This is the fourth day of my participation in the More text Challenge. For details, see more text Challenge

We talked about variables, types, and objects in the last chapter. Now we talk about strings, arrays, functions, eval, and conditions.



// Don't try this: 1 < 'a'; // false 1 > 'a'; // false 1 == 'a'; // false // var a = 1; var b= 2; var foo = function () { console.log(arguments); } '${a} + ${b} = ${a+b}' // [[",'+','=',"],1,2]Copy the code


  • Immutable


  • Char type does not exist
  • Beware of potential syntax problems with template strings
  • When a string is compared with a number, it is always converted to a number

String – mode

1. String concatenation, multi-line strings use the syntax of template strings as much as possible

More complex string concatenation scenarios use a template engine

3. Do not run strings directly as code

4. Strings displayed on the page must be escaped

Use literals to define strings


Array-dynamic feature

Const arr = [1,2,3]; = 'some thing'; // Disallow arrays using for... For (let key in arr) {console.log(key); } // Disallow direct manipulation of array length arr.length = 0;Copy the code


  • Based on the object
  • Allowed mixed type (ES6 added typed array)
  • Dynamic allocation of array length
  • Support for sparse arrays

Array traversal


  • Supports a large number of traversal methods
  • for… of
  • Expansion operator

Array-like array objects

Const arrayLike = {length: 1, '1': 1}; const array = [], 0}; Const arr = array. from(arrayLike);Copy the code


  • duck typing
  • Array.from

Array pattern –

1, Do not apply for… In traversing the number group

2. Use literals to define arrays

3. Do not manipulate the array length

4. Pay attention to the negative effects of mutator

5. Do not operate on the array in the traversal method

6. Try not to add keys to arrays that are not positive integers


Function – Dynamic characteristics

Let makeTeam = function (leader) {const members = [], 1); return Team.regester({ leader, members }); }; // better let makeTeam = function (... args) { const [leader, ...members] = args; return Team.regester({ leader, members }); }; Function foo() {return {name: 'Jack', age: 18}; } const {name, age} = foo(); Function add(a, b) {return a + b; } console.log(add.toString()); // 'function add(a, b) { return a + b; }' const addTwo = (function () { const increase = 2; return function (a) { return add(a, increase); }; }) (); console.log(addTwo.toString()); // 'function (a) { return add(a, increase); } 'Copy the code


  • Dynamic parameter list
  • Multiple return values based on deconstruction
  • caller/callee
  • This dynamic
  • Getting a function definition

Function – First class citizen

Function once(func) {let invoked = false; // Invoked as an argument or return value for another function. return function () { if (! invoked) { invoked = true; return func(); } } } function log() { console.log('logged'); } const logOnce = once(log); Const half = function (a) {return a / 2; }; // oops... const double = function (arr) { return [...arr, ...arr]; } ([1, 2, 3]).forEach(item => console.log(item)); // 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 // IIFE const tds = document.querySelectorAll('td'); for (let i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) { tds[i].onclick = (function (i) { return function () { alert(i); } })(i) }Copy the code


  • Higher-order functions
  • closure
  • Functional programming
  • Function definition and function expression
  • Execute function expressions immediately (IIFE)

The function – mode

1. Use function definitions, not function expressions, whenever possible

2. Disallow the Function constructor

3. Avoid using Arguments and use rest operators and deconstruction instead

4. Write pure functions whenever possible

5, do not modify (mutate) function parameter content

6. Use arrow functions


Do not use eval

2. Disallow the Function constructor

3. When using setTimeout/ setInterval, the first argument disallows code strings


1. Prohibit comparison of different types of data

2, prohibit == and! =, use === and! = =

3. You can only perform size comparison between number and string

4. Avoid complex logical operations and use parentheses if necessary