Last article look at the Random class source code, there are a lot of bit operators, this install B skills can be too SAO, want to learn to play in the project, the leadership see don’t cut me. Sort out the source code commonly meng bi symbol, the next time you can point to the momentum of the smooth blow B.

Basic concept

The original code

The source code is a sign bit + two – level system value. The sign bit is the first digit, 0 for positive and 1 for negative.

In Java, the byte type is one byte and eight bits. It can be [1111 1111, 0111 1111]. The value is [-127,127].

Radix-minus-one complement

The inverse of a positive number is itself; The inverse code of negative numbers is on the basis of the original code, the sign bit is unchanged, other bits are opposite.

Such as 0000 0001 inverse code is 0000 0001; The inverse of 1000 0001 is 1111 1110.


The complement of a positive number is itself; The complement of a negative number is the inverse plus 1.

For example, the complement of 0000 0001 is 0000 0001; The complement of 1000 0001 is 1111 1111. The -128 complement is 1000 0000.


Know how and know why. Why the computer to derive the original code, inverse code, complement?

A sentence for the convenience of the computer to do subtraction.

In a computer, you have an adder and you don’t have a subtracter, so if you’re subtracting, you’re adding a negative number. Let’s say 5 minus 3 is 5 plus minus 3, so what’s minus 3?

In the source code, it’s ok to add positive numbers. For example, 0000 0001 + 0000 0001 = 0000 0010 is also the decimal 1 + 1 = 2, but if it is 1 + (-1) it becomes 0000 0001 + 1000 0001 = 1000 0010, resulting in -2.

To solve this problem, the inverse code appears.

If calculated using the inverse code, 1 + (-1) is 0000 0001 + 1111 1110 = 1111 1111, 1111 1111 means 0 in the inverse code, so that 1 + (-1) = 0.

But there’s a problem, 1111, 1111 and 0000, 0000 are both 0 in the inverse code, so to be exact, one is minus 0 and the other is 0. In order to save ocD patients, complement appeared.

How does complement solve this problem?

The complement will be -0 + 1, which is 1111 1111 + 1 = 1 1000 0000, and the result is out of range (the first 1 is a symbol, and 1000 0000 is a numeric value). To remove the high point, the result is 1000 0000.

There are such examples in life, north around the earth 3/4 times and south around the earth 1/4 of the latitude and longitude of the same; If you rotate 90 degrees in the forward direction and 270 degrees in the reverse direction, you’re going to get the same thing, but if you just look at the ones place, you’re going to get the same thing with 5 minus 2 and 5 plus 8. The complement of -0 + 1 is similar, the higher than the meaning of the removal is good, and the final result is correct.

In the example just given, the numbers modulo 3/4 and 1/4, 90 and 270, 2 and 8, and 10 are called touches.

The complement distinguishes 1000 0000 from 0000 0000, where 1000 0000 represents the decimal -128 and 0000 0000 represents 0.

And by extension, what is an adder? A human brain can quickly calculate that 1 + 2 = 3, but what about a computer?

Computer chips have power and no power two gears, power for high voltage (general 5V, binary 1), no power low voltage (general 0V, binary 0), assembled into a complex circuit basic three gates – and or not gate.

And gate: if both A and B are 1, the result is 1; otherwise, it is 0. Or gate: the result is 1 as long as either A or B is 1. Nand gate: if A is 1, the result is 0; if A is 0, the result is 1.

The above three doors can be assembled into xOR doors.

Xor gate: the result is 1 when A and B have different results.

The essence of addition is to give two bases, calculate the new base and carry. For example, the original bit 1 + 1 gets the new standard 0 and carry 1.

The xor gate in parallel with the and gate is a half adder, which is a complex assembly of N half adders.

Ok, I wrote a fool, estimate you also see a fool, not your problem, I express not very good, have question can comment, we discuss with each other.

Here is the original code, anti code, complement a little deeper understanding of it.

Shift operator

Left shift operator <<

Move the entire binary number to the left by the specified number of bits. The right-hand space is filled by 0. For example, a << 1 is equivalent to multiplying by 2, but pay attention to the sign bit and the value range.

Right shift operator >>

Move the whole binary number to the right by the specified number of bits. The left space comples the sign bit. For example, a >> 1 is equivalent to multiplying by 2.

Unsigned right shift operator >>>

Move the entire binary number to the right by the specified number of digits. The left space is filled with 0. Positive numbers are equal to >>, and negative numbers are changed to positive numbers by 0.

To be continued…

In fact, the shift operator here is also a lot of questions, such as the zero complement and complement sign bit store? Only the first symbol in the original code, if you want to fill 2 symbol bit points? Why is shift the same thing as multiplying and dividing by 2 to the n? What happens if 5 moves to the right one place? , etc.

It is a little sad to write (hand cover face), first send out the semi-finished product to see if it can mix a few thumbs up to encourage their own haha ha ha ha, slip slip, tomorrow to clarify these problems to add.

Every time I grow up, I want to share with you. (Whisper BB, the lottery is in the public account.)