Select sort implementation idea


Start with the first number and compare each subsequent number to find the smallest (ascending by default), then swap and so on until the sorting is complete.

Code implementation steps:

  1. First, take the subscript value of the first number as variable min, and iterate over the length of the number group
  2. In the loop, the first number is used to compare each number separately, and finally the subscript value of the smallest number is assigned to min
  3. Let’s switch these two numbers. So that’s what minimizes the first number
  4. Finally in the whole set of a cycle, cycle above the train of thought

Reference animation:

Code implementation

class ArrayList {
  array = [];

  // Used to insert numbers
  insert(item) {

  // Switch two numbers
  swap(m, n) {
    let temp = this.array[m];
    this.array[m] = this.array[n];
    this.array[n] = temp;

  // Select sort
  selectSort() {
    // Start at 0 and end at the penultimate position, length-2
    for (let j = 0; j < this.array.length - 1; j++) {
      let min = j;
      // Start at min+1 and compare with the following number
      for (let i = min + 1; i < this.array.length; i++) {
        if (this.array[min] > this.array[i]) { min = i; }}this.swap(min, j); }}}let list = new ArrayList();
console.log(list.array); // [12, 2, 45, 123, 481, 56]

// Call selection sort
console.log(list.array); // [2, 12, 45, 56, 123, 481]
Copy the code

Efficiency of selection algorithm

It’s also about as efficient as bubble sort

Time complexity :O(N²)