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What is the JavaScript

JavaScript is a lightweight scripting language.

“Scripting language” refers to the fact that it does not have the ability to develop operating systems, but is only used to write “scripts” that control other large applications.

JavaScript is an embedded language. The core syntax itself is fairly small and can only be used for mathematical and logical operations. JavaScript itself does not provide any API related to I/O (input/output), but is provided by the host environment, so JavaScript is only suitable for embedding in larger application environments to invoke the underlying API provided by the host environment.

Currently, there are several host environments that have embedded JavaScript, the most common being the browser, and the server environment, the Node project.

Syntactically, the JavaScript language is an “object model” language. Through this model, the various host environments describe their own functionality and operational interfaces, and thus control these functionality through JavaScript. However, JavaScript is not a pure “object-oriented language” and supports functional programming. This leads to JavaScript having multiple solutions to almost any problem.

Why learn JavaScript

The JavaScript language has a few salient features that make it well worth learning. It is suitable both as a starting language for learning programming and as a working language for daily development. It is one of the most promising and promising computer languages today.

JavaScript has several advantages:

  • The ability to manipulate the browser

JavaScript was invented to provide web developers with the ability to manipulate the browser as a built-in scripting language for browsers. It can make the web page present a variety of special effects, for users to provide a good interactive experience.

  • A wide range of applications

In recent years, the use of JavaScript, slowly beyond the browser, is developing into a universal system language. Browser platformization, Node, database manipulation, cross-mobile, embedded scripting languages, cross-platform desktop applications, and more.

  • learnability

There are some advantages to learning JavaScript over other languages. The syntax is simple, the learning environment is ubiquitous, and you can run JavaScript programs with a browser. Like mainstream syntax, learning JavaScript is easy after learning other languages.

  • Powerful performance

JavaScript supports both clear procedural programming like C and flexible functional programming. JavaScript’s syntactic features have proven to be very powerful and can be used in many situations, especially for asynchronous programming.

JavaScript programs can be event-driven and non-blocking in a server-side environment with high concurrency, where ordinary hardware can handle a lot of traffic.

  • open

JavaScript is an open language. Its standard, ECMA-262, is an ISO international standard, written in great detail and clarity. JavaScript runtime environments from different companies are very compatible, and programs can run on all browsers with little or no adjustments.

How do we learn JavaScript

There are all kinds of learning materials on the Internet at present. MDN official learning website, full of knowledge, but due to too much, can not be screened, resulting in a long learning cycle, dissuaded many novices; A few blogs are of high quality, explaining some parts in depth, but they are not systematic enough to form a complete and complete content.

Our JavaScript series avoids these problems. Pick the key points, systematically explain the whole, the content system is complete, and after learning, we prepared exercises for everyone in each part, check and consolidate the knowledge after learning the knowledge.