An overview,

Elasticsearch extends ElasticsearchRepository (springBoot) ElasticsearchRepository (springBoot) ElasticsearchRepository (SpringBoot) However, the methods in the new version of ElasticsearchRepository are largely outdated.

Let’s go to the official website of Spring,

As you can see, the official Github example changes to extends CrudRepository


This article was written for the following reasons

  • The current ElasticSearch tutorials are old
  • The ElasticsearchRepository method is basically obsolete in the new version
  • The CrudRepository operation based on SpringData is relatively complete in ES package, but there are few online tutorials

Second, preparation

Select * from Kibana; select * from Kibana; select * from Kibana; select * from Kibana; 4, 中文分词elasticsearch-analysis-ik (ik)Copy the code
  • 1. Download ElasticSearch

The official website directly download, installation is relatively simple

[Download Elasticsearch​! [] icon (https://p3-juejin….

  • Select * from ES (select * from ES);

Windows Installation Reference:

[ElasticSearch Head install and basic use under Windows – warm up a pot of sake – Bloggarden! [] icon (https://p3-juejin….

P.S. head installation is supported by NPM

The index lists

The index data

  • 3, Kibana(easy to develop through REST API debugging ES, with code tips)

Direct download website, decompression, and then modify the install/config/kibana yml

Start it.

You can write multiple code snippets, select the corresponding code snippet will appear on the left side of the execution triangle, directly execute the selected snippet.

Install elasticSearch – Analysis-IK

See this article:

[ES- Windos ring set up – IK Chinese word – Riding donkey old immortal – Blog garden! [] icon (https://p3-juejin….

P.S. Download the corresponding version, unpack it to the ES Plugin directory and restart.

Java Elasticsearch 7.10 tutorial

Java Elasticsearch 7.10] (