At the beginning and end of each year, all enterprises compete at the end of the year, and employees of major factories show off their benefits at the “highlight” moment. At this time of year, countless programmers who usually work very hard look at their year-end bonus and cry out in their hearts: NEXT year I will enter a big factory, and I will take 10 months.

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If you really want to get the Offer from a big factory, in addition to luck, solid basic skills is fundamental. If you really want a good year, in addition to working hard, you need to write better programs.

In short, if you want to get into a big factory, you want a high salary, you want a big annual bonus, don’t immerse yourself in CRUD every day, and pay more attention to the underlying logic and methods of the technology, such as: how to deal with cache invalidation, penetration and avalanche problems? How does Redis handle file events and time events? What is the “memory visibility” problem? How do you check if a process in the JVM suddenly dies without leaving any information?

If you can’t see the answers to these questions right away, you have a long way to learn.

Today, I am sorting out the courses worth learning on each platform. Today, I recommend several courses of Pull Education under The banner of Pull Education. These courses are the essence of the essential knowledge points obtained by hook education and the investigation of ctos and architects of dozens of first-line enterprises. As a recruitment platform for the production of the course, completely focused on the actual combat use, interview must test the pure knowledge of dry goods.

32 Java Interview Essentials

** This course currently has more than 2.3 million subscribers and is also the best course of 2019. ** The lecturer is Zhang Lei, a senior technical expert of Sina Weibo. According to the big data of 40W + positions on and his experience in interviewing and technical evaluation of 600+ technical people, he summarizes 32 common points of Java interview, leading you to establish a knowledge framework and make up for your ability shortcomings. Whether you’re preparing for a quick interview to get an Offer or a long-term plan to develop your skills at work, you can learn something.

36 Lessons for Architects

Becoming an architect is almost every programmer’s dream, but not everyone can be an architect. It’s not that they don’t try hard enough, it’s that they don’t think structurally. Only by constantly improving their knowledge and vision and infusing themselves with architectural awareness can they become architects. In this course, Li Zhihui, a technical expert of Alibaba, will restore the growth process from 0 to 100 million level for you based on his more than ten years of experience in architecture, and lead you to sort out the architecture evolution process of large-scale Internet technologies and conquer each core technology in different business stages.

Java Virtual Machine in Plain English

“The Java program that is running suddenly OOM” “the program abnormally freezes and the CPU runs crazily” “GC time is soaring, I have no idea what to do with a bunch of JVM parameters, and I even misconfigure a certain parameter, which has negative effects” no matter in the scene of the problem or in the job interview. These questions all require a very deep understanding of the JVM. In this course, the former senior architect of JINGdong, ** will disassemble 23 real production cases and restore the most real JVM problem scene. ** includes: garbage collection, memory, GC and other common problems “extinguishing” solutions, memory model, the underlying principle of bytecode and practical progress, after learning, you can easily master performance bottleneck tuning skills under medium and large projects.

Distributed Caching In 300 Minutes

Chen Bo, a teacher who has worked in sina Weibo for more than ten years, has years of practical experience in microblog Feed flow and distributed storage. The course starts from the underlying principles, reproducing six classic problems and solutions such as penetration and avalanche. Start with the core basics of Memcached and Redis, and move up to the distributed cache CAP. Taking three practical application scenarios as examples, in-depth analysis of caching applications in seckill systems, counters, and Feed streams can help you gain inspiration in different scenarios and design strategies, and give you a complete set of advanced cache capabilities map.

Java Concurrent Interview lecture 78

To be a good Java developer, learning concurrency well is definitely one of the skills you need to get into a high salary. But the knowledge points involved in concurrency are actually very trivial. In the underlying principle of concurrency, it not only involves Java language, but also involves JVM, operating system, memory, CPU instructions, etc., which is confusing. This column will help you systematically learn concurrent Java programming based on your existing knowledge framework, starting with the interview questions, and saying goodbye to the drawbacks of fragmented knowledge acquisition. Help you build your knowledge through 78 core knowledge points and 100+ interview questions. Let each tool class become a “jigsaw puzzle” in your concurrent knowledge system.