
  • Valid data in a singly linked list
  • Single linked list data inversion
  • Reverse data without changing the original data

In this article, we will analyze the common interview questions on the single linked list.

Valid data in a singly linked list


The final valid data result is: 5

Code implementation:

// The number of valid single-linked lists
    public int linkedLength(HeroNode head) {

        int length = 0;

        while( ! =null) {
            head =;
        return length;
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  • Pass in the header node, loop through all the data in the header node, and record it through the length identifier

Single linked list data inversion


First analysis:

  • 1. Traverse all data of the head node
  • 2. Add node data to the secondary reverseHead by using a secondary reverseHead node

I may say this with a stiff edge. Look at the picture and speak!

Auxiliary graph:

Second analysis:

  • 1. In order to complete the single-linked list inversion, the valid element in the single-linked list must be >= 2, otherwise there is no need to reverse only one element
  • 2. Finally, the original head node points to the next position of the reverseHead to complete the reverse of the single linked list

Concrete implementation:

    // Single-linked list inversion
    public void reversal(HeroNode head) {
        // List number <=0 cannot be reversed
        if ( == null || == null) {

        // Define auxiliary traversal. Walk me through the old list
        HeroNode temp =;

        // Indicates the next node of the current node
// HeroNode next = null;

        // Reverse the node
        HeroNode reverseHead = new HeroNode(0.""."");

        // Iterate over the original list once and place it into the reverseHead
        while(temp ! =null) {
            // Save the next node of the current node (next is the secondary node)
            HeroNode next =;

            // Point the next node of cur to the head of the new list

            // Connect cur to the new linked list
   = temp;

            // make cur point to the next node
            temp = next;

        // point to =;
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        linkedList.add(new HeroNode(1."Sung river"."Timely rain"));
        linkedList.add(new HeroNode(5."Qin Ming"."Thunderfire"));
        linkedList.add(new HeroNode(6."Wood into"."Little cyclone"));
        linkedList.add(new HeroNode(3."吴用"."Resourceful"));
        linkedList.add(new HeroNode(2."李逵".Black Tornado));


        System.out.println("The inverted result is :");;  
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The running results are as follows:

HeroNode{no=1, name='sung river', nickName='Timely rain'}
HeroNode{no=5, name='qin Ming', nickName='Thunderfire'}
HeroNode{no=6, name='wood into', nickName='Little cyclone'}
HeroNode{no=3, name='with wu', nickName=Resourcefulness}
HeroNode{no=2, name='李逵', nickName=Black Cyclone} HeroNode{no=2, name='李逵', nickName=Black Cyclone}
HeroNode{no=3, name='with wu', nickName=Resourcefulness}
HeroNode{no=6, name='wood into', nickName='Little cyclone'}
HeroNode{no=5, name='qin Ming', nickName='Thunderfire'}
HeroNode{no=1, name='sung river', nickName='Timely rain'}
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Diagram understanding:

Reverse data without changing the original data

The final effect picture:


  • Reverse data without changing the original data, using the above method can also be directly done, knowledge finally do not take the original data head node to point to the changed node, but this method is not good to use, next to introduce the use of Stack(Stack)

Use of the Java Stack() Stack


The Stack() method is introduced The return type instructions
push(Object obj) T Add an element
peek() T Returns the last element T Elements in the subscript
pop() T Takes the element at the end of the array, and then removes it from the array.
empty() boolean Whether Stack() is null

Use of the Java Stack() Stack

Complete code:

// Print data in reverse order without changing the original data
    public void reversal2(HeroNode head) {

        HeroNode temp = head;

        Stack<HeroNode> heroNodeStack = new Stack<>();

        while( ! =null) {
            temp =;

        while (heroNodeStack.size() > 0) {
            System.out.println("The inversion data is :"+heroNodeStack.pop()); }}Copy the code


        System.out.println("The original data is :");


        System.out.println("Print the data backwards without changing the original data :");

        System.out.println("The original data is :");;
Copy the code

The running results are as follows:

The original data is HeroNode{no=1, name='sung river', nickName='Timely rain'}
HeroNode{no=5, name='qin Ming', nickName='Thunderfire'}
HeroNode{no=6, name='wood into', nickName='Little cyclone'}
HeroNode{no=3, name='with wu', nickName=Resourcefulness}
HeroNode{no=2, name='李逵', nickName=Black Cyclone} Do not change the original data, print the data backwards: reverse data :HeroNode{no=2, name='李逵', nickName=Black Cyclone} Reverse data :HeroNode{no=3, name='with wu', nickName=Resourcefulness} Reverse data :HeroNode{no=6, name='wood into', nickName='Little cyclone'} Reverse data :HeroNode{no=5, name='qin Ming', nickName='Thunderfire'} Reverse data :HeroNode{no=1, name='sung river', nickName='Timely rain'} The original data is HeroNode{no=1, name='sung river', nickName='Timely rain'}
HeroNode{no=5, name='qin Ming', nickName='Thunderfire'}
HeroNode{no=6, name='wood into', nickName='Little cyclone'}
HeroNode{no=3, name='with wu', nickName=Resourcefulness}
HeroNode{no=2, name='李逵', nickName=Black Cyclone}
Copy the code

The complete code

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