Does Java programming make money? How much money do you make? There are a lot of young friends are about to enter the industry would like to ask this question, I want to say “three hundred and sixty line, line out of the top” programmer, want to get high salary doesn’t have to do is relative programmer this career starting salary is higher, more opportunities, programmers pay different levels is different also, of course, we come to know about the science of uniting the programmer from three level:

The first level realm: the sword points to all sides, and asks the world who is fighting for the top

The first level of training programmers, Java development technology all grasp, development tools master is also more skilled. I can complete the tasks assigned by the second-level programmers very well, and I can independently complete the development of classes, interfaces and algorithms as required. Skilled and familiar with specific programming languages.

I hope to use all the technology I can in all the projects I develop. The only purpose is to get as many practical opportunities as possible. I always talk about which framework is the best, the advantages and disadvantages of C# and Java, and I always think about how to write a program more complex. Be passionate about discussing technical issues and may even argue with others over a development point of view.

In coding, you can often see them writing program code like this:

They really want to prove that they’re technically adept, and yes, they know that, so I can omit the curly braces here. Work energetic, often because of a technical detail to work late into the night, most of the hard work three lang type. If the project doesn’t let them learn what they want, they will give up the project and go to another company, job-hopping is common for them.

Characteristics of the first boundary:

Working time: within three years

Task: Write specific implementation code of classes and interfaces as required

What they do: Write concrete code

Development goal: omnipotent

Development characteristics: skill oriented and familiar with specific programming languages

Job title: Junior programmer, programmer, software engineer

Reference monthly salary: ¥6500-¥15000 (for reference only)

Second level: The world is so big, there is so much to learn

The level 2 programmers, they tend to be the ones who have been working on Java for a few years and have moved up from the level 1 level, that is, the ones who haven’t been eliminated by the fittest. It is not an exaggeration to use the cruel phrase “not being eliminated by the fittest”. We often see people who have been left behind in this field give up their careers in software development because their ambitions have strayed, or because they could not endure hardship, or because they underestimated the difficulties, or even because of physical reasons. Here is the emphasis on the “body”, but also because, the first level is so cruel, in fact, no one asked you to work overtime, just your blood.

Therefore, we say that in the second level are the good players who “have not been selected by the fittest”.

They have experienced several development products or projects, and can use their own knowledge to lead the first-level programmers to develop projects. They are experienced developers, but what bothers them most is the “time limit” and “Bug” of the project, and they have no time to pay attention to the technical practice. They tend to develop and design the technical architecture of the entire program using the architectural approach they are best at.

In coding, they can often be seen writing program code like this:

Characteristics of the second level:

Length of service: more than three years, or until retirement

Job description: Write and instruct level 1 programmers to develop according to development requirements

Job description: Lead the development team, design the architecture, and write key programs, ensure the project schedule, responsible for the quality of a development project

Development goal: no merit but no fault, quality efficiency is better than everything, reasonable technology used in reasonable places

Development characteristics: focus on method, not programming language details

Position: Senior Software Engineer, Development Manager, System Architect, project Manager, etc

Reference monthly salary: ¥15000-¥25000 (for reference only)

They added the “{}” braces because they knew that these details would cause bugs that would take days to debug, and that the omitted braces would not optimize the system at all.

They know, the more the more I think the world is vast, can not help but sigh “the world is so big, want to learn a lot of things”, Java technology has already can’t meet the demand of the success rate of their work, they have to take the time to research the method of project management, the overall technical concerns from the specific development of Java technology, A gradual shift to other information technology directions unrelated to Java, such as network application layer protocols, other platform languages, and even Linux kernel tailoring, has come into their view.

The third level: the deepest is the shallowest, the shallowest is the deepest, but so much

From the science of uniting the third level of programmers, they are usually in the second state after “breakthrough self” advanced up to a wise man, is on the second floor of the science of uniting the realm has the technical level of practice, such as fire pure clear, have their own a set of “talents”, say, by the ability in the industry should be said to be living in warm and well-fed.

Any “application-level” technology in their eyes, there is no difference, they are looking at the industry hype “roll” technology, like what, EJB, development framework, or for the development of language, what Java, Vb, C, python, or any other language, is basically a very “cool”, not think how good, Do not feel how bad, will only light said a “but so.”

So, they want to break through, they want to advance, they not only have a good level of technical knowledge, but also have a more sensitive product insight, and more sensitive market smell, and can give full play to these abilities and output technology and market are popular ideas. Finally, they reached the third level of programmer cultivation realm, they broke through the traditional concept of the original programmer, reached the industry “run unimpeded, arbitrary gallop” ability, this is the highest realm of programmer cultivation.

Characteristics of the third layer boundary:

Working time: more than 6 years (frequent job-hopping is not counted)

Job tasks: different permutations and combinations of “application-level” technology, market-oriented to innovation and creation

Job description: In the face of the market, relying on the technical development team, guiding the market focus of development, guiding the way to profit from the market

Job goal: Profit

Position: Department Manager, VICE President of R&D, CTO, Solution Specialist, Business Specialist, Product Manager, Senior Product Manager, etc

Reference monthly salary: more than ¥30000 (for reference only)

Comment on “Cultivating three-level Realm”

The realm of life such as Tao Yuanming “Peach Blossom” in the “beginning extremely narrow, just general. Ten more steps and suddenly it was clear.”

The programmer’s development path is the programmer’s life path, from the initial “mountain is mountain, see water is water”, to later see more understanding to “see mountain is not mountain, see water is not water”, did not think of the final discovery of “see mountain or mountain, see water or water”.

Does this profession make money? How much money?” I just want to say, this profession gives you a high salary starting point, the probability of high salary in this industry is greater, but there is no pie from heaven in the world, also will not fall a Sister Lin. Any career, all need the following to be successful: the first is to aspire to, the second is to think, the third is to struggle, the programmer is the harder the salary is higher, even beyond your imagination.

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