This blog post is just for water experience, write this series because my Own Java itself is not particularly good, so I review, but the hand itch so I wrote these more than 30 blogs, and received good praise, so I have been sticking to it, thank you very much friends oh!

Basic Knowledge, JAVA concepts, development tools, keywords/identifiers, variables/constants, base/base conversions, operators, ternary operations

JAVA Journey (2) — if,switch,for, while,do while, statement nesting, process control break, continue, function, overload example summary

JAVA Journey (3) – Arrays, stack memory structure, static initialization, traversal, maximum value, select/bubble sort, two-dimensional arrays, object-oriented thinking

The JAVA Journey (4) – Object-oriented thinking, member/local variables, anonymous objects, encapsulation, Private, constructors, constructed code blocks

JAVA tour (5) – This, static, keyword, main function, package utility class, generate Javadoc specification, static code block

JAVA Journey (6) – Singleton design pattern, extends inheritance, aggregation, child and parent variable relationships, super, overrides

Final keywords, abstract classes, template method patterns, interface, implements, features, extensions

JAVA Journey (8) – The embodiment of polymorphism, premises, benefits, applications, transitions, Instanceof, characteristics of member variables in polymorphism, cases of polymorphism

JAVA Journey (9) — Object classes, Equals, toString, getClass, Inner Class Access rules, Static inner classes, inner class principles, anonymous inner classes

JAVA Tour (10) — Overview of exceptions, try-catch, exception declaration Throws, multi-exception handling, custom exceptions, Throws and Throws

JAVA Tour (11) – RuntimeException, exception summary, Package, JAR, multiprogram overview

JAVA Journey (12) – Thread, run and start features, Thread running state, get Thread object and name, multi-threading example demonstration, use Runnable interface

JAVA journey (13) — thread security, synchronized keyword, multi-thread synchronization code block, synchronization function, synchronization function lock is this

JAVA Trip (14) – static synchronization function locks are class objects, multithreaded singleton design pattern, deadlocks, communication in threads and communication brought about by the security risks, waiting to wake up mechanism

JAVA Journey (15) – Multithreaded producers and consumers, stop threads, daemons, thread priorities, setPriority, yield temporary stops

JAVA Journey (16) – String class, String common methods, get, judge, transform, replace, cut, substring, case conversion, remove Spaces, compare

JAVA Journey (17) – Overview of StringBuffer, store, delete, retrieve, modify, reverse, store cached data into an array, StringBuilder

JAVA Tour (18) – Use of object wrapper classes for basic data types, Collection frameworks, data structures, Collection, ArrayList, Iterator, List

JAVA Journey (19) – ListIterator List iterator, three subclass objects of List, enumeration of Vector, small exercises for LinkedList,ArrayList, and LinkedList

JAVA Journey (20) – HashSet, Custom store object,TreeSet, binary tree, Implementing Comparator sorting,TreeSet small exercise

JAVA Journey (21) – Overview and use of generics, generic classes, generic methods, static generic methods, generic interfaces, generic qualifiers, wildcards

JAVA Journey (22) – Map overview, subclass object features, generic methods, keySet, entrySet, Map exercises

JAVA Journey (23) – System, RunTime, Date, Calendar, Math

JAVA Journey (24) – I/O streams, Character streams, FileWriter, IOException, File continuation, FileReader, small exercises

JAVA Journey (25) – File copy, character stream buffer, BufferedWriter, BufferedReader, copy file through buffer, readLine works, custom readLine

JAVA Journey (26) – Decorative design patterns, the difference between inheritance and decoration, LineNumberReader, custom LineNumberReader, byte stream read operations, I/O copy images

JAVA Journey (27) – Byte stream buffer, copy MP3, custom byte stream buffer, read keyboard entry, convert stream InputStreamReader, write convert stream, stream operation rules

JAVA Tour (28) – File overview, create, delete, determine the existence of a File, create a folder, determine if it is a File/folder, get information, File list, File filtering

JAVA Tour (29) – File recursion, File closing exercise, Properties, load, Properties small exercise

JAVA Journey (30) – Print stream PrintWriter, merge stream, cut file and merge, Serializable object, Pipeline stream, RandomAccessFile, IO other classes, character encoding

JAVA Journey (31) – JAVA graphical interface, GUI layout, Frame, GUI event listener, Action event, mouse event

JAVA Journey (32) – JAVA network request, IP address,TCP/UDP communication protocol overview, Socket, UDP transport, multi-threaded UDP chat applications

JAVA Journey (33) – TCP transfer, mutual (harm) transfer, copy files, upload pictures, multi-concurrent upload, multi-concurrent login

JAVA Journey (34) – Custom server, URLConnection, regular expression features, match, cut, replace, fetch, web crawler

JAVA journey (35) – the end of the chapter, finally finished writing JAVA, really feel!