This is the 7th day of my participation in the August Gwen Challenge.

HTML list tag

In HTML, list tags are divided into ordered lists and unordered lists.

Unordered list tag


    tag represents an unordered list of items on an HTML page, typically rendered as a bulleted list. Use the

      tag with the

    • tag to create an unordered list.

What are the attributes of the

Property Value Description Compact Compact HTML5 is not supported. HTML 4.01 is deprecated. Specify that lists render smaller than normal. Type Disc Square Circle HTML5 is not supported. HTML 4.01 is deprecated. Specifies the type of bullet for a list.Copy the code

Here’s a concrete example:

< ul type = "square" compact = "compact" > < li > this is the first < / li > < li > this is the second < / li > < li > this is the third < / li > < li > this is the fourth < / li > < / ul >Copy the code

Ordered list label

The < OL > tag stands for ordered lists in HTML, short for Ordered Lists. You can customize the initial sequence number of an ordered list.

Use the

  • tag to define list options.
  • Let’s look at its properties.

    Property Value Description Compact Compact IS not supported in COMPACT HTML5. Replace it with a style. Specify that lists render smaller than normal. ReversedNew reversed the specified list (9,8,7...). Start number HTML5 is not supported. Replace it with a style. Specify the starting point in the list. Type 1 A A I I Specifies the type of the list. Use is not approved. Use styles instead.Copy the code

    Come and use it!

    < ol type = "A" start = "4" reversed = "reversed" > < li > this is the first < / li > < li > this is the second < / li > < li > this is the third < / li > < li > this is the fourth < / li > < / ol >Copy the code

    Hyperlink tag

    The tag defines hyperlinks that are used to link from one page to another.

    The most important attribute of the element is the href attribute, which is used to create a link to another document.

    In all browsers, links look like this by default:

    • Unvisited links are underlined and blue
    • Links that have been visited are underlined and purple
    • Active links are underlined and red

    So let’s just focus on its href property.

    The href value can be not only the address of a web site, for example, “”, but also an HTML file. For example: “demo.html”, can also be a native image address, for example: “E:/i.jpg”

    Also note that content the content in the tag can be either text or images. Such as:

    The < a href = "" > baidu < / a > < a href = "" > < img SRC = "img / 30. JPG" / > < / a >Copy the code

    Write in the last

    Above is HTML list tags and hyperlink tags some knowledge, welcome to continue to learn with me some knowledge of JavaWeb basics. If there are mistakes, welcome to dig friends correct.