQuery Uses documents for advanced queries
Parameter configuration
parameter | type | mandatory | instructions |
fieldList | array | Need to query the columns of the collection sample as follows, type types are: date/datetime/string/int/number | |
callback | array | The callback function name (optional) is the default handleSuperQuery |
Example fieldList structure:
const superQueryFieldList=[{
type:"date".value:"birthday".text:"Birthday"}, {type:"string".value:"name".text:"Username"}, {type:"int".value:"age".text:"Age"
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Page code overview:
1. Declare components after import
import JSuperQuery from '@/components/jeecg/JSuperQuery.vue';
export default {
name: "JeecgDemoList".components: {
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2. Page references
<! -- Advanced query area -->
<j-super-query :fieldList="fieldList" ref="superQueryModal" @handleSuperQuery="handleSuperQuery"></j-super-query>
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3. Three attributes need to be defined in the list page data:
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4. The list page declares the callback event handleSuperQuery(corresponding to the component’s callback).
// Advanced query methods
handleSuperQuery(arg) {
if(! arg){this.superQueryParams=' '
this.superQueryFlag = false
this.superQueryFlag = true
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5. Modify the list page method
// Get the query criteria
getQueryParams() {
let sqp = {}
sqp['superQueryParams'] =encodeURI(this.superQueryParams)
var param = Object.assign(sqp, this.queryParam, this.isorter);
param.field = this.getQueryField();
param.pageNo = this.ipagination.current;
param.pageSize = this.ipagination.pageSize;
return filterObj(param);
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6. Open the popup and call the show method:
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JEllipsis Indicates the ellipsis of a string
Note: Long text display, through this label can intercept ellipsis display, mouse placement will prompt the full text
Parameter configuration
parameter | type | mandatory | instructions |
value | string | mandatory | String text |
length | number | Not required | The default of 25 |
Use the sample
1. Components with v-model usage
<j-ellipsis :value="text"/>
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The Modal cartridge maximizes the function
1. Define the width of modal:
<a-modal :width="modalWidth"/>
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2. Customize the modal title and display the switching icon on the right
<template slot="title">
<div style="width: 100%;">
<span>{{ title }}</span>
<span style="display:inline-block; width:calc(100% - 51px); padding-right:10px; text-align: right">
<a-button @click="toggleScreen" icon="appstore" style="height:20px; width:20px; border:0px"></a-button>
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3. Define the toggleScreen event to switch the modal width
this.modalWidth = window.innerWidth;
this.modalWidth = 800;
this.modaltoggleFlag = !this.modaltoggleFlag;
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4. Declare the attributes used above in data
data () {
return {
modalWidth:800.modaltoggleFlag:true.Copy the code
Drop – down options scroll misplacement solutions
Problem description
When you use A-Modal or other components with scrollbars, using the A-Select component and scrolling the scrollbar when the drop-down box is opened can cause misalignment problems.
The solution
In most cases, add a getPopupContainer property on a-Select with a value of Node => Node. parentNode. But if you encounter a – select the tag hierarchy too deep, may still display abnormal, only need to add a few more. ParentNode (example: node = > node. ParentNode. ParentNode. ParentNode) to try several times until solve the problem.
Code sample
placeholder="Please select display template"
:getPopupContainer="node => node.parentNode"
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JAsyncTreeList Specifies the usage of the asynchronous number list component
The introduction of the component
import JTreeTable from '@/components/jeecg/JTreeTable'
export default {
components: { JTreeTable }
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The required parameters
parameter | type | mandatory | instructions |
rowKey | String | Not required | Table row key value, default is “ID” |
columns | Array | mandatory | For a configuration description of the table columns, see the official Antd documentation |
url | String | mandatory | Data query URL |
childrenUrl | String | Not required | If this parameter is not specified, use url parameters to query sublevels |
queryKey | String | Not required | If id is passed, it is queried by id. The default value is parentId |
queryParams | Object | Not required | Query parameters, when the query parameters change will automatically query, default {} |
topValue | String | Not required | If the top level is 0, 0 is passed. The default value is NULL |
tableProps | Object | Not required | Props for the internal table binding |
Code sample
<a-card :bordered="false">
<j-tree-table :url="url" :columns="columns" :tableProps="tableProps"/>
import JTreeTable from '@/components/jeecg/JTreeTable'
export default {
name: 'AsyncTreeTable'.components: { JTreeTable },
data() {
return {
url: '/mock/api/asynTreeList'.columns: [{title: 'Menu name'.dataIndex: 'name' },
{ title: 'components'.dataIndex: 'component' },
{ title: 'order'.dataIndex: 'orderNum'}].selectedRowKeys: []}},computed: {
tableProps() {
let _this = this
return {
// Whether the list item is selectable
/ / configuration items:
rowSelection: {
selectedRowKeys: _this.selectedRowKeys,
onChange: (selectedRowKeys) = > _this.selectedRowKeys = selectedRowKeys
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JCheckbox uses documents
Antd-vue checkbox component processing array, use is not very convenient, special two encapsulation, use only to deal with the string
Parameter configuration
parameter | type | mandatory | instructions |
options | array | This is an array in which each object contains two properties :label(for display) and value(for storage). |
Use the sample
<a-form :form="form">
<a-form-item label="V-model usage">
<j-checkbox v-model="sport" :options="sportOptions"></j-checkbox><span>{{ sport }}</span>
<a-form-item label="V-decorator usage">
<j-checkbox v-decorator="['sport']" :options="sportOptions"></j-checkbox><span>{{ getFormFieldValue('sport') }}</span>
import JCheckbox from '@/components/jeecg/JCheckbox'
export default {
components: {JCheckbox},
data() {
return {
form: this.$form.createForm(this),
sport:' '.sportOptions:[
label:"Football".value:"1"}, {label:"Basketball".value:"2"}, {label:"Table tennis".value:"3"}}},methods: {
return this.form.getFieldValue(field)
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JCodeEditor works with documents
A simple version of the code editor, syntax highlighting support
Parameter configuration
parameter | type | mandatory | instructions |
language | string | Represents the type of code currently being written javascript/ HTML/CSS/SQL | |
placeholder | string | placeholder | |
lineNumbers | Boolean | Whether to display the line number | |
fullScreen | Boolean | Whether to display the full-screen button | |
zIndex | string | Full screen z-index |
Use the sample
style="min-height: 100px"/>
{{ editorValue }}
import JCodeEditor from '@/components/jeecg/JCodeEditor'
export default {
components: {JCodeEditor},
data() {
return {
form: this.$form.createForm(this),
editorValue:' ',}}}</script>
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JFormContainer uses documentation
Note: Temporarily used to disable forms
Use the sample
<! -- Write the component directly under the form. Set disabled to true to disable the controls in the form.
<a-form layout="inline" :form="form" >
<j-form-container disabled>
<! -- The form content is omitted..... -->
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JImportModal uses documents
Used to import Excel function into the list page
Use the sample
<! -- the code...... is omitted -->
<a-button @click="handleImportXls" type="primary" icon="upload">The import</a-button>
<! -- the code...... is omitted -->
<j-import-modal ref="importModal" :url="getImportUrl()" @ok="importOk"></j-import-modal>
<! -- the code...... is omitted -->
import JCodeEditor from '@/components/jeecg/JCodeEditor'
export default {
components: {JCodeEditor},
data() {
return {
// omit the code......}},methods: {// omit some code......
return 'Background address where you handle your own upload business'
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JSelectMultiple Multiple drop-down components
Please use online with the actual development of the components/dict/JMultiSelectTag
JSlider verification code
Use the sample
<div style="width: 300px">
<j-slider @onSuccess="sliderSuccess"></j-slider>
import JSlider from '@/components/jeecg/JSlider'
export default {
components: {JSlider},
data() {
return {
form: this.$form.createForm(this),
editorValue:' ',}},methods: {sliderSuccess(){
console.log("Verification completed")}}}</script>
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JTreeSelect tree drop-down component
Asynchronously loaded tree drop-down components
Parameter configuration
parameter | type | mandatory | instructions |
placeholder | string | placeholder | |
dict | string | Table name, display field name, store field name concatenation string | |
pidField | string | The field name of the parent ID | |
pidValue | string | The default value ‘0’ of the root parent ID cannot be set to null. If you want to use this component and the database root parent ID is null, change it | |
multiple | boolean | Whether multiple selection is supported |
Use the sample
<a-form-item label="Tree drop-down test" style="width: 300px">
placeholder="Please select department"
{{ departId }}
</a-form >
import JTreeSelect from '@/components/jeecg/JTreeSelect'
export default {
components: {JTreeSelect},
data() {
return {
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JPopup popup selects components
Parameter configuration
parameter | type | mandatory | instructions |
placeholder | string | placeholder | |
code | string | Online Report coding | |
orgFields | string | Columns displayed in an online report, separated by commas | |
destFields | string | Properties of the callback object, separated by commas, in the same order as orgFields | |
field | string | The value of an attribute selected from destFields is returned to the current component | |
triggerChange | Boolean | Set to true in V-decorator mode | |
The callback (events) | function | The callback event, used in V-decorator mode, sets the value of the form control |
Use the sample
<a-form :form="form">
<a-form-item label="V-model mode specifies a value to return to the current component." style="width: 300px">
{{ selectValue }}
<a-form-item label="The V-decorator pattern supports callbacks to multiple values to the current form" style="width: 300px">
{{ getFormFieldValue('one') }}
<a-form-item label="V-decorator pattern callback value" style="width: 300px">
<a-input v-decorator="['two']"></a-input>
</a-form >
export default {
data() {
return {
form: this.$form.createForm(this),
selectValue:"",}},methods: {getFormFieldValue(field){
return this.form.getFieldValue(field)
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