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Time: March 1 ~ March 13

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Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists

A collection of

A set is an unordered set of unique items, which can be understood as an array with neither repeating elements nor any notion of order.

  • Union, intersection, difference
Function Set() {let items = {}; }Copy the code
  • add(value)Adds a new item to the collection
  • delete(value)Removes a value from the collection
  • has(value), if the value is in the collectiontrueOtherwise returnfalse
  • clear()Removes all items from the collection
  • size(), returns the number of elements contained in the collection
  • values()Returns an array containing all the values in the collection

From the (value) method

this.has = function(value) {
 return value in items;
Copy the code
this.has = function(value) {
 return items.hasOwnProperty(value);
Copy the code

Implement the add method:

this.add = function(value) { if(! This.has (value)) {// Add value to the collection if it does not exist. Items [value] = value; return true; } return false; };Copy the code

When you add a value, store it as both a key and a value, because it makes it easier to find the value.

Implement the remove method:

This.remove = function(value) {if(this.has(value)) {// Delete items[value]; return true; } return false; };Copy the code

Example code for using the Set class:

let set = new Set();
Copy the code

Remove all values from the collection:

This. Clear = function() {items = {}};Copy the code

The size method

  1. The use of alengthVariable whenever usedaddorremoveMethod when controlling it, like usingLinkedListKind of like
  2. Example:
This.size = function() {// Return an array containing all the properties of the given Object. };Copy the code
  1. Example:
this.sizeLegacy = function() { let count = 0; For (let key in items) {// Iterate over all attributes of the items object if(items.hasownProperty (key)) // Check whether they are attributes of the object itself // If so, increment the value of the count variable ++count; } // At the end of the method, return count; };Copy the code

The values method extracts all the properties of the Items object and returns them as an array

this.values = function() {
 let values = [];
 for(let i=0, keys = Object.keys(items); i < keys.length; i++) {
 return values;
Copy the code
this.valuesLegacy = function() { let values = []; If (items.hasownProperty (key)) {values.push(item[key]); if(items.hasownProperty (key)) {values.push(item[key]); } } return values; };Copy the code

Using the Set class

let set = new Set(0; set.add(1); console.log(set.values()); // Array type console.log(set.has(1)); // true console.log(set.size()); / / 1...Copy the code

Set operations

Given two sets

  1. Union, which returns a new set containing all the elements of both sets
  2. Intersection, which returns a new set containing elements in both sets
  3. Difference set, which returns a new set containing all elements that exist in the first set and not in the second set
  4. Subset, which verifies whether a given set is a subset of another set
  • And set

This. Union = function(otherSet) {// let unionSet = new Set(); Let values = this.values(); // Get all values of the first set, iterate over and add them to the set representing the union. for(let i=0; i<values.length; i++) { unionSet.add(values[i]); } values = otherSet.values(); // Set 2 does the same thing for(let I =0; i<values.length; i++) { unionSet.add(values[i]); } return unionSet; }Copy the code
  • intersection

This. Intersection = function(otherSet) {// Create a new Set instance so that it can return the shared elements let intersectionSet = new Set(); let values = this.vlues(); For (let I =0; i<values.length; i++) { if(otherSet.has(values[i])){ intersectionSet.add(values[i]); } } return intersectionSet; }Copy the code
  • Difference set

A minus B, the x element exists in A and x does not exist in B.

This.differenceset = function(otherSet){// Get all values in both sets let differenceSet = new Set(); let values = this.values(); // for(let i=0; i<values.length; i++){ // if(! Otherset.has (values[I])){// Get all values that exist in set A but not in set B differenceset.add (values[I]); } } return differenceSet };Copy the code
  • A subset of

Set A is A subset of set B:

This. Subset = function(otherSet){if (this.size() > otherset.size ()){return false; // If the current instance has more elements than the otherSet instance, it is not a subset} else {let values = this.values(); for (let i=0; i<values.length; I++){// to iterate over all elements in the collection if (! Has (values[I])){// Verify that these elements also exist in otherSet return false; // If any element does not exist in otherSet, that means it is not a subset, return false}} return true; // If all elements exist in otherSet, return true}};Copy the code

The Set class

let set = new Set(); set.add(1); // ES6's Set values method returns Iterator // instead of an array of values console.log(set.values()); // output @iterator console.log(set.has(1)); // Print true console.log(set.size); / / output 1Copy the code

ES6 Set class

let setA = new Set(); 

let setB = new Set(); 
Copy the code
  • And set
let unionAb = new Set(); Unionab.add (x); for (let x of setA) unionab.add (x); for (let x of setB) unionAb.add(x);Copy the code
  • intersection
Intersection = function(setA, setB) {let intersection = function(setA, setB) {let intersectionSet = new Set(); for (let x of setA) { if (setB.has(x)) { intersectionSet.add(x); } } return intersectionSet; }; let intersectionAB = intersection(setA, setB);Copy the code

Simple syntax:

intersectionAb = new Set([x for (x of setA) if (setB.has(x))]);
Copy the code
  • Difference set
let difference = function(setA, setB) { let differenceSet = new Set(); for (let x of setA) { if (! Setb.has (x)) {// add only elements in the differenceSet that setA has and setB does not. } } return differenceSet; }; let differenceAB = difference(setA, setB);Copy the code

Simple syntax:

differenceAB = new Set([x for (x of setA) if (!setB.has(x))]);
Copy the code

Summary: JavaScript data structures – collections

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