This is the second day of my participation in Gwen Challenge


Javascript consists of DOM, BOM, and ECMAScript.

The DOM: Document Object Model is the document BOM: The Browser Object Model is the window ECMAScript.

Includes how to define variables, loop statements, operators, expressions, flow control statements, and data types.


Elements can be obtained through the DOM’s getElementById

Events can be added via dom onClick, onMouseDown, and onmouseup

Styles can be set using the DOM style, and so on…

The composition of the DOM

The DOM is made up of nodes. Elements/tags are just one type of node.

Nodes are divided into 12 types:

There are four things to keep in mind:

1: element type

3: indicates the text type

8: Comment type

9: Document type

All Node types: element Node node.element_node (1Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE(2Text Node node.text_node (3) CDATA Node node.cdata_section_node (4) entity reference name Node node.entry_reference_node (5) Entity name Node node.entity_node (6PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE(7Node.COMMENT_NODE(8) document Node node.document_node (9) Document type Node node.document_type_node (10) Document fragment Node node.document_fragment_node (11) DTD declaration Node node.notation_node (12) 
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The node type

Every element is a node, but every node is not necessarily an element. An element is just a classification of nodes.

Elements. The nodeType

Text. NodeType

Comments. NodeType

Document. NodeType

.childnodes attribute

It points to a collection of all children of the node that invoked the property.

The DOM structure:

<div id="box">
	<div class="one"></div>Hello <! </div> </div>Copy the code

Execution code:

// Get the element
var box = document.getElementById("box");
// Prints all the children of box
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Console results:

After observation, we write 3 nodes, but output 5 nodes. This is because advanced browsers treat whitespace created by whitespace folding as a node of text type.

In IE, since the console won’t open, we print box.childnodes.length

View the results:

At this point, IE works better than the advanced browsers.

Encapsulating wheels unified browser realisation

function ChildNodes(dom) {
		// Define an empty array
		var arr = [];
		// Check whether all child nodes of the element have text types.
		// If there is a text type, check whether it is empty text
		for (var i = 0; i < dom.childNodes.length; i++) {
			// Check the node type
			if (dom.childNodes[i].nodeType === 3) {
				// It is text. Check whether it is empty text
				// Use the data attribute to view the content of the text type
				// Define a regular expression
				var reg = /^\s+$/;
				/ / verification
				if (reg.test(dom.childNodes[i].data)) {
					console.log("The first" + i + "Item" + "It's pure blank.");
                                        17} else {
					// If it is not whitespace, it goes into the arrayarr.push(dom.childNodes[i]); }}else {
				// Not a text type, directly into the arrayarr.push(dom.childNodes[i]); }}// Return an array
		return arr;
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Node properties

NodeType: This attribute marks the type of the node

NodeName: This attribute marks the name of the node

NodeValue: This attribute marks the value of a node

The Dom structure:

<div id="box">
	<div class="one"></div>Hello world <! </div> </div>Copy the code

Execution code:

// Get the element
var box = document.getElementById("box");

// Prints all the children of box
var arr = ChildNodes(box);
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
	The nodeType attribute marks the type of the node
	// the nodeName attribute marks the nodeName
	// the nodeValue attribute marks the value of the node
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Output result:

The node name of the element type, which is the element label name uppercase string// The node name of the text type, always a #text string
// Node name of type comment, always #comment
// The node name of the document type is #document

// The node value of the element type is Null
// The node value of the text type is the written text content
// The value of the annotation type is the content of the annotation
// Document type value, also null
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Relationship between nodes

There are three kinds: father and son, son and father, and brother

Father and son
father.childNodes[index] // Get a child node
father.firstChild  // Get the first child node
father.lastChild   // Get the last child node
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The son of the father
child.parentNode  / / the parent node
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node.previousSibling  // Get the last sibling node
node.nextSibling      // Get the next sibling node
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Code demo:

// Get the first child of ul
var first = ul.firstChild;

// Get the last child of ul
var last = ul.lastChild;
/ / in the middle of the li is no way to directly access, can through the.childnodes [1 | 2 | 3] to get one.
// Get the parent node
var father = first.parentNode;
var father1 = last.parentNode;
console.log(father === father1); 
// The relationship between brothers
var li3 = ul.childNodes[2];
// Get the last sibling node
var li2 = li3.previousSibling;
// Get the next sibling node
var li4 = li3.nextSibling;
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Element operation

Create the element

Document.createelement (type)

Type: element type (tag name string)

Return value: created element.

On the tree

Use: father. AppendChild (child)

Child: the child node to append

Father: the parent node

Final effect: Appends child to father as the last child of father’s childNodes


<div id="box"></div>
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Execution code:

/ / get the box
var box = document.getElementById("box");
// Append the created p element to box
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Under the tree

Father. RemoveChild (child)

Child: The child node to be removed

Father: the parent node

Return value: child

End effect: Child removed from father’s child node

For example:

// Click BTN to drop the p element from the tree
BTN / /
var btn = document.getElementById("btn");
btn.onclick = function() {
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Summary: every day to learn a little bit, will progress a little bit, from promotion salary update step, come on, a rookie programmer.