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  • A few days after learning Java virtual machines, I was confused by the jumbled concepts of method areas and persistent generations. I think learning this part of the knowledge should be the official definition of virtual machine operation data area and virtual machine memory structure separately described, otherwise it is misleading.
  • This article introduces the runtime data area as specified in the official documentation, and then uses THE HotSpot VIRTUAL machine of JDK1.8 as an example to describe the memory structure of the virtual machine.

Run-time data areas specified by official documentation

  • There are only a few run-time data areas specified in the official documentation: THE PC counter, virtual machine stack, local method stack, heap area, method area, and run-time constant pool. The official rule here is that if you want to build a Java virtual machine, you must include these areas, but it is up to the virtual machine author to decide which area of memory is used to implement these areas.

Program counter

  • The PC Register, The program counter. If you’ve ever seen a computer system, you’re familiar with this term. It points to the address of the next instruction, and the program runs on it.
  • The Java virtual machine supports multithreading, with each thread having its own program counter.
  • If the current thread is executing a Java method, its counter records the address of the Java virtual machine instruction being executed. If a local method (such as a C function of the system) is executed, the value in the counter is null (Undefined).
  • Because the program counter records instruction addresses, it takes up less space, and the Java Virtual Machine specification does not specify an OutOfMemoryError for this memory.


Java virtual machine stack

  • Java Virtual Machine Stacks.
  • The Java virtual machine stack is thread-private and has the same life cycle as the thread. Virtual machine stack stores stack frames, which are used to store local variable tables, partial result values, initialization parameters and return information of methods. Method execution is realized by pushing and removing stack frames.

Local method stack

  • The local method stack is similar to the virtual machine stack above, and as the name suggests, the virtual machine stack is used to execute Java code, while the local method stack is used to execute native system code, such as C code.
  • Also because the specification does not specify the code to be executed by the local method stack, if you want to execute Java code, you can also see that the Official Oracle virtual machine HotSpot virtual machine combines the Java virtual machine stack with the local method stack, which avoids the need to design stacks for different languages and improves the performance of the virtual machine.

The virtual machine stack and the local method stack overflow

  • When an error message appears, under what error message can we check whether the virtual machine stack and the local method stack are faulty? Using HotSpot virtual machine as an example (HotSpot combines the two stacks together), the JDK1.8 virtual machine specification gives the same description of possible errors in both stacks.
  • If a thread needs more memory than the virtual machine allocated to it, it will be thrownStackOverflowErrorThe exception.
  • Throws if there is not enough memory available when stack memory can be expanded and attempted to be expanded, or if there is not enough memory when a new thread is created and allocated stack memory for itOutOfMemoryError
  • So let’s do the first oneStackOverflowErrorabnormal
// Set the vm parameter -xss128K, set the stack size of a single thread to 128K
public class StackErrorTest1 {
    private int stackLength = 1;

    public void stackLeak(a){

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        StackErrorTest1 set1 = new StackErrorTest1();
        }catch (Throwable e){
            System.out.println("stack length:"+ set1.stackLength); e.printStackTrace(); }}}// Output abnormal information
stack length:1000
	at jvm.StackErrorTest1.stackLeak(
	at jvm.StackErrorTest1.stackLeak( the code
  • So when it comes toStackOverflowErrorYou can consider whether the virtual machine stack capacity is too small, such as infinite recursion, stack space is insufficient. Of course, infinite recursion is never written in a production environment, so you can adjust the stack size of a single thread by setting the -xSS parameter.
  • The stack memory described above can be expanded and an attempt to expand occurs when insufficient memory is availableOutOfMemoryErrorIn zhou Zhiming’s “Deep Understanding of Java Virtual Machine”, it was mentioned that “a large number of local variables were defined, and the length of the local variable table in the method frame was increased, but the result was still thrownStackOverflowError“. The virtual machine does not trigger the dynamic expansion of the stack space, so it is determined that the stack space required by the vm exceeds the specified size. In summary, both stack frames too large and stack space too small are thrownStackOverflowError, you can consider adjusting the -xss parameter.
  • It was also mentioned above that when a new thread is created and a new stack space is allocated, it is thrown if there is not enough memory availableOutOfMemoryErrorException, the following is a code demonstration of such a case.
public class StackErrorTest2 {

    private void keepRunning(a){
        while(true) {}}public void stackLeakByThread(a){
            Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run(a) { keepRunning(); }}); thread.start(); }}public static void main(String[] args){
        StackErrorTest2 set2 = newStackErrorTest2(); set2.stackLeakByThread(); }}// Run result, source "Deep Understanding Java Virtual Machine"
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
Copy the code
  • This code also comes from a deep understanding of the JVM, and the book also tells you to be careful when running this code, because Java threads are mapped to kernel threads, and my machine crashed as soon as I ran.
  • What makes such a mistake? 32-bit Windows systems can allocate up to 2GB of memory to a process (32-bit addressable 4GB of address space, 2GB after excluding kernel space, and much more for 64-bit). This 2GB subtracts the maximum heap capacity, subtracts the method area, and what is left is the memory space of the virtual stack and the local method area.
  • After understanding the three big memory areas (under HotSpot), the solution also comes out: 1. 2. If the number of threads in your program cannot be reduced, then see if you can reduce the stack memory per thread.
  • Of course, using a 64-bit Java virtual machine on a high-configuration machine is also an option.

The Java heap

  • The Java heap is created with virtual machine startup to hold object instances, and all object instances and arrays are allocated in heap memory, which is shared by all threads. The Java heap is the largest chunk of memory managed by the Java Virtual Machine and the main area managed by the garbage collector. From a memory reclamation perspective, Java heap memory can be further partitioned, depending on the specific virtual machine implementation.
  • Current mainstream virtual machines all support heap memory dynamic expansion, that is, when the heap memory is insufficient, it will expand the capacity. It compresses itself when you don’t have too much space. We can artificially set the maximum and minimum (initial size) of heap memory with -xmx and -xms. If we set -xmx and -xms to the same value, we are setting a fixed size Java heap (this is a means of GC tuning).
  • If no more space is available during heap allocation, this object is thrownOutOfMemoryError.

Demo heap memory overflow

  • The heap memory is where the object instance is stored, and this should be easier to understand, so go straight to the code
/** * VM Args: -Xms20m -Xmx20m */
public class HeapErrorTest {
    static class Object{}public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();
            list.add(newObject()); }}}// Run the result
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
	at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(
	at java.util.Arrays.copyOf(
Copy the code
  • It can be seen from the result that when the heap is out of memory, there is no exceptionjava.lang.OutOfMemoryErrorOutside, also will promptJava heap spaceIn this example, we definitely know that the overflow is due to insufficient heap memory. However, when a heap overflow is reported in a production environment, we first need to figure out whether it is due to a memory leak or a pure memory leak.
  • Memory overflow refers to the fact that when memory is allocated, there is not enough space to use. A memory leak is when an allocated block of memory is not released after it has been used, which in Java corresponds to a scenario where it has not been collected by the garbage collector. A small amount of memory leakage may not be noticed by the user, but when the amount of memory leakage accumulates, the memory will be used up, resulting in memory overflow.
  • There are some common methods and tools to analyze memory overflow, which will not be described in detail here. You can refer to books or online materials. When we determine that the overflow is caused by a memory leak, we can use the tool to locate the leaking code. If there is no leak but a pure overflow, you can adjust the heap size by setting dummy parameters (if the machine is configured to support it), or see if there are any long-lived object instances in your code to see if you can change them.

Methods area

  • The method area is used to store class information to be loaded by the virtual machine, constants, static variables, code data compiled by the just-in-time compiler, and so on. It is shared by all threads. The virtual machine specification states that the method area is logically part of the Heap, but its nickname “non-heap” means non-heap, indicating that it is separate from the Heap memory. As for the logical part of the heap, the physical implementation of the memory address of the method area is contained in the heap, so it is a logical part of the heap, but in practice it is a completely different part. This is probably designed for unified management by the garbage collector.

Run-time constant pool

  • The memory of the runtime constant pool is allocated by the method area, that is, it is part of the method area. It is used to store Class versions, fields, methods, interfaces, and constant pools in Class files, as well as various literal and symbolic references generated at compile time.
  • One important feature that distinguishes runtime constant pools from Class file constant pools is their dynamic nature. This means that constants that are not defined in the Class file can be added to the runtime constant pool, and that new constants may be added to the pool while the program is running.

The demo method area overflows

  • To demonstrate method overflow, do the same thing with the heap: keep adding stuff to the method heap to make it overflow. But the method area is saved in the class information, we constantly dynamically generate class demonstration
  • This code sample comes from an in-depth understanding of the JVM, but the parameters need to be changed. The latest version of the book is based on JDK1.7, where the method area is implemented in persistent generation, which is no longer available in JDK1.8. The Metaspace metadata area in the method area is set to-XX:MetaspaceSizeand-XX:MaxMetaspaceSizeTo specify the size of the method area
 * VM Args: -XX:MetaspaceSize=10m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=10m
public class MethodAreaTest {

    static class Object{

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int count = 0;
        while (true) {
            Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();
            enhancer.setCallback(new MethodInterceptor() {
                public java.lang.Object intercept(java.lang.Object o, Method method, java.lang.Object[] objects, MethodProxy methodProxy) throws Throwable {
                    returnmethodProxy.invokeSuper(objects, objects); }}); enhancer.create(); System.out.println(++count); }}} running results: under Caused by: Java. Lang. OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( ... 8 moreCopy the code


Memory model for the HotSpot VIRTUAL machine

  • After the introduction of the Java VIRTUAL machine runtime data area, the virtual machine memory model is introduced using the HotSpot VIRTUAL machine as an example.
  • First, there is an important concept to be clear, otherwise it is easy to dizzy.
  • When we introduced the Java runtime data area earlier, we talked about the PC counter, the virtual machine stack, and the local method stack. These three blocks of memory are private to the thread. They are allocated with the creation of the thread and freed at the end of the thread. The thread cannot be reclaimed until it has finished executing, otherwise it will not run.
  • When we talk about the memory model of a virtual machine, we usually talk about it in conjunction with garbage collection. Since the above three blocks of memory reclamation time has been set, do not need to worry about too much for the moment, the VM allocated memory space for them.
  • However, the other two parts of the heap, memory and method areas, are shared by all threads, where memory allocation and release are uncertain. For example, in the case of polymorphism, an interface corresponding to different implementation classes, specific implementation methods are also different, virtual machine only in the process of running the program to know which objects to create, this part of memory allocation and release are dynamic, garbage collector is concerned about this part of the content.
  • So the virtual machine memory model we describe later is based on Java heap memory and method areas.

Heap memory and method areas for JVM implementations

  • As mentioned above, when talking about the MEMORY structure of the JVM, the focus shifts from the entire runtime data area to the heap memory and method area, as these are the main areas for garbage collection (if the two are compared, the main collection area is the heap area).
  • The memory structure of the HotSpot VM consists of three main parts: the Cenozoic, the old and the metadata area (JDK1.7 and previously old). The new generation and the old generation are the implementation of Java heap memory in the virtual machine specification, and the metadata area is the implementation of method area in the specification. Before explaining why it is defined this way, it is important to understand this relationship to understand the concept, and the following picture helps.

  • JDK1.8: permanent generation: JDK1.8: permanent generation: JDK1.8: permanent generation: JDK1.8: permanent generation Because permanent generation exists for a long time, the concept of permanent generation may have been deeply rooted in people’s minds after so many years, so we should talk about it side by side first. We should know that permanent generation and metadata area are fundamentally different, which is reserved for later, and we should recognize the concept first.
  • Hopefully, images and descriptions will help you immediately standardize the relationship between defined data areas and JVM memory structures. The memory model of the HotSpot VIRTUAL machine will be further examined.

New generation and old age.

  • Java heap memory has been implemented for both the new generation and the old generation to facilitate garbage collection. We know that objects are stored in heap memory, so the new generation is literally the newly created object region, and the old generation is the multi-lifetime object region. The life cycle of new generation objects is usually short, and many can be released as soon as they are used up. Older objects have a long life cycle and may be useful throughout the running of a program.
  • Because the new and old objects have different properties, the garbage collection algorithms designed for the two objects are different, so they are kept separate.

Memory partitioning in the new generation

  • The memory of the new generation is divided into one Eden region and two Survivor regions. To illustrate why this is so, let’s briefly introduce the garbage collection algorithm.
  • First, the most basic and simplest garbage collection algorithm is called the mark-sweep algorithm. The process is exactly the same as the name of the algorithm: first mark which objects are recyclable, and then clean them up. If we follow this process, the new generation should be a simple piece of memory, and the practical results show that this algorithm can be optimized.
  • The disadvantage of the mark – clear algorithm is that some memory will be released after a complete memory is marked – clear algorithm, which will result in discontinuous memory space and may not be able to store some large objects.
  • An updated version of the mark-clear algorithm is the copy algorithm, which makes some changes in the mark-clear idea. First, the memory is divided into two parts. When creating A new object, only one of the two parts is allocated. When garbage collection is carried out, only A piece of memory A with objects is recycled using the mark-clear algorithm. After recycling, the remaining surviving objects are moved from memory A to another piece of empty memory B, so that memory A becomes empty again, and the recycling process of allocation is repeated. This algorithm seems to be better, but it is only two pieces of memory, which means it is not the optimal solution in reality.
  • Considering new algorithm, the memory allocation into equal two pieces, the same thing as to be able to use the memory to one half of the original, according to the IBM special part of the 98% of the object in the study of new generation are “toward the life in death”, that is to say, when garbage collected 98% of the objects are recycled, only 2% would move from A memory to memory B. Isn’t it a bit lossmaking to cut two pieces of memory into the same piece?
  • The HotSpot VIRTUAL machine reclaims the virtual machine using a replication algorithm, but it is split into three memory blocks, one Eden region (heap memory) with 80% of the memory and two Survivor regions with 10% each. It works like this: When the program runs, the Eden zone and A Survivor zone A store the newly created object. When garbage collection occurs, the surviving objects (few) are copied to another Survivor zone B, leaving Eden and Survivor zone A empty again, and the process of allocating the collection continues.
  • So a more detailed memory model for a Jvm looks like this

Metadata area from JDK1.7 and previous permanent generations to JDK1.8

  • Having completed the implementation of the heap area in the JVM memory model, the implementation of the method area is discussed below.
  • Prior to JDK1.7, JVMS used persistent generations to implement method sections. The use of the word “implementation” here is prudent, as a permanent generation is not synonymous with a method area. The name also shows that it is logically consistent with the new generation and the old generation. It is named permanent generation because this part of memory is rarely recycled. This rare and rarely reclaimed property corresponds to the class information, constants, static variables, and other elements stored in the method area. So we use permanent generation to implement the method section.
  • However, using permanent generation to implement the method area is not optimal, for example, it is prone to memory overflow problems (see the information listed at the end of this article for detailed analysis of the reasons for removing permanent generation and switching to Metaspace). In JDK1.8, the JVM switched to using metadata areas to implement method areas.
  • The metadata area is fundamentally different from the permanent generation. The permanent generation is a part of the vm memory, that is, when a VM process is started in the operating system, a chunk of memory is allocated to it, while the VM allocates memory for the permanent generation using its own memory.
  • Metaspace is applied directly in Native Memory, so the size of Metaspace (method size) is only limited by the size of local Memory, and has nothing to do with the Memory allocated by the VM process.
  • So the final version of the JVM memory model diagram should look something like this

  • That’s it. I hope it was helpful.

The resources

  • In-depth Understanding of the Java Virtual Machine
  • Analysis of JVM parameters
  • JDK1.8 Official Java VM document
  • Why remove permanent generations, Metaspace analysis