
  1. Date is a constructor whose prototype defines a number of Date methods

  2. Date()

    Perform Date(), returning a string representing the Date

  3. new Date()

    Returns the current date instance object with no arguments

    var date = new Date(a);console.log(; // [Object Date]
    date.getFullYear() // Return the year, such as 2020
    dae.getMonth() // Return month, subtract 1, add 1 to get month
    date.getDate() // Return the number from 1 to 31
    date.getDay() // Return the day of the week, 0 to 7, starting on Sunday
    date.getHours() // Return hour
    date.getMinutes() // Return minutes
    date.getSeconds() // Return the number of seconds
    date.getMilliseconds() // Return the number of milliseconds
    // There is also a set method
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    With parameters, return the corresponding date

    var date = new Date(2020.;
    var date = new Date('2020/1/1 8:30:10');
    var date = new Date('2020/01/01 08:30:10');
    var date = new Date('the 2020-1-1 8:30:10');
    // Sat Feb 01 2020 8:30:10 GMT+0800
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  4. getTime()

    Returns a timestamp, which is the number of milliseconds

    Computer era time is 0, 0 minutes 0 seconds on January 1, 1970

    Timestamp: The number of milliseconds elapsed between a certain time and the computer epoch time

    var dateTime = new Date().getTime(); // Return the timestamp of the current time
    var date = new Date(dateTime); // Return the time corresponding to the timestamp
    date.setTime(dateTime); // Set the timestamp as the standard
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The timer

  1. setInterval

    The internal function is executed every specified number of milliseconds, starting from the current time

    Returns a number that uniquely identifies the timer and represents the sequence number in all timers and delayers

    Is a method under window

    setInterval(function(){},1000) // Anonymous function
    funtion Test(){}setInterval(test, 1000);
    setInterval('test()'.1000); // Pass the method as a string
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  2. clearInterval

    Cleanup timer

    var timer = setInterval(function(){}, 1000); // The timer is a unique identifier that represents the sequence number in all timers
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  1. setTimout

    Delay specifies the time to execute an internal function once

    Returns a number that uniquely identifies the delayer and represents the serial number of all timers and delayers

    setTimeout(function(){},1000) // Anonymous function
    funtion Test(){}setTimeout(test, 1000);
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  2. clearTimeout

    Clearance delay device

    var timer = setTimeout(function(){}, 1000); // The timer is a unique identifier that represents the sequence number in all timers
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Timing task

  1. function

    The task is executed when the condition is met. If the condition is not met within the set time, the callback function is executed

  2. parameter

    • Re: determine the condition function, return the condition to execute fn
    • Fn: The target function waiting to be executed
    • The time interval of space: setInterVal, space | | 100
    • Wait: setTimeOut waiting time, wait | | 3000
    • Back: callback function if fn fails to execute successfully
  3. code

    function timer(re, fn, space, wait, back) {
        if (re()) {
        } else {
            var interval = setInterval(function() {
                if (re()) {
                    interval = null;
            }, space || 100);
            setTimeout(function() {
                if (interval) {
                    interval = null;
                    back && back();
            }, wait || 3000); }}Copy the code