Project introduction

Jeecg-boot is a fast development platform based on SpringBoot+ code generator! Front and back end separation architecture: SpringBoot, Ant-Design-Vue, Mybatis, Shiro, JWT. Powerful code generator to make front-end and back-end code one key generation, do not need to write any code, keep JeECG always powerful, is absolutely full stack development Gospel!! JeecgBoot in improving UI capabilities at the same time, reduce the separation of development costs, JeecgBoot also original online development mode (No code concept), a series of online intelligent development: online configuration forms, online configuration reports and so on.

Download the source code

  • Technical documentation: JeECG-boot.mydoc. IO
  • Quick start: jeecg-boot.mydoc. IO /? t=345660

The system characteristics

  • Using the latest mainstream separation framework (Springboot+Antd+Vue+Mybatis)
  • Powerful code generator, single-table, one-to-many, one-key generation (including front and back ends)
  • Simple Excel import and export, support single table export and one to many table mode export
  • Powerful authority mechanism, support data authority, form button authority
  • Package a variety of common components, report components, and its simple generation of graphical reports
  • Provide perfect CAS single sign-on integration mechanism and APP packaging scheme
  • Supports menu dynamic routing and supports multiple data sources
  • Query filter: The query function is automatically generated based on the configuration without coding
  • Common encapsulation, various tool classes (scheduled task, SMS interface, email sending,Excel import and export, etc.)
  • Good browser compatibility, page support PC, Pad and mobile terminal
  • Provide various system monitoring to track system performance in real time (monitoring Redis, Tomcat, JVM, server information, request tracking, SQL monitoring)
  • Easy to use printing plug-in, support Google, Internet Explorer and other browsers
  • The sample code is rich and provides many case studies

The upgrade log

Major highlights
  • Open Oline online form functionality (support for single table, one-to-many, tree)
  • Open Oline Online Code Generator (more powerful and smarter)
  • Provides code support for single sign-on integration with CAS
  • Websocket message push mechanism is provided to transform the system announcement
  • Provide mobile APP publishing scheme issues#352
The back-end function
  • Spring Boot 2 Upload file size configuration
  • Added the method to obtain user information based on the Token –
  • Add a reminder when the SMS registration interface is abnormal
  • Scheduled task changes the CRon expression control and optimizes the expression selection control
  • Add the SMS interface key configuration to the configuration file
  • Ali monitor Settings do not restrict local access
  • Upgrade myBatisPlus version number
  • Support for Redis to increase the namespace to separate expiration times
  • Parameter ‘announcementSendModel’ not found #265
  • Add type of log operations
  • The background fails to capture large files, prompting the front-end
  • Json in redis cannot be read
  • The console displays logs for several times after the token is invalid
  • The department of the client storage on the home page is not updated
  • Code non-standard transformation, part of the code /system/ all changed to /sys/ start
  • Batch delete departments add prompt and delete all subordinate departments issues#335
  • Batch update error handling issue #IZA3Q
  • Access the background root path by default, the interface page of Swagger is redirected, and the password of Swagger is cancelled
  • Swagger Sets the global token to solve the problem that the interface requires token authentication
  • The classification dictionary page displays error issues#377
  • The logical problem of generating the department organization tree is issue #374
  • Added CAS single sign-on support code
  • ShiroRealm. JwtTokenRefresh method to determine whether a token expired optimization issues# 405
  • SMS verification code, directly put result return front end issues#391
  • The mapper file was optimized to better support the multi-tenant extension Issue #404
  • Issue #398 is a refactoring of the SMS universal method
  • Websocket integration, message message reminder using Websocket scheme
  • System announcement management optimization
  • Postgresql is incompatible with the alias of the select statement field in the mapper file due to single quotation marks. Exception ISSUE #426 is thrown
  • Resolve Swagger2 NumberFormatException
  • Classification dictionary logic, SQL database compatibility problem solving
  • ClobProxyImpl cannot be cast to oracle.sql
Function of the front
  • Add table aggregate example
  • Added a three-level linkage example of JEditableTable
  • Added JEditableTable to disable field examples
  • Simplified front-end domain name configuration
  • Add vue. Config. js configuration and remove console.log in production environment to reduce browser memory usage
  • Department management bug fixes issues#300, issues#309
  • Login verification bug, home page access statistics to remove redundant methods
  • Login homepage click forget password style is messy issues#290
  • Problem is ISSUE #319 during login
  • Users register to check whether the account and mobile phone number exist, the interface better exclude permission blocker
  • Maximize bulletins and add operation logs
  • Add prompt is issue #335 for batch deleting departments
  • Jupload component cannot clear last result bug fix issues#326
  • Online form verification fields: support input and increase of amount
  • JEditableTable added drag and drop sorting for row editing tables
  • How can the data dictionary column in j-editable table coordinate with the dictselectutil. js function to automatically display the dictionary text issues#253
  • The date of the table information in the one-to-many JEditable popup window is not displayed fully in issue #243
  • Login password encryption logic, temporarily commented out
  • Dictionary data load request, increase caching mechanism, improve system performance
  • The classification dictionary page displays error issues#377
  • The disk monitoring function is BUG
  • The Logo changes according to the theme color
  • Click the login button to disable the mechanism to prevent slow network speed
  • Fixed issue where bulletin edit box does not clear
  • JEditableTable Three-level linkage example
  • JEditableTable added a common table aggregate example
  • JEditableTable fixed error when row edit table defaults to 0 rows
  • JEditableTable supports the addition of the fetch row number
  • BUG issues#394 with front a-input-number tag
  • There is a problem with the front end a-select tag, fuzzy search is not issues#425
  • The 24-hour problem is issue #434

System module

├─ System Management │ ├─ User Management │ ├─ Role Management │ ├─ Menu Management │ ├─ Privileges (Support button Privileges, Data Privileges) │ ├─ Forms Privileges (Control Field Disabled, hidden) │ ├─ Department Management │ ├─ dictionary Management │ ├─ tree classification dictionary │ ├─ system announcement │ My organization ├ └ ─ ─ message center │ ├ ─ message management │ ├ template management ├ ─ ─ intelligent function │ ├ ─ the code generator features (client-side code, before and after a key generation after generation without modifying the direct use, is the backend development Gospel) │ ├ ─ code generator template (with 4 sets of templates, support for single table and a one-to-many model respectively, │ ├─ Heavy Metal Guitar School - Heavy Metal Metal Guitar School - Heavy metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal Metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal metal │ ├─ System Monitor │ ├─ Performance Scan Monitor │ ├─ Monitor Redis │ ├─Tomcat │ ├─ JVM │ ├─ Server Information │ │ ├─ Request Trace │ ├─ Disk Monitor │ │ ├─ Time Task │ ├─ System Log │ ├─ Message Center (Support SMS, Mail, Etc.) │ ├─ Data Log View the data changes) │ ├ ─ system notification │ ├ ─ SQL monitor │ ├ ─ swagger - UI (online interface documentation) │ ─ statements example │ ├ ─ graph │ └ ─ pie chart │ └ ─ histogram │ └ ─ line chart │ └ ─ area chart │ └ ─ entirely │ └ ─ │ instrument diagram │ ├─ ├─ uninhibited-table, uninhibited-table, uninhibited-table, uninhibited-table, uninhibited-table, uninhibited-table, uninhibited-table, uninhibited-table, uninhibited-table └ ─ interface simulation testing │ └ ─ a one-to-many JEditable │ └ ─ pictures sorting them │ └ ─ images flip │ └ ─ image preview │ └ ─ PDF preview │ └ ─ split screen function │ ─ encapsulate common component │ ├ ─ line edit form JEditableTable │ └ ─ │ ellipsis display component ├ ─ time control │ ├ ─ advanced search │ ├ ─ dictionary │ ├ ─ select department │ ├ ─ select department │ ├ ─ select department │ ├ ─ Pack curve, bar chart, pie chart, line chart, etc. │ ├─ online code editor │ ├─ all kinds of advanced forms │ ├─ all kinds of list effects │ ├─ all kinds of results │ ├─ all kinds of results │ ├─ all kinds of results │ ├─ all kinds of results ├─ Personal page ├─ Advanced Features │ ├─ Offer single sign-on CAS integration │ ├─ Offer APP Release │ ├─ Integrated Websocket Message Notification Mechanism ├─Online Development (open source soon) │ ├─Online Online Forms - Features opened │ ├─Online exercises ├─Online code generation - function opened │ ├─Online Chart │ ├─Online Chart template setup │ ├─Online ├─ other modules ├─ more functions in development.Copy the code

The system screenshots


Mobile terminal

The PAD end

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