
Document Object Overview

Common properties, methods, and events for document objects

Property of the document object

Method of the Document object

Event of the document object

Document object application

View document creation date, modification date, and document size

The fileCreatedDate property is used to obtain the creation date of the document.

(2) fileModifiedDate property fileModifiedDate property is used to obtain the last modified date of the document.

The lastModified attribute is used to obtain the time when the document was lastModified.

The fileSize attribute is used to obtain the size of the document.

Examples: View document creation date, modification date, and document size

Dynamic title bar

Gets and sets the URL

Gets the current state of the object

Example: Get the current state of an object


Document Object Overview

The document object (Document) represents the document in the browser window and is a child of the Window object. Since the Window object is the default object in the DOM object model, methods and children in the Window object do not need to be referenced using window. The Document object allows you to access any HTML markup contained in an HTML document and dynamically change the content of the HTML markup, such as forms, images, tables, and hyperlinks. This object has been around since version 1.0 of JavaScript, and several properties and methods have been added in subsequent versions.

The Document object hierarchy is shown below.

Common properties, methods, and events for document objects

Property of the document object

attribute instructions
alinkColor The color of the hyperlink text, corresponding to the Alink attribute in the tag
all[ ] An array that stores HTML tags (the property is itself an object)
anchors[ ] An array of anchors (the property is itself an object)
bgColor Document background color
cookie Represents the value of the cookie
fgColor The text color of the civilization (without hyperlinked text) corresponds to the text attribute in the tag
forms[ ] Stores an array of form objects (the property is itself an object)
fileCreateDate The date the document was created
fileModifiedDate The last modification date of the document
fileSize Size of the current file
lastModified When the document was last modified
images[ ] An array that stores image objects (the property is itself an object)
linkColor The color of the unaccessed hyperlink text that corresponds to the link attribute in the tag
links[ ] Stores an array of link objects (the property is itself an object)
vlinkColor Represents the color of the accessed hyperlink text, corresponding to the vlink attribute of the tag
title Current document title object
body Current document body object
readyState Gets the current state of an object
URL Gets or sets the URL

Method of the Document object

methods instructions
close The output stream of the document
open Open a document output stream and receive the create page contents of the write() and writeln() methods
write Write HTML or JavaScript statements to a document
writeln Write an HTML or JavaScript statement to the document, ending with a newline character
createElement Creates a specified HTML tag
getElementById Gets the HTML tag with the specified ID

Event of the document object

Most browser internal objects have many events, and the following table shows the common events and when they are triggered.

The event When the trigger
onabort Triggered when object loading is interrupted
onblur Triggered when the element or window itself loses focus
onchange Triggered when changing an option in a select element or another form element loses focus and its contents have changed since it got focus
onclick Triggered when you click. This event is also emitted when the cursor focus is on the button and the Enter key is pressed
ondblclick Trigger on double click
onerror Triggered when an error occurs  
onfocus Triggered when any element or window itself gets focus
onkeydown A key (Shift or Alt) on the keyboard is triggered when it is moved down, or repeatedly when a key is held down. When false is returned, the default action is cancelled
onkeypress Occurs when a key on the keyboard is pressed and produces a character. That is, it does not trigger when a key such as Shift or Alt is pressed. If you keep pressing a key, it will keep triggering. When false is returned, the default action is cancelled
onkeyup Triggered when releasing keys on the keyboard
onload Fires on the Window object when the page is fully loaded; Trigger on frameset after all frames are loaded:Trigger on the image specified by the tag after it is fully loaded; Or when the specified object is fully loaded
onmousedown Triggered when any mouse key is clicked
onmousemove Fires continuously as the mouse pointer moves over an element
onmouseout Triggered when the mouse pointer is removed from the specified element
onmouseover Triggered when the mouse pointer is moved over an element
onmouseup Triggered when any mouse button is released
onreset Click the reset button when inOn the trigger
onresize Triggered when the size of a window or frame changes
onscroll Triggered when scrolling on any element or window with a scrollbar
onselect Triggered when text is selected
onsubmit When the submit button is clicked on
onunload Fires on the Window object after the page is completely unmounted; Or it can be triggered on a frameset after all frameworks are uninstalled


Document object application

View document creation date, modification date, and document size

To view the document creation date, modification date, and document size, you can use the fileCreatedDate, fileModifiedDate, lastModified, and fileSize properties.

The fileCreatedDate property is used to obtain the creation date of the document.



Parameter Description:

Date: Optional. String variable used to store the creation date of the document.

(2) fileModifiedDate propertiesThe fileModifiedDate property is used to get the date when the document was last modified.



The lastModified attribute is used to obtain the time when the document was lastModified.



Parameter Description:

Date: Optional. A string variable used to store when the document was last modified.

The fileSize attribute is used to obtain the size of the document.



Parameter Description:

Size: Optional. String variable used to store document size

Examples: View document creation date, modification date, and document size

<! DOCTYPE html><html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<p>View file creation date, modification date, and document size</p>
		<br />
			document.write(" This document was created on:   "+document.fileCreatedDate+"<br />");
			document.write(" This document was modified at:   "+document.fileModifiedDate+"<br />");
			document.write(" This document is modified at:   "+document.lastModified+"<br />");
			document.write(" This document size:   "+document.fileSize+"<br />");
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Dynamic title bar

Setting the dynamic title bar can be done using the title property. This property gets or sets the title of the document.



Parameter Description:

Title: Optional string variable used to store the Title of the document

SetTitle: Optional. Set the title of the document

Example: When browsing the web, it is common to see some information flashing or changing in the title bar of Internet Explorer.

<! DOCTYPE html><html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<br />
			var n=0;
			function title(){
				if(n==4) n=1;
				if(n==1) document.title='(-) -)';
				if(n==2) document.title='(^. ^);
				if(n==3) document.title='(~. ~);
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Gets and sets the URL

Getting and setting urls can be done primarily using URL properties. This property is used to get or set the URL of the current document.



Parameter Description:

Url: Optional. String expression used to store the URL of the current document.

SetUrl: Optional. String variable used to set the URL of the current document.

Example: Get and set the URL

		<meta charset="utf-8">
			document.write(" Current page URL:   "+document.URL);
			function seturl(){
				var u=document.URL;
				return u;
		<p>Go to the page URL you want to jump to:<input name="name" type="text" />
			<input name="input" value="Jump" onclick="seturl(name.value)" type="button" />
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Gets the current state of the object

Getting the current state of an object in a document can be done using the readyState property.



Status value and description

The status bar instructions
loading Indicates that the object is loading data
loaded Indicates that the object has finished loading data
interactive Users can interact with the object, whether it has been loaded or not
complete The object is initialized

Example: Get the current state of an object

<! DOCTYPE html><html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
			document.write("<br /><b>Current state of the document object:&nbsp;</b>"+document.readyState+"<br />");
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