Import and export Excel using Alibab’s EasyExce
First, preparation
1, guide package
<! --> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId> <version>3.17</version>
<version>3.17</version> </dependency> <! -- esayexcel2.17. -->
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Second, understand the notes
1. Common annotations
Field notes | Class notes |
@ ColumnWith (column width) | @columnwidth (global ColumnWidth) |
@ExcelProperty(Field configuration) | @headfontStyle (Header style) |
@headrowheight (headline height) | |
ContentFontStyle @ContentFontStyle | |
@contentrowheight (content height) |
2. @excelProperty annotation
** A necessary annotation, annotation has three parameters value,index represents the column number, respectively
Value corresponds to the header text. Index corresponds to the line number
@excelProperty (value = "id ", index = 0)
private Long id;
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3, @columnwith annotation
Set the column width with a single parameter value, which is in character length. The maximum number of characters that can be written to an Excel cell is 255 characters
public class ImeiEncrypt {
@ColumnWidth(value = 255) // The maximum length of a single excel cell is 255
private String message;
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4, @contentfontStyle annotation
Annotations used to format the font for cell content
parameter | meaning |
fontName | The name of the font |
fontHeightInPoints | The font height |
italic | Whether in italics |
strikeout | Whether to set to delete horizontal lines |
color | The font color |
typeOffset | The offset |
underline | The underline |
bold | Whether the bold |
charset | Coding format |
5, @contentStyle annotation
Set content formatting annotations
parameter | meaning |
dataFormat | The date format |
hidden | Set cells to be hidden with this style |
locked | Set the cell to be locked with this style |
quotePrefix | Add a symbol to the front of the cell, and a number or formula will be displayed as a string |
horizontalAlignment | Sets whether to center horizontally |
wrapped | Sets whether text should be wrapped. Setting this flag to true makes everything in the cell visible by displaying it on multiple lines |
verticalAlignment | Sets whether to center vertically |
rotation | Sets the rotation Angle of the cell text. Excel 03 has a rotation Angle range of -90°90° and Excel 07 has a rotation Angle range of 0°180° |
indent | Sets the number of Spaces for indented text in a cell |
borderLeft | Styles the left border |
borderRight | Set the right border style |
borderTop | Sets the top border style |
leftBorderColor | Sets the left border color |
rightBorderColor | Set the right border color |
topBorderColor | Sets the top border color |
bottomBorderColor | Set the bottom border color |
fillPatternType | Setting the Fill Type |
fillBackgroundColor | Set the background color |
shrinkToFit | Set automatic cell automatic size |
6. @headfontStyle annotations
Use to customize the title font format
parameter | meaning |
fontName | Setting the font name |
fontHeightInPoints | Setting font Height |
italic | Sets whether the font is italic |
strikeout | Whether to set a delete line |
color | Set font color |
typeOffset | Set offset |
underline | Set underscores |
charset | Setting font Encoding |
bold | Sets whether the font is bold |
7. ExcelIgnore annotations
Do not convert this field to Excel
Three, coding
1. Map entity class —- example
package com.pingou.admin.bean.param; import; import; import; import; import; import lombok.Data; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Date; @data@contentrowheight (35) // Text row height @headrowheight (40) // title height @columnWidth (40) Public class OrderExcel {// Set the excel header name @excelProperty (value = "id ", index = 0) private Long ID; @dateTimeFormat (" YYYY ", "MM "," HH ") @excelProperty (value = "createTime ", index = 1) private Date createTime; }Copy the code
The above is a simple example. If you have more attributes, you can write them one by one and then plug them into the entity class
2. Generate Excel
public void excel(a) {
// Want to export excel data result set
List<OrderExcel> excel = new ArrayList<>();
// Omit the insert into the result set
//UUID generates a unique name
String name = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-"."") + ".xlsx";
// Implement excel write operations
//1 Set the write folder address and excel file name
String filename = "/" + name;
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
try {
// 2 Call easyExcel to write
// The write method takes two arguments: the first argument is the file path name and the second argument is the entity class
EasyExcel.write(filename, OrderExcel.class).sheet("Name").doWrite(excel);
// Upload to fastdfs. If you do not upload to Fastdfs, only the local machine can find it
File file = new File(filename);
String path = fastDFSClient.upload(new FileInputStream(file), name, null);
path = (this.fastdfsDomain + path);
json.put("url", path);
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
newFile(filename).delete(); }}Copy the code
And that’s it!
Four, the results
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