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It’s all about the basics

History of succession

1. Prototype chain inheritance

The prototype of the child constructor is equivalent to an object constructed by the parent that inherits too many useless attributes.Copy the code

Person.prototype.lastName = 'Keung'
function Person(name,age){ = name
	this.age = age
	this.say = function (){
var person = new Person('To'.24)

Student.prototype = person
function Student(name,age){}var student = new Student('To'.24)
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Constructor inheritance

Borrow other constructors using call or applyCopy the code
 Person.prototype.lastName = 'Keung'
 function Person(name,age){ = name
 	this.age = age
 	this.say = function (){
 var person = new Person('To'.24)
 Student.prototype = person
 function Student(name,age,grade){,name,age)
     this.grade = grade
 var student = new Student('To'.24.100)
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A chain of prototypes that cannot inherit borrowed functions calls the function one more time for each constructorCopy the code

Shared inheritance

If the child constructor wants to add an attribute to its prototype, the parent constructor prototype will also add an attribute. So let's do the fourth method.Copy the code
 Person.prototype.lastName = 'Keung'
 function Person(name,age){}var person = new Person('To'.24)
 Student.prototype =  Person.prototype
 function Student(name,age,grade){}var student = new Student('To'.24.100)
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Holy Grail mode

Prevent interaction on the prototype chain, but if you change the original properties of the prototype chain directly, you will still change the prototype of the parent constructor for reference value problems.Copy the code
Privatize variables with immediately executing functions and closuresvar inherit = (function(){
        function F(){}
        return function (target,orign){
            F.prototype = orign.prototype
            target.prototype = new F()
            target.constructor = target // Otherwise target's constructor points to orign
            target.uber = orign.prototype // Annotate who target inherits from
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