This is the 27th day since I participated in the August Gwen Challenge.

JavaScript advanced

JavaScript Advanced (2)

JavaScript advanced (three) modular

JavaScript advanced (4) anti-shake

JavaScript advanced (five) throttling

JavaScript is confusing to developers who have worked with class-based languages such as Java or C++ – JavaScript is dynamic and does not provide a class implementation of its own. Even the class keyword was introduced in ES2015/ES6, but that was just syntactic sugar and JavaScript was still prototype-based.



  • First let’s look at how inheritance is implemented in ES 5
function son() {
son.prototype.getName = function() {
    return 'son'
function father() {}
let name = new father()
father.prototype = Object.create(son.prototypeConstructor: {constructor: {name: 'father', sex: 'male', age: '66'}})Copy the code
  • In the code above, we give the son method to father in the form of a prototype chain


  • ES, we can provide Class keywords andextendsTo implement inheritance
class father {

    getName() {

        return 'father'



class son extends father {

    getName() {

        return 'son'



let bigSon = new son()

bigSon.getName(a)Copy the code

The above code implements inheritance using ES6 syntax and reconstructs the getName method.

  • One thing to note, though, is that while ES6 is common, there are some older projects that do not inherit ES6 syntax, and we need a coding tool to convert it to ES5 syntax. This is Babel

So how did he do that? We can look at the translated code in any translation tool.

var father = function () {
    function father() {
        _classCallCheck(this, father);

    _createClass(father, [{
        key: 'getName',
        value: function getName() {

            return'father'; }}]);returnfather; } ();var son = function (_father) {
    _inherits(son, _father);

    function son() {
        _classCallCheck(this, son);

        return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (son.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(son)).apply(this, arguments));

    _createClass(son, [{
        key: 'getName',
        value: function getName() {

            return'son'; }}]);return son;

var bigSon = new son();

bigSon.getName(a);Copy the code
  • As you can see from the above code, this is the ES5 syntax, but it is important to note that it is used in ES5applyThis method.
