This article is mainly the Basic part of Java, mainly divided into three parts :Java collection, Java multi-line, JVM; These things helped me improve my interview success rate a lot. There are also middleware Spring, Redis, RocketMQ and so on, wish you find a good job!
Java collection
This part of the arrangement is not meticulous, but also basic enough for everyone to deal with the basic interview, of course, the interview is secondary, the main or to improve themselves, mainly in the usual efforts. This part is divided into three parts :Map, List, and Set.
Java multi-thread
This part has been sent before, and there are many supplements and some problems in the writing have been fixed. Here is a brief introduction of the whole, which is divided into 13 parts. Including basic (Thread related), synchronization primitives (synchronized, volatile, final), memory model (JMM), LOCK(common LOCK), atomic LOCK(optimistic LOCK), concurrent container, some commonly used concepts in multithreading, concurrency tool class (CountDownLatch, etc.), F Ork-join, blocking queue, FutureTask and interview questions basically cover the knowledge of Java concurrency system. After reading the first 12 parts, you can also recall the interview questions according to my later part, see that you have not mastered that part, and then learn to supplement; Some parts in order to see the main part of the picture on the operation, details will be released to download the address;
The JVM part
It is mainly divided into 5 parts: class loading mechanism, memory structure, execution engine, garbage collection, common commands, of which the class loading mechanism, memory structure, garbage collection part is more detailed, for the JVM part or after solving online problems can have a deeper understanding of the knowledge is just the beginning, here deep water. Doing a good job of CodeReview can also reduce a lot of these issues;
The end of the
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