A basis,

1. Data types

1.1, classification,

1.1.1. Basic (value) Types

  • String: Any character String
  • Number: any Number
  • boolean: true / false
  • undefined: undefined
  • null: null

1.1.2 Object (reference) types

  • Object: any Object
  • Function: a type of object that can be executed
  • Array: type of object (numeric subscript, internal data ordered)

1.2, judgment,

1.2.1, typeof

  • Undefined/value/string/Boolean/function
  • Cannot determine: NULL and object/object and array

1.2.2, instanceof

  • Determine the specific type of the object

1.2.3, = = =

  • Undefined/null

1.3, problem,

1.3.1, Undefined and null?

  • Undefined means the definition has no value assigned

  • Null is defined and assigned, but the value is null

1.3.2 When do I assign a variable to NULL?

  • Initial assignment, indicating that an object will be assigned

  • Make the object garbage (to be collected by the garbage collector) before finishing

1.3.3 strict distinction between variable types and data types?

Type of data

  • Basic types of

  • Object type

The type of the variable (the type of the variable’s memory value)

  • Basic type: Save data that is the basic type

  • Reference type: Holds the address value

2. Data, variables and memory

3, objects,

4, functions,

Second, the function

Third, object-oriented

4. Thread mechanism

5. Event mechanism