This is a strange world, everyone can practice, and the mind, magic, weapons, etc are all related to Java…

A wisp of thought, I do not know how long in the dark, until this day, slowly woke up: “Why is this bed so hard? Hiss ~, what thing is so cold?”

When I opened my eyes, I saw a wooden house. All the objects in the house were made of original ecology, except a metal keyboard size at my hand. It was complete and had some strange lines on it.

“Oh my God, what’s going on, what is this, am I being kidnapped?”

A strange memory came flooding into my mind. “Oh, my God, I did. I was a Java programmer in my last life, working in a big factory for several years. I went out early and came home late every day. The last night in my memory, I got home at 12 o ‘clock. Is it sudden death?”

“God, hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, and I haven’t spent that… Why is it so sad?”

Bang, the door was a baby fat boy hit open, “Shang Ge, how are you still in bed, yesterday set competition to start”

The feeling of swearing niang in grief was interrupted, have to return to reality, be informed from the memory, the host of this body calls you still, the person that comes in is you xing, call him fatty at ordinary times.

The remote home that they are in is one of this town 3 big familial, internal clique is not harmonious, and before the host of this body compares waste firewood, annual familial competition tried to want to begin, for not lose face, ate the pill that does not know which comes, belch fart…

“Come on, fatty, don’t talk while you’re walking.”

They went out together.

“Shang elder brother, when the time comes, you say body unwell, don’t play, your father is patriarch, no one will embarrass you.”

From my memory, I learned that the heavy metal block in my hand was called “key”, which was the instrument of the world’s carrying method. Looking at the key suspended beside you, it was obvious that the waste wood of this body had not been activated yet.

The world is full of reiki, through the operation of the heart method everyone can absorb reiki, his hand heart method is called “Java entry”, according to strength is divided into: entry, practice, primary, intermediate, senior, each level is divided into ten sections. Intermediate engineers were rare throughout the continent, and advanced engineers were legendary and unheard of after that.

And his father is the strongest in the clan, to practice three, you still feel that he is in this world to rebel, brilliant voice to come.

His thoughts are interrupted. “Almost everyone in the clan has activated the key, can play a variable definition spell, and some can even play a function call spell.”

“Have no matter, I suddenly realized last night, from now on inevitable soar sky, later I cover you, ha ha”, you still mood is very happy, patted the shoulder of fat man.

“Shang elder brother, don’t blow, the key hasn’t activated that, can be so grandiose.”

“Easy, watch.”

From memory already know, in fact this key is like the combination of keyboard and computer of last life, inside similar Linux system, input is spirit force however.

Inside has been installed JDK, you still only need to call reiki outline a line, into the key.

vim .profile
Copy the code

Enter a file space within the key, and then write symbols into it:

Export JAVA_HOME=/app/jdk1.8.0_51 export JRE_HOME=/app/jdk1.8.0_51/jre export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATHCopy the code

Then exit the file control and burn:

source .profile
Copy the code

Suddenly, all the lines on the key light up, a dazzling light, from the hand and up, suspended in the air.

“My God, you had an Epiphany? It took me over a month to activate it, but that’s pretty smooth, isn’t it? All in a flash?” The fat man couldn’t believe it.


Two people soon came to the test field inside the clan, can see many people cast hostile vision, you still lazy take them, let them know what is called the return of the strong, fly into the sky.

A total of dozens of young people, a total of three challenges, the final determination of the top three, awarded within the clan.

Very soon, you still play. After the tester announced the start, the opposite boy began to call reiki, building a symbol into the key, speed that is… Pretty slow.

You still feel some bully person, wait him almost, suddenly big drink 1: “key come”.

This voice really may be some high, the opposite of the boy was scared a shock, the casting method was interrupted, glowering: “despicable”.

The audience and the other side of the crowd also began to shout: “too mean” “is” “called from the side to the front of the need to shout” “he is intentional” “mean, interrupt others cast magic.”

You have no language, just want to play a handsome just. Give them one more chance, then wait for them to cast again. After a long time, the other cast finished, a bright light came over:

public class Main{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str = "Go to hell."; System.out.println(str); }}Copy the code

As fast as the mind is, the input is fast. You shang created the file space in an instant, and then described the symbols:

class Parent{
    static {
        System.out.println("Parent static code block");
        System.out.println("Parent code block");
    public Parent(a){
        System.out.println("Parent constructor"); }}public class Child extends Parent{
    static {
        System.out.println("Child static code block");
        System.out.println("Child code block");
    public Child(a){
        System.out.println("Child constructor");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        newChild(); }}Copy the code

And then:

java Child
Copy the code

These are completed in the instant, you still drink loudly 1: “go”, a more dazzing light rushed out from the key of you still, directly hit the art method of the other side, will period merciless dozen fly, fall in challenge stage below.

“You shang Sheng!”

‘Yes! You shang’s patriarch father You Zhan chong nodded his head.

“Give you opportunity, but you are useless”, you still a pair owe beat of appearance.

“Too arrogant” “really want to go up to hit him” “shameless” a commotion under the stage

“Shang elder brother, you this is what technique law ah, good numerous Austria, good cow force”, after stepping down, fatty come forward immediately.

This is what I realized yesterday, and I pass it to you. Put your finger between the fat man’s eyes:

Java program initialization order, superclass static variable, superclass static code block, subclass static variable, subclass static code block, superclass non-static variable, superclass non-static code block, superclass constructor, subclass non-static variable, subclass non-static code block, subclass constructor.

“Go back and experience it carefully. It’s not hard to understand it.”

“Thank you shang Ge, Shang Ge niubi”.

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