Just like a math workbook, this is a Java workbook 📝

I want to put together a practice test of Java questions that will help Javaer improve itself step by step. Of course this requires participation to enrich the question bank – contribute your ideas and be a question-maker – you 😘

  • Making address:Github.com/onemsg/java…

Basis Component

  1. Implement a thread pool like the one in juC packages

  2. Implement an EventDrivern model like Vertx.eventBus

  3. Implement Base64 encoding/decoding tools

  4. Implement a JSON serialization/deserialization tool

  5. Implement an asynchronous HTTP Client

Web Application

  1. Build a short domain name service application

  2. Build a code-sharing application, like Ubuntu Pastebin

  3. Build an Instagram-like photo-sharing platform

  4. Build an online shopping site

  5. Create a personal blog

Backend Component

  1. Implement an RPC framework

  2. Implement a distributed lock

  3. Implement a Servlet container like Tomcat

  4. Implement a Netty Based HTTP server


  • Java full stack knowledge system – @pdai

  • Baeldung – EN


  • Add a clearer description of each issue 📃

  • Add a difficulty level for each question 🎖

  • Provide implementation ideas/solutions for each problem 💡


  • How to contribute to your topic?

    Create a new Issue with title as the new topic and comment as the category, name and description of the topic. For example:

  • How can YOU contribute to your solution?

    Create a new Issue, title is the new solution, and comment is the classification of the topic, name, address and contact information of your solution. For example:

When a new problem/solution comes along, I update it to the README and reference-solution

Everyone firewood flame high, look forward to you put forward more suggestions, make it better ~ 🎏