What is object orientation

Disassemble the functions needed to be completed into several classes and create instances by classes. Specific interaction processes can be added in instances with corresponding attributes and methods.

Js is based on object oriented construction. Windows objects, for example, have many properties and methods.

Create an object

The factory pattern

Multiple similar objects can be created, but there is no way to recognize objects because all objects created are prototyped as Objects.

function people(name,age){
	let obj = new Object(a); obj.name = name; obj.age = age; obj.sayName =function(){
    	return this.name;
    return obj;

let tom = people('Tom'.12);
let lili = people('Lili'.12);
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Constructor pattern

Fixed the problem of not recognizing objects, but creating new methods without generating an instance.

function People(name,age){
	this.name = name;
    this.age = age;
    this.sayName = function(){retrun this.name;}

let tom = new People('TOM'.12);
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The prototype pattern

By adding properties and methods to the stereotype, all instance objects can be shared.

function People(name,age){
	this.name = name;
    this.age = age;
People.prototype.sayName = function(){return this.name}

let tom = new People('TOM'.12);
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Low coupling and high cohesion


There’s overloading and overwriting.

Overloading is a method with the same name that performs different logic depending on the type and number of arguments passed in.

Overrides are methods with the same name, but otherwise, subclasses can override methods of their parent class.


Inheritance means that a subclass inherits the attributes and methods of its parent class, while a subclass can also have its own attributes and methods.

Prototype inheritance

Points the prototype of a subclass to an instance object of the parent class.

Disadvantages: Subclass instance objects all have the same parent instance object. The attributes and methods of the parent class are shared.

   // Constructor of the parent class
    function Parent(){
        this.name = 'Tom';
        this.age = 12;
        this.arr = [1.2.4];

    Parent.prototype.sayName = function(){
    // Subclass constructor
    function Child(grade){
        this.grade = grade;
    // The prototype of the subclass constructor points to an instance object of the parent class
    Child.prototype = new Parent();

    let child1 = new Child(1);
    let child2 = new Child(2);

    console.log(child1.grade);/ / 1

    console.log(child2.grade);/ / 2


    console.log(child1.arr, child2.arr);/ /,2,4,11 [1] [1,2,4,11]
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Combination of inheritance

The use of constructors and stereotypes.

The instance objects of a subclass are different from the parent instance objects, so the attributes of the parent class are separated, and arguments can be passed to the constructor of the parent class.

But this method causes the parent class’s constructor to execute twice

The first time is when the prototype points to new Parent(), which generates the __proto__ Parent object, and you can see that the age name is undefined.

Parent.call() is called when a new Child is executed. This returns a Parent object, so the Child object has name,age, and arr.

    // Constructor of the parent class
    function Parent(name,age){
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.arr = [1.2.4];

    Parent.prototype.sayName = function(){
    // Subclass constructor
    function Child(grade,name,age){
        this.grade = grade;
    // The prototype of the subclass constructor points to an instance object of the parent class
    Child.prototype = new Parent();

    let child1 = new Child(1.'TOM'.12);
    let child2 = new Child(2.'LILI'.13);

    console.log(child1.grade);/ / 1

    console.log(child2.grade);/ / 2


    console.log(child1.arr, child2.arr);/ /,2,4,11 [1] [1, 4-trichlorobenzene]
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Parasitic combinatorial inheritance

Solves the problem of composite inheritance of duplicate attributes.

Makes the prototype of the subclass constructor point to the prototype of the parent class. This prevents the same parent class attributes from being generated repeatedly.

Note modifying the constructor direction.

    // Constructor of the parent class
    function Parent(name,age){
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.arr = [1.2.4];

    Parent.prototype.sayName = function(){
    // Subclass constructor
    function Child(grade,name,age){
        Parent.call(this,name,age);// Get all attributes of the parent instance
        this.grade = grade;
    // The prototype of the subclass constructor points to the prototype of the superclass constructor
    Child.prototype = Parent.prototype;
    Child.prototype.constructor = Child;

    let child1 = new Child(1.'TOM'.12);
    let child2 = new Child(2.'LILI'.13);

    console.log(child1.grade);/ / 1

    console.log(child2.grade);/ / 2


    console.log(child1.arr, child2.arr);/ /,2,4,11 [1] [1, 4-trichlorobenzene]
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ES6 extends

ES6 extend is actually a syntactic sugar inherited from parasitic combinations.

  class Parents{
          this.name = name;
          this.arr = [1.2.3];
          console.log(this.name); }}class Child extends Parents{
          super(name);// Call the parent constructor
          this.age = age; }}let child1 = new Child('Tom'.12);
  child1.arr.push(11);/ /,2,3,11 [1]
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