An overview of the
- LocalDate date
- The LocalTime time
- LocalDateTime Date + time
- ZonedDateTime Date + time + Time zone
- Instant timestamp
- OffsetTime
- OffsetDateTime
The date of such
LocalDate, YearMonth, MonthDay, and Year
// 2021-11-20 LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2021, Month.NOVEMBER, 20); LocalDate nextWed = date.with( (dayofweek.wednesday)); // LocalDate nextWed = date.with( (dayofweek.wednesday)); / / formatting output System. Out. Println (DateTimeFormatter. OfLocalizedDate (FormatStyle. FULL). The format (date));Copy the code
Yearmonth.lengthofmonth (), returns the number of days in the month
Yearmonth.lengthofyear (), returns the number of days in the year
// 2021-06: 30
YearMonth date =;
System.out.printf("%s: %d%n", date, date.lengthOfMonth());
// 2021-02: 28
YearMonth date2 = YearMonth.of(2021, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.printf("%s: %d%n", date2, date2.lengthOfMonth());
// 2012-02: 366
YearMonth date3 = YearMonth.of(2012, Month.FEBRUARY);
System.out.printf("%s: %d%n", date3, date3.lengthOfYear());
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Indicates the day of a month
// FEBRUARY 29 MonthDay date = MonthDay. Of (month.February, 29); Boolean validLeapYear = date.isvalidYear (2010);Copy the code
Boolean validLeapYear = year.of (2012).isleap ();Copy the code
Date and time classes
The LocalTime class does not store time zone or daylight saving time information
LocalTime thisSec =;
System.out.println(thisSec.getHour() + ":" + thisSec.getMinute() + ":" + thisSec.getSecond());
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The value is a combination of LocalDate and LocalTime. No time zone
// now() System.out.printf("now: %s%n",; // of(), 1994年 15 月 11:30am system.out.printf ("Apr 15, 1994 @ 11:30am: %s%n", LocalDateTime.of(1994, Month.APRIL, 15, 11, 30)); // ofInstant(), based on Instant class, nsec + time zone id system.out.printf ("now (from Instant): %s%n", LocalDateTime.ofInstant(, ZoneId.systemDefault())); // plusMonth(), 6 months after system.out.printf ("6 months from now: %s%n", ().plusmonth (); System.out.printf("6 months ago: %s%n", ().minusmonths (6));Copy the code
Time zone and offset classes
// Offset = +8:00 ()Copy the code
ZoneId + ZoneOffset
ZoneId: Specifies the time zone identifier and provides rules for converting between Instant and LocalDateTime
ZoneOffset: indicates the time ZoneOffset of Greenwich mean time/UTC
/ / get all the available time zone Set < String > allZones = ZoneId. GetAvailableZoneIds (); ZonedDateTime dt = (); ZoneId zone = ZoneId.of(s); ZonedDateTime zdt = dt.atZone(zone); // time ZoneOffset for IUTC time ZoneOffset = zdt.getoffset ();Copy the code
Dates and times with corresponding time zones are processed using the Greenwich/UTC time zone offset
Combines LocalDateTime with the zoneID class
Represents the full date and time with a time zone
/ / DateTimeFormatter object for formatting ZonedDateTime instance DateTimeFormatter format. = DateTimeFormatter ofPattern (" YYYY - MM - dd HH:mm:ss"); // Time + date LocalDateTime + ZoneId => Time + date + ZonedDateTime // 2013-07-20 19:30:00 LocalDateTime leaving = LocalDateTime.of(2013, Month.JULY, 20, 19, 30); ZoneId leavingZone = ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles"); ZonedDateTime departure = ZonedDateTime.of(leaving, leavingZone); // format String departure. Format (format); ZoneId arrivingZone = zoneid. of("Asia/Tokyo"); ZoneId arrivingZone = zoneid. of("Asia/Tokyo"); ZonedDateTime arrival = departure.withZoneSameInstant(arrivingZone); Arrival = arrival. PlusMinutes (650); // Format String out2 = arrival.format(format); Arrivingzone.getrules ().isdaylightsavings (arrival.toinstant ()));Copy the code
Date and time are processed using the corresponding time zone offset of Greenwich/UTC, but the time zone ID is not included
Combines LocalDateTime with the ZoneOffset class
// 2017.07.20 19:30 LocalDateTime localDate = LocalDateTime. Of (2013, month.July, 20, 19, 30); ZoneOffset offset = ZoneOffset.of("-08:00"); OffsetDateTime offsetDate = OffsetDateTime.of(localDate, offset);Copy the code
The time is processed using the corresponding time zone offset of Greenwich/UTC, but the time zone ID is not included
ZonedDateTime and OffsetDateTime
LocalDateTime date = localDatetime. of(2018, 05, 01, 0, 0, 0); // ZonedDateTime, 2018-05-01t00:00 +08:00[GMT+08:00], ZoneId with a specified ID ZonedDateTime d1 = ZonedDateTime. Of (date, ZoneId.systemDefault()); ZoneOffset = ZoneOffset. Of ("+08:00"); // OffsetDateTime, 2018-05-01t00:00 +08:00, offset does not have ID, because multiple ids may have the same value. OffsetDateTime d2 = OffsetDateTime.of(date, offset);Copy the code
Commonly used API
// 2018-04-30T20:00+04:00[Asia/Yerevan] // Change the time to the specified time zone d1.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("Asia/Yerevan")); // 2018-05-01t00:00 +04:00[Asia/Yerevan] // d1.withZoneSameLocal(zoneid. of("Asia/Yerevan"));Copy the code
ToEpochSecond is called to convert the current nanosecond with the specified offset to the new nanosecond
It doesn’t convert the time, it just changes the time zone
Instant timestamp =; // add 1h Instant oneHourLater = (1); Long secondsFromEpoch = instant.ofepochsecond (0L). Until ( (), chronounit.seconds);Copy the code
Parsing and formatting
The DateTimeFormatter class provides a number of predefined formatting options that can also be customized
The DateTimeFormatter class is immutable and thread-safe
// Pre-defined String in = "20111203"; LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse(in, DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE); . / / custom DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter ofPattern (" MMM d yyyy "); LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse(input, formatter);Copy the code
ZoneId leavingZone = ZoneId.systemDefault();
ZonedDateTime departure = ZonedDateTime.of(, leavingZone);
DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMM d yyyy hh:mm a");
String out = departure.format(format);
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Dft.parse (“2018-05-08 16:03:55”) returns an object that contains no LocalDate but only LocalTime
Parse ("2018-05-08 16:03:55", DTF); parse("2018-05-08 16:03:55", DTF); dtf.parse("2018-05-08 16:03:55").query(LocalDateTime::from);Copy the code
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