Java programmers are getting raises, I’m getting years

This article was adapted from: Lebyte
This article mainly explains: Java programmers pay magic tool

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Of course, being a programmer is one of those high-paying jobs.

Whether in China or abroad, IT programmers, engineers, and even code farmers earn much more than their counterparts in other industries!

But how much Java programmers get paid is related to how much experience they have, and how much experience is not necessarily related to years.

After the work has been moving bricks in the framework system set up by others, even if it is not a primary program ape for 5 years!

After you work, you constantly explore, study frameworks by yourself, and apply design patterns while moving bricks by yourself. If you have the opportunity to play architecture by yourself, basic things like SSH, and advanced things, you can also get started. J2EE, J2SE, J2ME have done projects.

Then you are very good!

I’ve spent a lot of time looking for good articles on Java core technologies recently, and I’ve compiled one document after another of the best articles on each Java core technology. Today to share these things to partners, also can save a lot of trouble for partners, want to learn what skills, which aspects of the problem directly open the document to learn. No more talking, go straight to the dry stuff!

I. Java Growth Notes:

1.Java basic disk Recovery

2. Preliminary exploration of Web programming

3.SSM from beginner to master

4. Quick access to SpringBoot

Two, 1-3 years senior engineer

1. Advanced concurrent programming

2. In-depth analysis of JVM

3. The micro service

Three, 3-5 years of experience

1. The database


3. Middleware & Distribution

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