In 2021, the Java programmer industry is getting more crowded, and interviews are getting more difficult. This year, there are a lot of people who are moving from Java to other industries, and there are a lot of people who are trying to get a piece of the market. Year after year, year after year. Of course, Java programmers are still in high demand, and there are many opportunities for advancement in Java jobs. But on the other hand, senior talent shortage, many even have work experience of programmers are not up to the requirements of large factory recruitment, compared to Ali, see you from senior talent still a few steps?I’ve been trying to come up with the perfect interview guide, but I’ve been running out of timeMore than 1000 interview questions treasure book, combined with this year’s gold three silver four various big factory interview questions, as wellGitHub files with more than 30K+ starsAfter I uploaded it, the number of likes reached 13K in just half an hour without any accident. To be honest, it is still a little incredible.
And, on the one hand, I can help my friends who are preparing for the interview, because I have prepared more than 1,000 questions for the interviewPrimary – intermediate – senior three levels of big factory interview real questions, so you can try your level and see yourself in which section?
1000 Internet Java engineer interview questions
Content covers: Java, MyBatis, ZooKeeper, Dubbo, Elasticsearch, Memcached, Redis, MySQL, Spring, SpringBoot, SpringCloud, RabbitMQ, Kafka, Linux, etc. Page 485)
Primary – intermediate – senior three levels of big factory interview real questions
Ali Cloud — Java Intern/Beginner
How is a HashSet guaranteed not to be repeated
Is HashMap thread safe, and why not?
Expansion process of HashMap
What is the difference between HashMap 1.7 and 1.8?
Four kinds of references to objects
Java gets reflection in three ways
Java reflection mechanism
Arrays.sort and collections. sort
Cloneable interface implementation principle
Exception classification and handling mechanism
The difference between ‘wait’ and ‘sleep
How are arrays allocated in memory
Answer display:
Meituan – Java Intermediate
What’s the difference between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext
The life cycle of Spring beans
How is Spring IOC implemented
Tell me something about the Spring AOP
Implementation principles of Spring AOP
Dynamic Proxy (Cglib and JDK)
Spring transaction implementation
Underlying principles of Spring transactions
How do I customize the annotation implementation
Spring MVC runs the process
Spring MVC startup process
Spring’s singleton implementation principles
What design patterns are used in the Spring framework
Why Netty
This section describes the Netty application scenario
The native NIO has an epoll bug in JDK 1.7
What is TCP sticky/unpack
TCP sticky/unpack solution
Netty threading model
Talk about Netty’s zero copy
Netty internal execution process
Answer display:
Ant Financial — Java Advanced
Topic 1:
What has changed between JDk1.7 and JDk1.8 Map (bottom level)?
What’s the difference between parallelism and concurrency?
What has changed between jdk1.7 and the jdk1.8 Java virtual machine?
If you were asked to design a piece of middleware yourself, how would you do it?
What is middleware?
Have you used ThreadLock before? What does it do?
Is Hashcode () different from equals () and ==?
In a mysql database, when an index is set but cannot be used?
Mysql optimization will not,mycat, vertical, horizontal branches?
Distributed transaction solution?
SQL statement optimization will not say what you know?
Mysql storage engine
Red black tree principle?
Topic 2:
What are the three distributed locks?
How does Redis work?
Redis data structure, usage scenarios?
What are the types of Redis clusters?
Codis principles?
Are you familiar with financial business? Bookkeeping? Ant Financial has requirements for this part.
Good ~ show finished, probably estimate oneself is bronze or king?
Some time ago, while chatting with group friends, I sorted out some different kinds of interview questions they saw this year, so I have the following set of questions, and also share with you ~
Available on GitHub: JAVA Architecture Crash Notes
Based on article
The JVM article
MySQL article
Redis article
Due to space limitations, detailed information is too comprehensive, too many details, so only part of the knowledge point screenshots out of the rough introduction, each small node has more detailed content!
Available on GitHub: JAVA Architecture Crash Notes