Something like this:

Examples of implementation code:
    'height=100, width=400, top=0, left=0, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, location=no, status=no'
Copy the code

Configuration description:

  • Window. open Command to pop up a new window;
  • ‘’ Specifies the file name of the pop-up window. The relative and absolute paths are acceptable.
  • Select * from ‘_blank’; select * from ‘_self’;
  • Height =100 window height;
  • Width =400;
  • Top =0 Pixel value from the window to the top of the screen;
  • Left =0 Pixel value from the window to the left of the screen;
  • Toolbar =no Whether to display the toolbar, yes;
  • Menubar =no indicates whether to display the menubar. Yes indicates that the menubar is displayed.
  • Scrollbars =no Indicates whether to display the scrollbar. Yes indicates that the scrollbar is displayed.
  • Resizable =no Whether the window size is allowed to change, yes: yes;
  • Location =no Indicates whether the address bar is displayed. Yes indicates that the address bar is allowed.
  • Status =no Indicates whether to display the information in the status bar (usually the file is open). Yes indicates yes.
  • The alwaysLowered window is hidden after all Windows, yes is allowed;
  • AlwaysRaised window floats above all Windows, yes is allowed;
  • Whether the source and the parent window are closed at the same time, yes yes;
  • Whether the titlebar of the titlebar window is visible, yes indicates yes.
  • Whether the Z-look window floats above all Windows after opening. Yes: yes.

Just write it down…