“This is the fourth day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”

❤️ Author’s home page: Xiao Xu Zhu

❤️ About the author: Hello everyone, I am Xiao Xu Zhu. Java field quality creator 🏆, CSDN blog expert 🏆, Huawei cloud enjoy expert 🏆, Nuggets of the year popular author 🏆, Ali Cloud expert blogger 🏆

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Gobang is one of the world Intelligence Games, which is a pure strategy board game played by two people. It is one of the world Intelligence Games. Usually, the two sides use black and white pieces respectively, placed on the intersection of straight and horizontal lines of the board.

Chess set and weiqi universal, originated in ancient China, one of the traditional black and white chess. It is mainly popular in the countries of Chinese and Chinese culture circle as well as some areas of Europe and America. It is the oldest chess game in the world.

Easy to use, suitable for all ages, and fun, engaging; Not only can enhance thinking ability, improve intelligence, and rich in philosophy, conducive to moral cultivation.

Using Java language, using Swing technology for interface processing, design ideas with object-oriented thought.

The main requirements

1. Each side holds a chess piece of the same color.

2. Empty board opening.

Black first, white, alternate down time, each time only a son.

4, the chess piece is placed on the blank point of the board. After the chess piece is made up, it shall not move to other points, nor be removed from the board or picked up and dropped elsewhere.

5. The first black piece can be placed at any intersection on the board.

It is the right of both parties to take turns, but either party is allowed to give up the right, and the one who forms the first 5 sub-links wins.

The main design

1, because it is a two-person game, non-stand-alone version, so there are multiple clients to communicate with each other, then need to use socket technology

2, design the socket server, used to maintain the socket client connection

3, design socket client, used to achieve the logic and effect of backgammon

4. The client must be able to set the IP address for connecting to the server

5. After client 1 creates the game, client 2 can choose client 1 to play online

6. Rules of the game:

  1. Each side holds a piece of the same color.
  2. Empty checkerboard opening.
  3. Black first, after the white, alternating down, each time can only be a son.
  4. A piece is placed on a blank spot on the board. After a piece is made up, it may not move to any other point or be removed from the board or picked up for another place.
  5. The first piece of black can be placed at any intersection of the board.
  6. It is the right of both parties to take turns, but either party is allowed to give up the right, and the first one to form a five-piece tie wins.

Screenshot function

Server startup

Client 1 starts

Client 2 starts

Against the effect

Code implementation

The server startup class

public class ServerRunner extends Frame implements ActionListener {
    JButton clearMsgButton = new JButton("Empty");
    JButton serverStatusButton = new JButton("State");
    JButton closeServerButton = new JButton("Closed");
    Panel buttonPanel = new Panel();
    ServerMsgPanel serverMsgPanel = new ServerMsgPanel();
    ServerSocket serverSocket;
    int clientAccessNumber = 1;

    /* bind the client socket to the output stream */
    Hashtable clientDataHash = new Hashtable(50);
    /** * bind the client socket to the client name */
    Hashtable clientNameHash = new Hashtable(50);
    /** * Bind game creator and game participant */
    Hashtable chessPeerHash = new Hashtable(50);

    public ServerRunner(a) {
        super("Online game fighting platform server control platform");
        buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        add(serverMsgPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
                System.exit(0); }}); pack(); setVisible(true);

        try {
            createServer(1234, serverMsgPanel);
        } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}/** * Create server * with the specified port and panel@param port
     * @param serverMsgPanel
     * @throws IOException
    public void createServer(int port, ServerMsgPanel serverMsgPanel) throws IOException {
        // Client socket
        Socket clientSocket;
        // Set the current host
        this.serverMsgPanel = serverMsgPanel;
        try {
            serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port);
            serverMsgPanel.msgTextArea.setText("Server startup :"
                    + InetAddress.getLocalHost() + ":"
                    + serverSocket.getLocalPort() + "\n");
            while (true) {
                // Listen for information on the client socket
                clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
                serverMsgPanel.msgTextArea.append("Connected User :" +
                        "YiShen" + clientAccessNumber +"\n" + clientSocket + "\n");
                // Set up the client output stream
                DataOutputStream outputData = new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
                // Bind the client socket to the output stream
                clientDataHash.put(clientSocket, outputData);
                // Bind the client socket to the client name
                clientNameHash.put(clientSocket, ("YiShen" + clientAccessNumber++));
                // Create and run a server-side thread
                ServerThread thread = newServerThread(clientSocket, clientDataHash, clientNameHash, chessPeerHash, serverMsgPanel); thread.start(); }}catch(IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }}@Override
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        // Clear the server information
        if (e.getSource() == clearMsgButton) {

        // Displays server information
        if (e.getSource() == serverStatusButton) {
            try {
                serverMsgPanel.msgTextArea.append("User Information:" + "YiShen"
                        + (clientAccessNumber - 1) + "\n Server information :"
                        + InetAddress.getLocalHost() + ":"
                        + serverSocket.getLocalPort() + "\n");
            } catch(Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); }}}public static void main(String[] args) {
        newServerRunner(); }}Copy the code

Client startup class

/ * * *@Author: Mr_OO
 * @Date: 2019/12/22 9:05 * Client */
public class ClientChess extends Frame implements ActionListener.KeyListener {

    /** * client socket */
    public Socket clientSocket;

    /** * Data input stream */
    public DataInputStream inputStream;

    /** * Data output stream */
    public DataOutputStream outputStream;

    /** * User name */
    public String chessClientName = null;
    /** * Host address */
    public String host = null;
    /** * Host port */
    public int port = 1234;
     * 是否在聊天
    public boolean isOnChat = false;
    /** * is playing chess */
    public boolean isOnChess = false;
    /** * Whether the game is in progress */
    public boolean isGameConnected = false;
    /** * Is the game creator */
    public boolean isCreator = false;
    /** * whether to join the game */
    public boolean isParticipant = false;
    /** * User list area */
    public UserList userListPad = new UserList();
    /** * User chat area */
    protected UserChat userChatPad = new UserChat();
    /** * User operation area */
    public UserController userControlPad = new UserController();
    /** * User input field */
    protected UserInput userInputPad = new UserInput();
    /** * chess */
    ChessBoard chessBoard = new ChessBoard();
    /** * Panel area */
    private Panel southPanel = new Panel();
    private Panel centerPanel = new Panel();
    private Panel eastPanel = new Panel();

    /** * create interface */
    public ClientChess(a) {
        super("Backgammon client");
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        host = userControlPad.ipInputted.getText();
        eastPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        eastPanel.add(userListPad, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        eastPanel.add(userChatPad, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        eastPanel.setBackground(new Color(238.154.73));


        chessBoard.host =  (userControlPad.ipInputted.getText());
        centerPanel.add(chessBoard, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        centerPanel.add(userInputPad, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        centerPanel.setBackground(new Color(238.154.73));

        southPanel.add(userControlPad, BorderLayout.CENTER);

        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
                / / chat
                if (isOnChat) {
                    // Close the client socket
                    try {
                    catch (Exception ed){}

                if (isOnChess || isGameConnected) {
                    / / to play chess
                    try {
                        // Close the chess-playing port
                    catch (Exception ee){}
                System.exit(0); }}); add(eastPanel, BorderLayout.EAST); add(centerPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); pack(); setSize(1000.700);

    /** * Connect to the server with the specified IP address and port *@param serverIP
     * @param serverPort
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean connectToServer(String serverIP, int serverPort) throws Exception {
        try {
            // Create a client socket
            clientSocket = new Socket(serverIP, serverPort);
            // Create an input stream
            inputStream = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
            // Create an output stream
            outputStream = new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
            // Create a client thread
            ClientThread clientThread = new ClientThread(this);
            // Start the thread and wait for chat messages
            isOnChat = true;
            return true;
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            userChatPad.chatTextArea.setText("Sorry, unable to connect!! \n");
        return false;

    /** * Client event handling *@param e
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        // Connect to host button click event
        if (e.getSource() == userControlPad.connectButton) {
            // Get the host address
            host = chessBoard.host = userControlPad.ipInputted.getText();
            try {
                // Set the client interface status when the host is successfully connected
                if (connectToServer(host, port)) {
                    chessBoard.statusText.setText("Connection successful. please wait!!"); }}catch (Exception ei) {
                userChatPad.chatTextArea.setText("Sorry, cannot connect!! \n"); }}// Leave the game button click event
        if (e.getSource() == userControlPad.exitButton) {
            // If the user is in chat state
            if (isOnChat) {
                try {
                    // Close the client socket
                catch (Exception ed){}

            // If the user is in the game state
            if (isOnChess || isGameConnected) {
                try {
                    // Close the game port
                catch (Exception ee){}

        // Add the game button click event
        if (e.getSource() == userControlPad.joinButton) {
            // Get the game to join
            String selectedUser = userListPad.userList.getSelectedItem();
            // If the user to join is not selected, or the selected user is already in the game, a prompt message will be given
            if (selectedUser == null || selectedUser.startsWith("[inchess]") ||
                    selectedUser.equals(chessClientName)) {
                chessBoard.statusText.setText("Must select a user!");
            } else {
                // Perform the action of joining the game
                try {
                    // If the game socket is not connected
                    if(! isGameConnected) {// If the connection to the host succeeds
                        if (chessBoard.connectServer(chessBoard.host, chessBoard.port)) {
                            isGameConnected = true;
                            isOnChess = true;
                            isParticipant = true;
                            chessBoard.chessThread.sendMessage("/joingame "
                                    + userListPad.userList.getSelectedItem() + ""+ chessClientName); }}else {
                        // If the game port is connected
                        isOnChess = true;
                        isParticipant = true;
                        chessBoard.chessThread.sendMessage("/joingame "
                                + userListPad.userList.getSelectedItem() + ""+ chessClientName); }}catch (Exception ee) {
                    isGameConnected = false;
                    isOnChess = false;
                    isParticipant = false;
                    userChatPad.chatTextArea.setText("Cannot connect: \n"+ ee); }}}// Create the game button click event
        if (e.getSource() == userControlPad.createButton) {
            try {
                // If the game port is disconnected
                if(! isGameConnected) {if (chessBoard.connectServer(chessBoard.host, chessBoard.port)) {
                        // If the connection to the host succeeds
                        isGameConnected = true;
                        isOnChess = true;
                        isCreator = true;
                        chessBoard.chessThread.sendMessage("/creatgame " + "[inchess]"+ chessClientName); }}else {
                    // If the game port is connected
                    isOnChess = true;
                    isCreator = true;
                    chessBoard.chessThread.sendMessage("/creatgame "
                            + "[inchess]"+ chessClientName); }}catch (Exception ec) {
                isGameConnected = false;
                isOnChess = false;
                isCreator = false;
                userChatPad.chatTextArea.setText("Sorry, can't connect: \n"+ ec); }}// Exit the game button click event
        if (e.getSource() == userControlPad.cancelButton) {
            / / in the game
            if (isOnChess) {
                chessBoard.chessThread.sendMessage("/giveup " + chessClientName);
                chessBoard.setVicStatus(-1 * chessBoard.chessColor);
                chessBoard.statusText.setText("Please select create room or join the game!!");
            } if(! isOnChess) {// Not in the game
                chessBoard.statusText.setText("Please select create room or join the game!!");
            isParticipant = isCreator = false; }}@Override
    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
        TextField inputwords = (TextField) e.getSource();
        // Handle the return key event
        if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
            // Send a message to everyone
            if (userInputPad.userChoice.getSelectedItem().equals("All Users")) {
                try {
                    // Send a message
                } catch (Exception ea) {
                    userChatPad.chatTextArea.setText("Sorry, cannot connect to server! \n");
                    userControlPad.connectButton.setEnabled(true); }}else {
                // Send a message to the designated person
                try {
                    outputStream.writeUTF("/" + userInputPad.userChoice.getSelectedItem()
                            + "" + inputwords.getText());
                } catch (Exception ea) {
                    userChatPad.chatTextArea.setText("Sorry, cannot connect to server! \n");
                    userControlPad.connectButton.setEnabled(true); }}}}@Override
    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}

    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        newClientChess(); }}Copy the code

Chessboard gobang core algorithm class

public class ChessBoard extends Panel implements MouseListener.ActionListener {
    public int dis = 30;
    // Whether the mouse works
    public boolean isMouseEnabled = false;
    // Whether to win
    public boolean isWon = false;
    // The x-coordinate position of the piece
    public int chessX_POS = -1;
    // The y position of the chessman
    public int chessY_POS = -1;
    // The color of the pieces
    public int chessColor = 1;
    // Black's x-position array
    public int chessBlack_XPOS[] = new int[200];
    // Black's y-position array
    public int chessBlack_YPOS[] = new int[200];
    // White's x position array
    public int chessWhite_XPOS[] = new int[200];
    // White's y-position array
    public int chessWhite_YPOS[] = new int[200];
    // Number of black moves
    public int chessBlackCount = 0;
    // The number of white moves
    public int chessWhiteCount = 0;
    // The number of black wins
    public int chessBlackVicTimes = 0;
    // White wins
    public int chessWhiteVicTimes = 0;
    / / set of interfaces
    public Socket chessSocket;
    protected DataInputStream inputData;
    protected DataOutputStream outputData;
    public String chessSelfName = null;
    public String chessPeerName = null;
    public String host = null;
    public int port = 1234;
    public TextField statusText = new TextField("Please connect to server first!!");
    public ChessThread chessThread = new ChessThread(this);

    public ChessBoard(a) {
        setBackground(new Color(205.133.63));
        statusText.setBounds(new Rectangle(80.5.440.24));

    /** * Connect to host *@param ServerIP
     * @param ServerPort
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean connectServer(String ServerIP, int ServerPort) throws Exception {
        try {
            // Get the host port
            chessSocket = new Socket(ServerIP, ServerPort);
            // get the input stream
            inputData = new DataInputStream(chessSocket.getInputStream());
            // get the output stream
            outputData = new DataOutputStream(chessSocket.getOutputStream());
            return true;
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            statusText.setText("Sorry, connection failed!! \n");
        return false;

    /** * Sets the board state for victory *@param vicChessColor
    public void setVicStatus(int vicChessColor) {
        // Clear the board
        // Set black's position to zero
        for (int i = 0; i <= chessBlackCount; i++) {
            chessBlack_XPOS[i] = 0;
            chessBlack_YPOS[i] = 0;
        // Sets white's position to zero
        for (int i = 0; i <= chessWhiteCount; i++) {
            chessWhite_XPOS[i] = 0;
            chessWhite_YPOS[i] = 0;
        // Clear the board of black
        chessBlackCount = 0;
        // Clear the board of white pieces
        chessWhiteCount = 0;
        / / black
        if (vicChessColor == 1) {
            statusText.setText("Congratulations to the Black team!! Black vs. white. "" + chessBlackVicTimes + ":" + chessWhiteVicTimes
                    + ".game restart, waiting for white...");
            / / white
        } else if (vicChessColor == -1) {
            statusText.setText("Congratulations Bai Fangsheng!! Black vs. white. "" + chessBlackVicTimes + ":" + chessWhiteVicTimes
                    + ".game restart, waiting for black..."); }}/** * get the position of the specified piece *@param xPos
     * @param yPos
     * @param chessColor
    public void setLocation(int xPos, int yPos, int chessColor) {
        // When the pieces are black
        if (chessColor == 1) {
            chessBlack_XPOS[chessBlackCount] = xPos * dis;
            chessBlack_YPOS[chessBlackCount] = yPos * dis;
        // When the pieces are white
        } else if (chessColor == -1) { chessWhite_XPOS[chessWhiteCount] = xPos * dis; chessWhite_YPOS[chessWhiteCount] = yPos * dis; chessWhiteCount++; }}/** * Gobang core algorithm *@param xPos
     * @param yPos
     * @param chessColor
     * @return* /
    public boolean checkVicStatus(int xPos, int yPos, int chessColor) {
        // Join the number of pieces
        int chessLinkedCount = 1;
        // Used to compare whether to continue traversing the adjacent grids of a piece
        int chessLinkedCompare = 1;
        // The index position of the piece to be compared in the array
        int chessToCompareIndex = 0;
        // The position of the adjacent grid
        int closeGrid = 1;
        / / black
        if (chessColor == 1) {
            // If the piece itself is counted, the initial number of connections is 1
            chessLinkedCount = 1;
            // Each pair of the following for loops is a set, because the chess can be played in the middle rather than at both ends
            // Iterate over 4 adjacent grids
            // Check whether the 4 pieces to the right of the current piece are all black
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                // Traverses all black pieces on the board
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessBlackCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if (((xPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos * dis) == chessBlack_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        // The number of connections is increased by 1
                        chessLinkedCount = chessLinkedCount + 1;
                        // When the fifth son is connected, victory
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                    // If there is a piece in the middle that is not black, it will enter this branch
                } else {
                    break; }}// Check whether the 4 pieces to the left of the current chess piece are all black
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessBlackCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if (((xPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && (yPos * dis == chessBlack_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {
                    break; }}// The connection count is reset when entering a new set of for loops
            chessLinkedCount = 1;
            chessLinkedCompare = 1;
            // Check whether the top 4 pieces are black
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessBlackCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if ((xPos * dis == chessBlack_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {
                    break; }}// Check whether the bottom 4 pieces of the current chess are black
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessBlackCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if ((xPos * dis == chessBlack_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {

            chessLinkedCount = 1;
            chessLinkedCompare = 1;
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessBlackCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    // Check whether all 4 pieces in the upper left direction of the current chess piece are black
                    if (((xPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {
                    break; }}for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessBlackCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    // Check whether all 4 pieces in the lower right direction of the current chess piece are black
                    if (((xPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {

            chessLinkedCount = 1;
            chessLinkedCompare = 1;
            // Check whether all 4 pieces in the upper right direction of the current chess piece are black
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessBlackCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if (((xPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {
                    break; }}// Check whether all 4 pieces in the lower left direction of the current chess piece are black
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessBlackCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if (((xPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessBlack_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {
                    break; }}// The case of white
        } else if (chessColor == -1) {
            chessLinkedCount = 1;
            // Check whether the 4 pieces to the right of the current piece are all white
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessWhiteCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if (((xPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && (yPos * dis == chessWhite_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {
                    break; }}// Check whether the 4 pieces to the left of the current chess piece are all white
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessWhiteCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if (((xPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && (yPos * dis == chessWhite_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {

            chessLinkedCount = 1;
            chessLinkedCompare = 1;
            // Check whether the top 4 pieces of the current game are all white
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessWhiteCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if ((xPos * dis == chessWhite_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {
                    break; }}// Check whether the bottom 4 pieces of the current chess are all white
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessWhiteCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if ((xPos * dis == chessWhite_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {

            chessLinkedCount = 1;
            chessLinkedCompare = 1;
            // Check whether all 4 pieces in the upper left direction of the current chess piece are white
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessWhiteCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if (((xPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {
                    break; }}// Check whether all 4 pieces in the lower right direction of the current chess piece are white
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessWhiteCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if (((xPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {

            chessLinkedCount = 1;
            chessLinkedCompare = 1;
            // Check whether all 4 pieces in the upper right direction of the current chess piece are white
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessWhiteCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if (((xPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos + closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return true; }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {
                    break; }}// Check whether all 4 pieces in the lower left direction of the current chess piece are white
            for (closeGrid = 1; closeGrid <= 4; closeGrid++) {
                for (chessToCompareIndex = 0; chessToCompareIndex <= chessWhiteCount; chessToCompareIndex++) {
                    if (((xPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_XPOS[chessToCompareIndex])
                            && ((yPos - closeGrid) * dis == chessWhite_YPOS[chessToCompareIndex])) {
                        if (chessLinkedCount == 5) {
                            return (true); }}}if (chessLinkedCount == (chessLinkedCompare + 1)) {
                } else {
                    break; }}}return false;

    /** * draw the checkerboard */
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
        for (int i = 40; i <= 580; i = i + 30) {
            g.drawLine(40, i, 580, i);

        for (int j = 40; j <= 580; j = j + 30) {
            g.drawLine(j, 40, j, 580);

    /** * draw a chess piece *@param xPos
     * @param yPos
     * @param chessColor
    public void paintChessPoint(int xPos, int yPos, int chessColor) {
        ChessBlack chessBlack = new ChessBlack(this);
        ChessWhite chessWhite = new ChessWhite(this);
        / / black
        if (chessColor == 1 && isMouseEnabled) {
            // Set the position of the chess pieces
            setLocation(xPos, yPos, chessColor);
            // Get the current state of the situation
            isWon = checkVicStatus(xPos, yPos, chessColor);
            // Non-victory state
            if (isWon == false) {
                chessThread.sendMessage("/" + chessPeerName + " /chess "
                        + xPos + "" + yPos + "" + chessColor);
                // Add the pieces to the board
                // Set the checker boundary
                chessBlack.setBounds(xPos * dis -4, yPos * dis -3.30.30);
                statusText.setText("Black" + chessBlackCount + ")" + xPos + "" + yPos + "Turn to white.");
                // Make the mouse unavailable
                isMouseEnabled = false;
                // Win state
            } else {
                chessThread.sendMessage("/" + chessPeerName + " /chess "
                        + xPos + "" + yPos + "" + chessColor);
                chessBlack.setBounds(xPos * dis -4, yPos * dis -3.30.30);
                // Call the victory method, passing in the argument black wins
                isMouseEnabled = false;
            / / white
        } else if (chessColor == -1 && isMouseEnabled) {
            setLocation(xPos, yPos, chessColor);
            isWon = checkVicStatus(xPos, yPos, chessColor);
            if (isWon == false) {
                chessThread.sendMessage("/" + chessPeerName + " /chess "
                        + xPos + "" + yPos + "" + chessColor);
                chessWhite.setBounds(xPos * dis -4, yPos * dis-3 , 30.30);
                statusText.setText("White" + chessWhiteCount + ")" + xPos + "" + yPos + "Black's turn.");
                isMouseEnabled = false;
            } else {
                chessThread.sendMessage("/" + chessPeerName + " /chess "
                        + xPos + "" + yPos + "" + chessColor);
                chessWhite.setBounds(xPos * dis-4 , yPos * dis -3.30.30);
                // Call the victory method, passing in white
                isMouseEnabled = false; }}}/** * draw network checkerboard *@param xPos
     * @param yPos
     * @param chessColor
    public void paintNetChessPoint(int xPos, int yPos, int chessColor) {
        ChessBlack chessBlack = new ChessBlack(this);
        ChessWhite chessWhite = new ChessWhite(this);
        setLocation(xPos, yPos, chessColor);
        if (chessColor == 1) {
            isWon = checkVicStatus(xPos, yPos, chessColor);
            if (isWon == false) {
                chessBlack.setBounds(xPos * dis-4 , yPos * dis -3.30.30);
                statusText.setText("Black" + chessBlackCount + ")" + xPos + "" + yPos + "Turn to white.");
                isMouseEnabled = true;
            } else {
                chessThread.sendMessage("/" + chessPeerName + " /victory " + chessColor);
                chessBlack.setBounds(xPos * dis -4, yPos * dis-3.30.30);
                isMouseEnabled = true; }}else if (chessColor == -1) {
            isWon = checkVicStatus(xPos, yPos, chessColor);
            if (isWon == false) {
                chessWhite.setBounds(xPos * dis-4, yPos * dis-3.30.30);
                statusText.setText("White" + chessWhiteCount + ")" + xPos + "" + yPos + "Black's turn.");
                isMouseEnabled = true;
            } else {
                chessThread.sendMessage("/" + chessPeerName + " /victory " + chessColor);
                chessWhite.setBounds(xPos * dis-4, yPos * dis-3.30.30);
                isMouseEnabled = true; }}}/** * capture chess events *@param e
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
        if (e.getModifiers() == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) {
            chessX_POS = e.getX();
            chessY_POS = e.getY();
            int a = (chessX_POS) / dis, b = (chessY_POS) / dis;
            // No action is performed when the chess position is incorrect
            if (chessX_POS / dis < 2 || chessY_POS / dis < 2
                    || chessX_POS / dis > 19 || chessY_POS / dis > 19) {}else {
                / / draw piecespaintChessPoint(a, b, chessColor); }}}@Override
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {}

    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}

    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}

    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}

    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}}Copy the code


Through the “gobang” game implementation, let me have a further understanding of swing related knowledge, the Language of Java has a deeper understanding than before.

Basic Java syntax, such as data types, operators, program flow control, and arrays, is better understood. Java is the core of the core object oriented thought, for this concept, finally realized some.

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