The @[toc] regular is used to define some rules for strings. The program can determine whether a string conforms to the rules according to these rules, and can also extract the content of a string that conforms to the rules.
Create a regular expression:
var reg = new RegExp ("Regular"."Matching pattern");
var reg = / Regular expression /Match the patternCopy the code
Matching mode: You can set no matching mode, one matching mode, or all matching modes. The setting sequence is not required
- I: Ignores case
- G: global matching mode
Regular syntax:
In addition to[a-z]
Lowercase letters[A-Z]
The capital letters[A-z]
Any letter[0-9]
Any Numbers
Example 1
var str="Hello World!";
var reg1=/[abc]/; //false whether to include a or B or C
var reg2=/a|d|e/; // True is a, d, or e
var reg3=/[^e]/; // True: specifies whether to include e
var reg4=/ [^ Hello World!] /; // if false contains Hello World! The accident
var reg5=/ [0-9]; //false Specifies whether the value contains digits ranging from 0 to 9
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Example 2
var str="hello world!";
var reg1=/[A-z]/; //true
var reg2=/[a-z]/; //true
var reg3=/[A-Z]/; //false
var reg4=/[A-Z]/i; //true
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Example 3
var str="abc adc aec";
var reg1=/a[gmn]c/; //false
/ / a (GMN) c is equivalent to agc | amc | anc
var reg2=/a[bde]c/; //true
var reg3=/a[bfg]c/; //true
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N {X} matches a string containing X sequences of n. For example,
- /a{2}/ does not match “a” in “candy,”
- /a{2}/ matches both a’s in “caandy,” and the first two a’s in “caaandy.”
- Abb/ab {2} / matching
- / matching (ab) {2} / abab
N {X,} X is a positive integer. The previous pattern n matches when it occurs at least X times in a row. For example,
- /a{2,}/ does not match “a” in “candy”,
- /a{2,}/ matches all the “a” in “caandy” and “caaaaaaandy.”
N {X,Y} X and Y are positive integers. The preceding pattern N matches when it occurs at least X and at most Y times in a row. For example,
- /a{1,3}/ not matching “cndy”
- /a{1,3}/ match the “a” in “candy,” “caandy,”
- /a{1,3}/ matches the first three “a” s in “caaaaaaandy”. Note that when “caaaaaaandy” is matched, the match is “aaa” even if the original string has more “A”.
N + matches any string that contains at least one n. It can be understood as n{1,} for example
- /a+/ match “a” in “candy”,
- /a+/ matches all the “a” in “caaaaaaandy”.
N * matches any string containing zero or more n’s. For example,
- /bo*/ match “boooo” in “A ghost Booooed “,
- /bo*/ match “b” in “A bird warbled”
- /bo*/ = “A goat grunted”
n? Matches any string containing zero or one n. For example,
var str = "angel" ;
var reg = /x? / ; //true
var reg = /a? / ; //true
var reg = /(aa)? / ; //true
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Matches any string ending in n.^n
Matches any string that starts with n.? =n
Match any followingImmediately followingA string that specifies string n.
var str="Is this all there is";
var reg = /is(? = all)/; //true
var reg = /is(? = a)/ ; //true
var reg = /is(? = l)/ ; //false
var reg = /is(? = I)/ ; //false
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? ! n
Matches any string that is not immediately followed by the specified string n.
metacharacters | describe | note |
. |
Finds single characters, except newlines and line terminators | Used in regular expressions\ As an escape word符 \. said. \ \ said\ |
\w |
Find word characters | The equivalent of[A-z0-9_] Contains any alphanumeric underscore |
\W |
Find non-word characters | The equivalent of[^A-z0-9_] Except for digits, letters and underscores |
\d |
Find the number | The equivalent of[0-9] |
\D |
Find non-numeric characters | The equivalent of[^ 0-9] |
\s |
Find whitespace characters | Contain Spaces |
\S |
Find non-whitespace characters | Does not contain Spaces |
\b |
Match word boundaries | |
\B |
Matches non-word boundaries | |
\ 0 |
Finding NULL characters | |
\n |
Look for newline characters | |
\f |
Find the page feed character | |
\r |
Find carriage return | |
\t |
Look for tabs | |
\v |
Find the vertical TAB | |
\xxx |
Finds characters specified in the octal number XXX | |
\xdd |
Finds characters specified as a hexadecimal number dd | |
\uxxxx |
Finds a Unicode character specified as a hexadecimal number XXXX | |
Example 1: Removing Spaces at different locations | ||
“`js |
var str = " hello world " ; console.log(str.replace(/\s/g,"")); / / output "helloworld" console. The log (STR. Replace (/ * ^ \ s/g, "")); / / output "hello world" the console. The log (STR) replace (* $/ \ s/g, "")); / / output "hello world" the console. The log (STR) replace (/ ^ | \ \ s * * $s/g, "")); // Output "Hello world"Copy the code
Example 2: Email match js // any alphanumeric underline in the message format. Any alphanumeric underline @ any alphanumeric. Any letter (2-5) var reg = / ^ \ w {3} @ [A - z0-9] + (\. [a-z] {2, 5})} {1, 2 $/; var email = "" ; //true var email = "" ; //true var email = "" ; //true var email = "" ; //true var email = "" ; //false var result=reg.test(email); console.log(result);Copy the code
Parse: Email format: any alphanumeric digits underscore (at least 3 characters) @ Any alphanumeric digits. Any letters (2-5). Any letter (2-5) regular expression: ^ \ w {3} (. \ \ w +) * @ [A – z0-9] + (\. [a-z] {2, 5})} {1, 2 $
- Begin with any alphanumeric digit underscore →
- @ –
- Any alphanumeric →
- Ends in. Any letter and contains 1 or 2 letters
(\ [a-z] {2, 5})} {1, 2 $
Maybe one or two in the
- Test Retrieves the specified value in the string. Returns true or false.
- Exec retrieves the value specified in the string. Returns the value found and determines its location.
Compile was deprecated in version 1.5. Compile regular expressions.
Associated with the string method
- Search () searches for the specified content parameter in the original string based on the regular expression or substring: the regular expression or string will query the content based on the expression and return the index of the first match, or -1 if no match is found.
var str="Hello World! Hi Sian! Hello CSDN";
var"!"); / / 11
var"。"); / / 1
var; //-1 has no lowercase h
var; //0 I Ignores case
var; //0 I Ignores case
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- Split () can split one according to the specified contentstringorRegular expressionsSplit into an array
- Parameter: a string, as an argument, will split the array according to the string. You can receive a regular expression, which will split the array according to the regular expression
var str="Hi Sian! Hello csdn";
var result=str.split("s"); // Divide by lowercase s
// Output (2) ["Hi Sian! Hello c", "dn"]
var result=str.split(""); // Empty string partition
/ / output (19) [" H ", "I", ""," S "and" I ", "a", "n", "! ", ""," H ", "e", "l", "l", "o", ""," c ", "S", "d", "n"]
var result=str.split(/s/i); // Partition by s, case insensitive
// Output (3) ["Hi ", "Ian! Hello c", "dn"]
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- Match () can extract the content of the string that matches the regular expression as an argument: the regular expression can be used to extract the content of the string that matches the regular expression and return it as an array.If the argument is not a RegExp object, you need to first pass it to the RegExp constructor to convert it to a RegExp object.The results of
- If no matching substring is found, -1 is returned (some browsers may output null).
- If we find the results
- If the regular expression matches globally, the corresponding array is returned
- If the regular expression is not a global match, the index of the first occurrence is returned
var str = "The rain in SPAIN stays mainly in the plain";
var result = str.match(/ain/); // Global index is not enabled
/ / output 5
var result = str.match(/ain/g); // Global index
Output (3) ["ain", "ain", "ain"]
var result = str.match(/[0-9]/g);
/ / output is null
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- Replace () replaces the specified content in the string with the new content parameter
- The first: The content to be replaced, either a regular expression or a string. If it is a string, only the first content retrieved from the beginning will be replaced.
- Second: Replace the new content, the string
var str = "The rain in SPAIN stays mainly in the plain";
var result = str.replace("ain"."Meow");
// The r cat in SPAIN stays mainly in The plain
var result = str.replace(/ain/."Meow");
// The r cat in SPAIN stays mainly in The plain
var result = str.replace(/ain/g."Meow"); // Global match
// The r meow in SPAIN stays m meow ly in The pl meow
var result = str.replace(/ain/ig."Meow"); // Ignore case globally
// The r cat in SP cat stays m cat ly in The pl cat
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