
What is enumeration

Enumeration, a new data type in JDK1.5, is a special class that is often used to represent a set of constants, such as a year of the year, 12 months of the year, Monday through Sunday, the error code returned by the service, the method of clearing payments, and so on. Enumerations are defined using the enum keyword.

Use of enumerations

Before we use enumerations, let’s explore why we use enumerations at all.

Now there is a business scenario of settlement payment, alipay and wechat payment in two ways, 1 means Alipay, 2 means wechat payment, also need to obtain the corresponding English name according to the code (1 or 2), if there is no enumeration, we will write it like this.

public class PayTypeUtil {
    / / alipay
    private static final int ALI_PAY = 1;
    // Wechat Pay
    private static final int WECHAT_PAY = 2;

    // Get the name of the payment method based on the code
    public String getPayName(int code) {
        if (ALI_PAY == code) {
            return "Ali_Pay";
        if (WECHAT_PAY == code) {
            return "Wechat_Pay";
        return null; }}Copy the code

If at this time, the product manager said to add a Unionpay payment, it would be necessary to add more if judgment, resulting in as many as there are payment methods, there will be as many as if, very ugly.

If you use enumerations, it becomes very elegant. First look at the code:

public enum PayTypeEnum {
    /** alipay */
    /** wechat pay */

    private int code;

    private String describe;

    PayTypeEnum(int code, String describe) {
        this.code = code;
        this.describe = describe;
    // Get the payment method according to the code
    public PayTypeEnum find(int code) {
        for (PayTypeEnum payTypeEnum : values()) {
            if (payTypeEnum.getCode() == code) {
                returnpayTypeEnum; }}return null;
    // Getter and setter methods
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When we need to extend, we only need to define one more instance, and the other code does not need to move, such as adding one more UnionPay payment.

/** alipay */
/** wechat pay */
// Just add one more line of code to complete the extension
/** UnionPay */
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In general, in practical projects, the most common writing method is this, mainly simple and clear, easy to expand.

The second common use is in combination with switch-case, where I define an enumeration for all seasons.

public enum Season {
    / / in the spring
    / / summer
    / / in the autumn
    / / winter
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Then use it with switch.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{

private static void doSomething(Season season){
    switch (season){
        case SPRING:
            System.out.println("I do not know who cut the thin leaves, February spring breeze like scissors.");
        case SUMMER:
            System.out.println("Next day lotus leaves infinite blue, reflected in the sun lotus red.");
        case AUTUMN:
            System.out.println("Parking to sit in love fenglin late, frost leaves red flowers in February.");
        case WINTER:
            System.out.println("Plum blossom from the bitter cold, the sword from the hone.");
            System.out.println("Starting up in his deathbed, laughing and asking where he came from."); }}Copy the code

Maybe a lot of people think that the use of int, String with switch is enough, why support enumeration, such a design is not a lot of redundant, in fact, it is not.

Might as well, in turn, would like to, if use 1 to 4 represents the four seasons, receives the parameter type is int, without prompting, we only know a few type int is hard to guess the scope of the need to digital string, too, if it’s not enumerated it is hard to see what needs to be passed in parameter, you this is the most critical.

If you use enumerations, the problem is solved. When you call doSomething(), you see the enumeration and know which parameters are passed in because they are already defined in the enumeration class. This is beneficial for project transition, as well as for readability of code.

This restriction not only limits the caller, but also limits the parameters passed in to be defined enumerations without worrying about program errors caused by incorrect parameters passed in.

So when enumerated classes are used properly, the maintainability of a project can be greatly improved.

Enumeration of its own methods

PayTypeEnum = PayTypeEnum = PayTypeEnum = PayTypeEnum = PayTypeEnum

The valueOf () method

This is a static method that gets the enumeration class by passing in a string (the name of the enumeration). If the name passed does not exist, an error is reported.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
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Values () method

Returns an array containing all enumeration data in an enumeration class.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    PayTypeEnum[] payTypeEnums = PayTypeEnum.values();
    for (PayTypeEnum payTypeEnum : payTypeEnums) {
        System.out.println("code: " + payTypeEnum.getCode() + ",describe: "+ payTypeEnum.getDescribe()); }}Copy the code

The ordinal () method

By default, the enumeration class provides a default order for the defined enumeration, and the ordinal() method returns the order of the enumeration.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    PayTypeEnum[] payTypeEnums = PayTypeEnum.values();
    for (PayTypeEnum payTypeEnum : payTypeEnums) {
        System.out.println("ordinal: " + payTypeEnum.ordinal() + ", Enum: "+ payTypeEnum); }}/**
ordinal: 0, Enum: ALI_PAY
ordinal: 1, Enum: WECHAT_PAY
ordinal: 2, Enum: UNION_PAY
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The name(), toString() methods

Returns the name used to define the enumeration.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    for (Season season : Season.values()) {
    for(Season season : Season.values()) { System.out.println(season.toString()); }}Copy the code

The output is the same:

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Why is that? Because the underlying code is the same, name is returned.

public abstract class Enum<E extends Enum<E>> implements Comparable<E>, Serializable {
    public final String name(a) {
        return name;
    public String toString(a) {
        returnname; }}Copy the code

The difference is that the toString() method is not final and can be overridden, while the name() method cannot.

CompareTo () method

Because enumerations implement the Comparable interface, we must override the compareTo() method to compare the order of enumerations, namely ordinal.

public final int compareTo(E o) { Enum<? > other = (Enum<? >)o; Enum<E> self =this;
    if(self.getClass() ! = other.getClass() &&// optimizationself.getDeclaringClass() ! = other.getDeclaringClass())throw new ClassCastException();
    return self.ordinal - other.ordinal;
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Because we implement the Comparable interface, we can use it to sort things like this:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // This is an out-of-order enumerated array
    Season[] seasons = new Season[]{Season.WINTER, Season.AUTUMN, Season.SPRING, Season.SUMMER};
    // Call the sort method to sort by default
    for(Season season : seasons) { System.out.println(season); }}Copy the code

Output results, sorted by default:

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The principle of

Take an enumeration Season as an example to examine the underlying layer of enumeration. On the surface, an enumeration is simple:

public enum Season {
    / / in the spring
    / / summer
    / / in the autumn
    / / winter
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The compiler actually does a lot of work at compile time. We decompiled the season.class file using javap -v, and you can see a lot of detail.

First we see that enumerations are classes that inherit from the abstract class Enum.

Season extends java.lang.Enum<Season>
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Second, the enumeration is initialized with a static block of code.

  static {};
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: ACC_STATIC
      stack=4, locals=0, args_size=0
         0: new           #4                  // class io/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season
         3: dup
         4: ldc           #7                  // String SPRING
         6: iconst_0
         7: invokespecial #8                  // Method "
       ":(Ljava/lang/String; I)V
        10: putstatic     #9                  // Field SPRING:Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;
        13: new           #4                  // class io/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season
        16: dup
        17: ldc           #10                 // String SUMMER
        19: iconst_1
        20: invokespecial #8                  // Method "
       ":(Ljava/lang/String; I)V
        23: putstatic     #11                 // Field SUMMER:Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;
        26: new           #4                  // class io/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season
        29: dup
        30: ldc           #12                 // String AUTUMN
        32: iconst_2
        33: invokespecial #8                  // Method "
       ":(Ljava/lang/String; I)V
        36: putstatic     #13                 // Field AUTUMN:Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;
        39: new           #4                  // class io/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season
        42: dup
        43: ldc           #14                 // String WINTER
        45: iconst_3
        46: invokespecial #8                  // Method "
       ":(Ljava/lang/String; I)V
        49: putstatic     #15                 // Field WINTER:Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;
        52: iconst_4
        53: anewarray     #4                  // class io/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season
        56: dup
        57: iconst_0
        58: getstatic     #9                  // Field SPRING:Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;
        61: aastore
        62: dup
        63: iconst_1
        64: getstatic     #11                 // Field SUMMER:Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;
        67: aastore
        68: dup
        69: iconst_2
        70: getstatic     #13                 // Field AUTUMN:Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;
        73: aastore
        74: dup
        75: iconst_3
        76: getstatic     #15                 // Field WINTER:Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;
        79: aastore
        80: putstatic     #1                  // Field $VALUES:[Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;
        83: return
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This static code block generates the VALUES of the four static constant fields, as well as the $VALUES field, which holds the enumeration constants defined by the enumeration class. Equivalent to executing the following code:

Season SPRING = new Season1();
Season SUMMER = new Season2();
Season AUTUMN = new Season3();
Season WINTER = new Season4();
Season[] $VALUES = new Season[4];
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The third method, values(), is a static method that returns an array of the enumerated classes. The underlying implementation works like this.

public static io.github.yehongzhi.user.redisLock.Season[] values();
       0: getstatic     #1                  // Field $VALUES:[Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;
       3: invokevirtual #2                  // Method "[Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;".clone:()Ljava/lang/Object;
       6: checkcast     #3                  // class "[Lio/github/yehongzhi/user/redisLock/Season;"
       9: areturn
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Instead, clone the $VALUES array initialized by the static block and force a Season[] return. Equivalent to this:

public static Season[] values(){
	return (Season[])$VALUES.clone();
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So, on the surface, you just add an enum keyword to define the enumeration, but once the underlying class is recognized as an enumeration, the compiler does special treatment for the enumeration class by initializing the enumeration with a static block of code, which always provides values() whenever it is an enumeration.

We also know from decompilation that all Enum superclasses are abstract Enum classes, so Enum has member variables that implement interfaces, and subclasses also have them.

So any enumeration will have two fields, name, ordinal, and let’s look at the constructor for Enum.

/** * Sole constructor. Programmers cannot invoke this constructor. * It is for use by code emitted by the compiler in response to * enum type declarations. */
protected Enum(String name, int ordinal) { = name;
    this.ordinal = ordinal;
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A unique constructor that a programmer cannot call. It is used by the compiler in response to enumeration type declarations. It concludes that the creation of enumeration instances is also done by the compiler.

Enumeration implements singletons

Many people say that enumerated classes are the best way to implement singletons, because singletons of enumerated classes are thread-safe and the only singletons pattern implementation that can’t be broken. That is, you cannot create an instance by reflection, ensuring that there is only one instance in the entire application, a very hardcore singleton.

public class SingletonObj {
    // Inner classes use enumerations
    private enum SingletonEnum {

        private SingletonObj singletonObj;
		// Initialize singletonObj in the constructor of the enumerated class
        SingletonEnum() {
            singletonObj = new SingletonObj();

        private SingletonObj getSingletonObj(a) {
            returnsingletonObj; }}// A method to get a singleton provided externally
    public static SingletonObj getInstance(a) {
        // Get the singleton object, return
        return SingletonEnum.INSTANCE.getSingletonObj();

    / / test
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SingletonObj a = SingletonObj.getInstance();
        SingletonObj b = SingletonObj.getInstance();
        System.out.println(a == b);//true}}Copy the code

Suppose someone wanted to create an enumeration class through reflection. Let’s take the Season enumeration as an example.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Constructor<Season> constructor = Season.class.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, int.class);
    // Invoke the constructor through reflection to create the enumeration
    Season season = constructor.newInstance("NEW_SPRING".4);
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An error is then reported because reflection calls are not allowed on enumeration constructors.

If you look at the source code, you can see that there is an if judgment for enumerations.

public T newInstance(Object ... initargs) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
    if(! override) {if(! Reflection.quickCheckMemberAccess(clazz, modifiers)) { Class<? > caller = Reflection.getCallerClass(); checkAccess(caller, clazz,null, modifiers); }}// Check whether enumeration is an enumeration. If so, throw an exception
    if((clazz.getModifiers() & Modifier.ENUM) ! =0)
        // Throw an exception. Enumerations cannot be created by reflection
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot reflectively create enum objects");
    ConstructorAccessor ca = constructorAccessor;   // read volatile
    if (ca == null) {
        ca = acquireConstructorAccessor();
    T inst = (T) ca.newInstance(initargs);
    return inst;
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Enumerations may seem like a small amount of knowledge, but there’s a lot to learn when we dig deeper. The first point is that using enumerations to define constants is easier to extend, and the code is more readable and maintainable. Then the second point is to understand the methods that come with enumerations. The third point, through decompilation, explores what the compiler does for enumerations at compile time. Finally, an example of enumeration implementing the singleton pattern.

That’s the end of this article, thank you for reading, I hope you can have a harvest after reading this article!

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