
  • The first character must be a letter, underscore, or dollar sign
  • Hump nomenclature: The first letter is lowercase and the rest of each word begins with a capital letter

The Object type

  • Constructor: Holds the function used to create the current object, called the constructor
  • HasOwnProperty (PropertyName) : Checks if a given property exists in the current object instance (not in the prototype), where it must be specified as a string as a parameter name
  • IsPrototypeof () : Checks whether the incoming object is a prototype of the current object
  • ToLocaleString () : Returns a string representation of an object that corresponds to the locale of the execution environment
  • ToString () : Returns a string representation of an object
  • ValueOf () : Returns a string, Boolean or numeric representation of an object.


  • Do-while: a post-test loop that executes once
  • While: is a pre-test loop statement
  • For: pre-test loop statement
  • For-in: A precise iteration statement that can be used to enumerate properties of an object
  • Label: Adds labels to code, similar to mapping and assignment
  • Break: Breaks out of the loop
  • Continue: Jumps out of this loop only
  • With: Sets the scope of the code to a specific object
  • Switch: branch statement


  • Arguments: Synchronizes with the number of arguments to a function. Arguments are separate memory, but values are kept in sync
  • No overloading of functions: postdefined functions override previous functions with the same name