Java recursive query tree list.

The requirement is that the front end needs a tree selector, so it needs to provide the front end with tree data

Post code directly!!

 @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/queryTreeList")
    public void queryTreeList(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response,@RequestBody Map param){
        try {
            List<Map> res = new ArrayList<>();
            QueryWrapper<BuiSyFunction> wrapper = initWrapper(param);
            // Query all level-1 menus
            List<BuiSyFunction> functions = buiSyFunctionService.list(wrapper);
// List
list = new ArrayList<>();
// Iterate through the first level menu for (BuiSyFunction function : functions){ Map map = new HashMap(); Long id = function.getId(); map.put("value",id); map.put("label",function.getFunctionName()); // Recursively query submenus List<Object> childFunctions = getChildFunctions(id); if (childFunctions.size() > 0){ map.put("children",childFunctions); } res.add(map); } renderResult(response,res); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }}public List<Object> getChildFunctions(Long parentId){ List<Object> res = new ArrayList<>(); QueryWrapper<BuiSyFunction> wrapper = new QueryWrapper<>(); wrapper.eq("state".1); wrapper.eq("function_parent_id",parentId); // Query the menu by parent Id List<BuiSyFunction> functions = buiSyFunctionService.list(wrapper); for(BuiSyFunction function : functions){ Map map = new HashMap(); Long id = function.getId(); map.put("value",id); map.put("label",function.getFunctionName()); // Recursively query submenus List<Object> childFunctions = getChildFunctions(id); if (childFunctions.size() > 0){ map.put("children",childFunctions); } res.add(map); } return res; } Copy the code