The background,
This article is the second installment of the Java Design Pattern creation pattern. The topic of the previous article was “Java Design Pattern Singletons (Part 1)”
Two, a brief introduction
Before introducing the factory pattern, we need to understand the principles that should be followed in design patterns.
Five principles:
Single responsibility principle (SRP) : There should be only one reason for a class to change. That is, there should be only one type of logic in a class.
Open-closed principle (OCP) : Software entities (classes, modules, functions, and so on) should be extensible, but not modifiable. Open extension, closed modification.
Dependency reversal principle (DIP) : High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should rely on abstraction; Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions. Interface oriented programming, not implementation oriented programming.
Richter’s substitution principle (LSP) : Child types must be able to replace their parent types.
Composition/aggregation Reuse principle (CARP) : Use composition/aggregation whenever possible, avoid class inheritance whenever possible.
Demeter’s law: If two classes do not have to communicate directly with each other, then they should not interact directly. If one class needs to call a method of another class, the call can be forwarded by a third party
Third, implementation method
There are three types of factory patterns: simple factory pattern, factory method pattern, and abstract factory pattern.
This article covers only the simple factory pattern, factory method pattern. Because the simple factory pattern and the factory method pattern are created for a single class of products, the abstract factory pattern is created for a family of products.
Let’s take creating a car as an example, without using the factory mode:
public abstract class Car { public abstract void run(); } public class extends Car {@override public void run() {system.out.println (" Mercedes-Benz "); }} public class extends Car{@override public void run() {system.out.println (); } } public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { Car car1 = new Benz();; Car car2 = new Bmw();; }}Copy the code
There is both object creation logic and method invocation logic in the Client class, which is coupled to multiple classes. It violates the single responsibility rule and Demeter’s rule.
The UML class diagram is shown as follows:
# 3.1 Simple Factory pattern
The simple factory pattern belongs to the class creation pattern, also known as the static factory method pattern. You define a class that is responsible for creating instances of other classes, which usually have a common parent class.
The factory class:
public class CarFactory { public static Car createCar(String type) { Car car = null; switch (type) { case "benz": car = new Benz(); break; case "bmw": car = new Bmw(); break; } return car; }}Copy the code
Client call:
public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { Car car1 = CarFactory.createCar("benz");; Car car2 = CarFactory.createCar("bmw");; }}Copy the code
Summary: The Client class is decoupled from the Car subclass. It does not need to know the Car instance creation details, but only needs to tell the factory class what instance it needs. In this way, communication with external classes (subclasses of Car) is reduced, following Demeter’s law.
The UML class diagram is shown as follows:
# 3.2 Factory method pattern
The Simple factory pattern is very simple to design and use. When we need a new brand of car (audi, for example), we just need to add a judgment to CarFactory’s static method. However, this writing violates the open and closed principle, and we try not to modify the business code when coding.
To solve this problem, we can use the factory method pattern.
The factory method pattern, which also belongs to the class creation pattern, is also called polymorphic factory pattern. The point of the factory method pattern is to define a factory interface to create product objects, deferring the actual creation to subclasses.
Create a parent factory:
public interface CarFactory {
Car createCar();
Copy the code
Factory implementation class:
public class BenzFactory implements CarFactory { @Override public Car createCar() { return new Benz(); } } public class BmwFactory implements CarFactory { @Override public Car createCar() { return new Bmw(); }}Copy the code
Client call:
public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { CarFactory cf1 = new BenzFactory(); Car car1 = cf1.createCar();; CarFactory cf2 = new BmwFactory(); Car car2 = cf2.createCar();; }}Copy the code
When we need to add Audi cars, we can create the Audi entity class to inherit the Car and AudiFactory classes to implement the CarFactory interface method.
Conclusion: There is no need to modify the business code, just create a new class to achieve the function extension, follow the open and closed principle. However, the creation of object logic in the Client class violates the single responsibility principle. Each new class of products requires the creation of N class files, increasing the complexity of the project structure.
The UML class diagram is shown as follows: