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Synchronized keyword is an important content in Java concurrency, which can solve the synchronization between multiple threads to access resources.
Because synchronized is a keyword, it can modify code in three places: instance methods, static methods, and code blocks.
Instance methods
When synchronized modifies the methods of an instance, its lock object is the current object instance:
synchronized void test(a) {... }Copy the code
Because the lock object is the current object instance, thread synchronization cannot be guaranteed if the object instance is different.
A static method
When synchronized modifies a static method, its lock object is the Class object of the current Class:
synchronized static void test(a) {... }Copy the code
Because the lock object is a Class object of the current Class, thread synchronization is guaranteed as long as the scope is within the Class, even if the object instances are different.
The code block
A special block of code needs to specify who the lock object is:
Copy the code
How does synchronized ensure thread synchronization
Have you ever wondered how synchronized ensures thread synchronization? Let’s take a program as an example:
public class LockDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
synchronized (LockDemo.class) {
System.out.println("Execute business code......"); }}}Copy the code
Decompiling the program yields the following instruction set:
stack=2, locals=3, args_size=1
0: ldc #2 // class com/wwj/lock/LockDemo
2: dup
3: astore_1
4: monitorenter
5: getstatic #3 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
8: ldc #4 // String Executes the service code......
10: invokevirtual #5 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;) V
13: aload_1
14: monitorexit
15: goto 23
18: astore_2
19: aload_1
20: monitorexit
21: aload_2
22: athrow
23: return
Copy the code
As you can see, our business code is wrapped in two instructions, Monitorenter and Monitorexit. Objectmonitor.cpp is the source code for synchronized, which is written in C++. For details, see objectmonitor.cpp:
Instructions 14 and 20 are monitorexit. Monitorenter locks and Monitorexit unlocks. We found the Exception Table in this program:
Exception table:
from to target type
5 15 18 any
18 21 18 any
Copy the code
It follows that when instructions 5 through 15 fail, the JVM will proceed directly to instruction 18, which means that the JVM will automatically help us release the lock when our locked business fails.
Implementation of synchronized at the JVM level
In the JVM, objects are stored in memory in three regions:
- Object head
- The instance data
- Alignment filling
The object header is divided into two parts, namely, the type pointer, which specifies the type of the current object, and the runtime data (also known as the Mark Word), which contains the following data (here are just a few examples) :
- GC generational age
- The object’s hashCode
- The lock held by the thread
- Biased locking ID
- Bias timestamp
After JDK1.6, synchronized was officially upgraded to have four lock states: no-lock, biased lock, lightweight lock and heavyweight lock. An area was specially divided in the object header for storing lock flag bits. To distinguish various lock states of synchronized, as shown in the figure:
In a 64-bit JVM, the object header takes up 12 bytes, with the type pointer taking up 4 bytes 32 bits and the Mark Word part 8 bytes 64 bits.
As can be seen from the above table, the lock status corresponding to the lock flag bit, for example, 01 indicates no lock or biased lock. If it is a biased lock, thread ID, bias timestamp and other contents need to be recorded. 00 is a lightweight lock; 10 indicates a heavyweight lock.
What are the benefits of splitting the lock into four states? Before JDK1.6, synchronized was always used as a heavyweight lock, which resulted in poor performance. After JDK1.6, synchronized does not directly add heavyweight locks.
Biased locking
For example, when a thread accesses the synchronized code, it records the thread ID in the Mark Word header of the object. Later, when entering and exiting the synchronized code, the thread only needs to compare whether the thread ID in the Mark Word matches. If so, it acquires the lock. Otherwise, CAS is used to set the thread ID in the Mark Word to the current thread. When a block of code is always entered and exited by only one thread, setting biased locks for it can greatly improve performance, because biased locks do not unlock the lock, but only judge the data values in the Mark Word.
Biased lock uses the mechanism of waiting for the emergence of competition to release the lock. When another thread wants to compete for biased lock, the thread holding biased lock needs to release the lock, but it must wait for the emergence of global safety point to release the lock. At this time, it needs to check whether the thread holding biased lock is alive. The thread ID in Mark Word needs to be re-specified as a thread or set to lockless state. Otherwise, set it to lock free.
Lightweight lock
When a biased lock is contested by two threads, the biased lock fails and the lock is upgraded to a lightweight lock.
For example, thread A and thread B compete for biased lock C at the same time, then thread A and B need to copy C’s Mark Word into their own lock record, and then A thread will try to use CAS operation to set the Mark Word thread ID in C as its own lock record pointer. If successful, the lock will be obtained. The CAS operation of the other thread will fail and the other thread will enter spin wait. When the lock is released, thread A uses the CAS operation to reset the Mark Word in C to C. If the CAS operation succeeds, the lock is unlocked successfully; if the CAS operation fails, the lock is upgraded to A heavyweight lock.
It should be noted that when a thread is spinning and waiting to acquire the lock, in order to ensure efficiency, it has a limit on the number of spins. The default maximum spins is 10 times. When the thread fails to acquire the lock after 10 spins, the lock will also be upgraded to a heavyweight lock.
Heavyweight lock
With the upgrade to heavyweight locking, synchronized reverts to its pre-jdk1.6 status as a Monitor that relies on a C++ implementation.
Using the above, we can compare synchronized to Lock:
- Synchronized and Lock are reentrant locks
- Synchronized depends on the JVM and is an implementation of the JVM; Lock relies on the API and is implemented at the API level
- Synchronized will automatically release the lock if there is an exception; The Lock must be released manually
- Synchronized is an unfair lock; A Lock can be a fair Lock or an unfair Lock
- A Lock can cause a thread waiting for a Lock to stop waiting for the Lock to be released. Synchronized can’t do that
- Synchronized has no way of knowing if a thread has acquired a lock; The Lock can be