2021 is coming. Is There a way out for Java? Listen to the veteran coder.

Many fresh graduates, yearning for the high salary of IT industry, but do not know which language to learn, in recent years there are many hot words, artificial intelligence, big data and so on. But I want to say that Java is still a good choice for employment, I don’t speak another language is bad, I mean Java can’t be wrong.

1 About programming language rankings

Many people follow the monthly ranking of various programming languages, but don’t pay too much attention to the ranking. The statistics vary from platform to platform.

If you’re already in the industry, you don’t want to change languages just because of a ranking.

If you’re not already in the game, you can still look at the top 10 languages. Java is very stable, all kinds of rankings are basically in the top 2.

Programming language Rankings for December 2020

Comparison of popular back-end languages

There are many programming languages, but it’s hard to say which one is the best, just that each language is suited to different areas. What’s more, there are front-end and back-end. Which is better, Java or javascript? One front end and one back end, no comparison, like a wife and a wife-pie.

Here are some of the most popular backend languages for your reference:

  • C, C++, partial bottom, give a person a lonely feeling
  • Python, a panacea, but not necessarily good employment, need to go deep in a certain area
  • PHP, the old Web, but only the old companies, the old projects are still around
  • C#, Microsoft has tried very hard, but like a hopeless fight
  • Java, gives a person the feeling is stable, the first choice for enterprise Web projects

Java has many directions

Java has many directions: Android, PC desktop, gaming, Web, etc.

The android

Many Android apps are developed in Java. However, with the increasing number of mobile platforms, android, IOS, PAD, wechat mini program, wechat official account, etc., many mobile terminal projects will abandon Native language and switch to some cross-platform solutions for rapid iteration, such as the well-known React Native, Flutter, Uniapp, etc.

PC desktop

Java can do, but not strengths, can replace the language there are a lot of, so if you signed up for a training class, Swing and other PC development courses, can not be said to cheat money, but is absolutely top up, the use of Java development PC side is few and far between.

The game

There are many games, such as mobile games, terminal games, page games, VR, AR, Java writing games are ok, but large games are mostly C++, after all, the performance is poor there. Also, the game companies are very demanding and there are not many game companies to choose from, so it’s a difficult path for beginners.


This is the strength of Java, to learn Java, is to learn Java Web development, large and small projects can be, small to blog, forum, ali Zhongtai, are applicable. Many industrial systems are developed with Java, such as enterprise website, OA office system, e-commerce, logistics, finance and so on.

The separation of front and back ends is a very popular concept in recent years. The common micro program, public account, App, website and so on are visible front ends, while the invisible back end is a pure interface Web project, most of which are developed in Java.

To sum up: The most cost-effective way for beginners to learn Java is Java Web development.

4 Are jobs saturated?

Every year someone shouts that Java is saturated and that it’s better to switch to XXX. In fact, a lot of a look is advertising language.

Although there are a lot of people entering the industry each year, there is also a lot of demand, many people leave each year, and there are many new projects that need Java talent. So as long as there are Web projects, there will always be a need for Java talent, and there will always be Web projects, there will always be a need for Java talent.

How to stand out?

There is a constant demand for Java talent, and there are many people entering this industry every year. How can we stand out from the fierce competition?

IT industry talent is a typical pyramid model, below a pile of low-end talent at the bottom, the more up, the more talent shortage, so in fact, as long as you work a little harder than others, master a little more knowledge, you may exceed a large number of people.

That’s why training classes continue to flourish. With training, you can get ahead of a lot of new people. But the training courses are uneven and, as mentioned above, some are simply made up of outdated courses and sold at a high price. Here’s a reminder to keep your eyes peeled.

In recent years, there are many online lecturers sharing experience. It is my honor to follow this path. If you are interested, you can search the MOOCs website: Jia Frog, I like to talk about Java project practice, Java full stack, and share 12 years of practice experience. **

Is learning Java enough?

Technology development to now, any kind of application, not just a language can be completed, so in addition to Java, but also need to learn other programming languages, such as do the simplest blog, only Java is not good, at least will HTML, JS, CSS front-end three swordsmen.

In short, it is not easy to be eliminated by continuous learning and lifelong learning.

I have been in the industry for 13 years. I am 35 years old. I do not panic.

7 Doing a project is a project

Previously said, the way out of Java is to do Web development, that is not after learning Java, will Web development? Boy, you are so naive.

Learning Java core knowledge is just the beginning, just like playing games, full level is just the beginning.

Doing a project is a project, not just Java

  • The Mysql database
  • The framework SpringBoot/SpringCloud
  • Persistence layer framework Mybatis
  • Front-end framework Vue/Angular
  • The front-end UI Bootstrap/Element
  • Basic front three swordsmen HTML, JS, CSS
  • Code Management Git
  • Project Management Maven
  • Basic programming skills

See how much you got? Are you ready to give up?

Xiaobian has opened a column to record my learning path and programming habits, at least one more a week, welcome to pay attention to the public number: Mile learning programming

Just go ahead and arrange the rest of the editor