Regular Expression basics
The basic structure of regular expressions
Function of regular expressions
1. Test a pattern of strings
2. Replace the text
3. Extract a substring from the string based on the pattern match
Regular expression syntax
Mode card
Definitions and literal characters
(1) Text verification locator
Example: Use of the matching character “^”
Matches the use of the character “$”
Match a self boundary with “\b”
Qualifier and selection card
(1) qualifiers
(2) Greedy matching and non-greedy matching
(3) Select the matching character
The practical application
(1) Ordinary character matching
(2) Limit the input content of the form
(3) Remove repeated characters
Regular Expression basics
A regular expression describes a string matching pattern, can let users through the use of a series of common characters and special characters to build to clearly describe the text string matching model, which can be used to check whether a string containing a seed string, to do the matching substring replacement or retrieved from a string in a condition of the string, etc.
The basic structure of regular expressions
A regular expression is a literal pattern made up of ordinary characters (such as characters A-z) and special characters (called metacharacters).
Syntax: / Matches the pattern of the object /
The part between the “/” delimiter is the pattern to be matched in the target object. Users simply place the contents of the pattern they want to find matches between the “/” delimiters.
For example, look for the matching pattern BC in the string abcd. The code looks like this: / BC /
Function of regular expressions
Regular expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching and replacement. Its functions are as follows:
1. Test a pattern of strings
For example, you can test an input string for the presence of a phone number or a credit card number pattern, called data validation.
2. Replace the text
You can use a regular expression in a document to identify specific text, which can then be removed altogether or replaced with another text.
3. Extract a substring from the string based on the pattern match
You can look for specific text in text or input fields.
Regular expression syntax
The syntax of regular expressions mainly describes the functions of metacharacters. Metacharacters are functionally divided into pattern matching characters, positioners and literal characters, qualifiers, selection matching characters, special characters, character matching characters, grouping combinations and backreferences.
Mode card
Definitions and literal characters
(1) Text verification locator
The locator is used to specify where the matching pattern occurs in the target character. For example, specifying that a match pattern can only appear at the beginning or end can be useful for text formatting validation.
In regular expressions, there are several definitions for validating text.
Matches the start of the target string with “^”
The match must occur at the beginning of the target string, and the “^” must appear at the beginning of the expression to be a locator.
Example: Use of the matching character “^”
</h3> <script type="text/javascript" language=" javascript" > var reg_expression=/^ Ming /; Var textString ="mingrisoft"; var result=reg_expression.test(textstring); Document. write("<font size='+1'>"+result+"<br />"); If (result) {document. Write (" regular expression / ^ Ming/matching string \ "" + textstring +" \ ". < br > "); }else{alert(" No matching pattern found!" ); } </script>Copy the code
Matches the use of the character “$”
</h3> <script type="text/javascript" language=" javascript" > var reg_expression=/ft$/; Var textString ="mingrisoft"; var result=reg_expression.test(textstring); Document. write("<font size='+1'>"+result+"<br />"); If (result) {document. Write (" regular expression/ft $/ matching string \ "" + textstring +" \ ". < br > "); }else{alert(" No matching pattern found!" ); } </script>Copy the code
Match a self boundary with “\b”
“\b” contains the position between word and space, the beginning and end of the target string, and so on.
</h3> <script type="text/javascript" language=" javascript" > var reg_expression=/\bming\b/; Var textString =" Ming risoft"; var result=reg_expression.test(textstring); Document. write("<font size='+1'>"+result+"<br />"); If (result) {document. Write (" regular expression / / Ming \ \ b/b/matching string \ "" + textstring +" \ ". < br > "); }else{alert(" No matching pattern found!" ); } </script>Copy the code
Qualifier and selection card
(1) qualifiers
Use “+” to qualify that it must occur once or more times in a row.
For example, the /fo+/ regular expression contains the + metacharacter, indicating that one or more o characters are followed by f characters such as Fool, fo, or football in the target object.
Use * to limit the number of occurrences.
Use “?” A maximum of one occurrence is allowed.
Limit the number of consecutive occurrences with ‘{n}’.
Limit the minimum number of occurrences with {n,}.
Specify the minimum and maximum number of occurrences with {n,m}.
(2) Greedy matching and non-greedy matching
By default, regular expressions use the longest match rule, or greedy match rule.
(3) Select the matching character
Select clause “|”, is used to select match any one of two options, on both sides of the two options is “|” character as far as possible the greatest expression
The practical application
(1) Ordinary character matching
1. Regular expressions that match Chinese characters:
2. Matching double-byte characters (including Chinese characters) :
3. Regular expressions that match empty lines:
4. Regular expressions that match HTML tags:
> / <. *. * < / a > | < / > (. *) /
5. Regular expressions that match first and last empty lines:
6. Regular expression matching URL:
http://([w-]+.) +[w-]+(/[w-./?%&=]*)?
7. Regular expression matching E-mail address:
(2) Limit the input content of the form
In web programming, it is often used to restrict the input of text boxes in web forms. Here are some examples of using regular expressions to do this
1. Restrict input to Chinese characters with regular expression:
onkeyup="value=value.replace(/[^u4E00-u9FA5]/g,")" onbeforepaste="clipboardData.setData('text',clipboardData.getData('text').replace(/[^u4E00-u9FA5]/g.")"
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2. Restrict input to numbers with regular expressions:
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3. Restrict input to numbers and English with regular expressions:
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4. Restrict full-corner characters to regular expressions:
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(3) Remove repeated characters
You can use regular expressions to remove duplicate characters from a string.
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
var s="asfasfafbssli";
var s1=s.replace(/ (.). .*\1/g."$1");
var re=new RegExp("["+s1+"]"."g");
var s2=s.replace(re,"");
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