Hello everyone, I’m Xiao CAI. A man who wants to be a man who talks architecture! If you also want to be the person I want to be, or point a concern to do a companion, let small dishes no longer lonely!
This article introduces Insrument for advanced Java usage
Refer to it if necessary
If it is helpful, do not forget the Sunday
Wechat public account has been opened, vegetable farmers said, do not pay attention to the students remember to pay attention to oh!
Xiao Wang is a girl who just came here, ah pei, she is a program girl who just came here. She always looks depressed, which makes me puzzled. Finally one day, I was afraid that if Xiao Wang quit one day, it would increase my workload (one of the few girls in the department). As a result, I had talk to actively seek wang found the problem, the original is wang programming experience is not enough, I don’t know how clever logging to print, the causality is concluded: inexperienced mistakes lead to coding, coding error caused by the log not print screen is difficult, screening difficulties led to the development of depression. Find the cause of the problem, then the right medicine can ~
In fact, I believe many of my friends have encountered the above problems. The errors that did not appear in the development process frequently appeared after the launch, so we had to continuously add logs and print them, and then package and upload them for problem tracking. Most of the time of a day was wasted on the package and upload. So can you just do bug tracking and see where the problem went wrong? The need to change a tire on a running car is almost as bizarre as changing a tire on a running car. Arthas is a middleware that my friends with development experience have already come up with. But this article is not about how to use Archas, but can we implement this dynamic debugging skill ourselves? So let’s move on to our overall today, Java Agent technology
Java Instrument
This thing is not what the Java new features, as early as the JDK 1.5 was born, is located in Java. Lang. Instrument. The Instrumentation, its role is used at run time API calss reload a class file.
The implementation of this class is actually a Java Agent technology, and we can take a look at what Java Agent is.
A, Java Agent
Proxy is not a word that comes by default to us developers, and it is the proxy approach that we often use in AOP for faceted programming. It can dynamically cut into areas for code enhancement. This way of not having to repeatedly replenish the wheel has greatly increased our development efficiency, so there is a keyword dynamic captured here. So how to implement Java Agent? Then it can be said that JVMTI (JVM Tool Interface) is a Native programming Interface provided by Java VIRTUAL machine. Through it, we can obtain a lot of information about running JVM, while Agent is a specific program running in the target JVM. It can take the data from the target JVM and pass it on to an external process, which can then Enhance it dynamically.
When will the Java Agent load?
- Target the JVM
At the start
- Target the JVM
The runtime
So let’s focus on the runtime, which is what we need for dynamic loading.
How can we write a Java Agent that looks so fancy? Of course, before JDK 1.5, implementation is difficult, we need to write Native code to implement, so JDK 1.5 we can use the above mentioned Java Instrument to implement!
First of all, let’s take a look at the Instrumentation interface, which has several methods:
addTransformer(ClassFileTransformer transformer, boolean canRetransform)
Add a Transformer, after which all target class loads will be intercepted by Transformer, can be customized to implement ClassFileTransformer interface, override the only method of the interface transform() method, The return value is the converted bytecode-like file
retransformClasses(Class<? >... classes)
Classes that have already been loaded by the JVM are retriggered and handled using the custom converter above. This method can modify the method body, constant pool, and attribute values, but cannot add, delete, or rename attributes or methods, nor can it change the signature of a method
redefineClasses(ClassDefinition... definitions)
This method is used to replace the class definition without referring to existing class file bytes.
getObjectSize(Object objectToSize)
Gets the size of an object
appendToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch(JarFile jarfile)
Add a JAR file to the classPath of Bootstrap ClassLoad
Gets all class objects currently loaded by the JVM
RedefineClasses and retransformClasses are added
- Differences between the two:
The redefineClasses provides its own bytecode file to replace the existing class file
RetransformClasses modify and then replace existing bytecode files
- Time when the replacement takes effect
If a modified method already exists in the stack frame, the method in the stack frame will continue to run with the old bytecode, and the new bytecode will run in the new stack frame
- Pay attention to the point
Both methods can change only the method body, constant pool, and attribute values of the class, but cannot add, delete, or rename attributes or methods, nor can they change the signature of the method
2. Agent implementation
1. Compilation method
We have already mentioned that there are two places to load Java Agents: target JVM startup load and target JVM runtime load. The two different load modes use different entry functions:
1. Load when JVM starts
The entry function looks like this:
1 / / function
public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst);
/ / function 2
public static void premain(String agentArgs);
Copy the code
The JVM first looks for function 1, and if it doesn’t find it, it looks for function 2
2. JVM runtime loading
The entry function looks like this:
1 / / function
public static void agentmain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst);
/ / function 2
public static void agentmain(String agentArgs);
Copy the code
Consistent with the above, the JVM first looks for function 1, and if it doesn’t find it, it looks for function 2
The first parameter of the two sets of methods, agentArgs, is a program parameter passed along with “-JavaAgent”. If this string represents more than one parameter, you need to parse this parameter yourself. Inst is an object of Instrumentation type, which is imported by the JVM itself. We can augment this parameter.
2. Declaration method
Once these two sets of methods are defined, you need to declare them manually for them to take effect. There are two ways to declare them:
1. Use the manifest.mf file
We need to create the resources/ meta-inf.manifest.mf file and pack it with the jar package as follows:
Manifest-version: 1.0 can-re-re-classes: true # true indicates that the Classes required by this proxy Can be redefined. The default is false (optional) can-retransform-classes: True # true indicates that classes required by this agent can be reconverted. The default value is false (optional) premain-class: Cbuc. Life. Agent. MainAgentDemo # Agentmain premain method's Class position - Class: cbuc. Life. Agent. # MainAgentDemo Agentmain method in the ClassCopy the code
2. If it is a Maven project, add it in Pom.xml
3. Specify the agent
In order for the target JVM to recognize you as an Agent, you need to introduce the Agent to the target JVM
1. Load when JVM starts
We directly add the -JavaAgent parameter to the JVM startup parameter and specify the location of the JAR file
#Compile the class into a class file
javac TargetJvm.java
#Specify the Agent program and run the class
java -javaagent:./java-agent.jar TargetJvm
Copy the code
2. JVM runtime loading
To implement dynamic debugging, we cannot stop the target JVM and then restart it, which is not our intent, so we can use the JDK Attach Api to mount the Agent at runtime.
The Attach Api is a set of extensions provided by SUN that Attach to the target JVM and make it easy to monitor a JVM. The code for Attach Api is located under com.sun.tools. Attach package and provides very simple functionality:
- Lists all current JVM instance descriptions
- Attach to one of the JVMS and establish a communication pipeline
- Let the target JVM load the Agent
The package contains a class, VirtualMachine, which provides two important methods:
VirtualMachine attach(String var0)
Pass a process number and return the VM object of the target JVM process. This method is a bridge for instruction passing between JVM processes, with underlying communication through sockets
void loadAgent(String var1)
This method allows us to pass the agent’s jar file address as a parameter to the target JVM, which will load the agent upon receiving the command
With the Attach Api, we can create a Java process that attaches to the corresponding JVM and loads the Agent.
Here’s a simple Attach code implementation:
Note: The VirtualMachine class can be found directly in the JDK installed on MAC, but not in the JDK installed on Windows. If you encounter this situation, please manually place the VirtualMachine class in your JDK installation directory: Add tools.jar from the lib directory to the current project Libraries.
The above code is very simple to Attach, by looking for all running JVM processes in the current system, and then by comparing the PID to screen out the target JVM, and then let the Agent Attach to the target JVM. Of course, it is easy to specify the PID of the target JVM directly in the code. This way is very undesirable in the actual production. We can pass the PID through the way of dynamic parameter ~! The implementation principle of Attach is not complicated, and the simple process is as follows:
Case description
We talked about the implementation process of Java Agent, then we also write a simple case to understand the implementation process of Java Agent ~
We mentioned above that we can use Java Instrumentation for dynamic class modification, and in Instrumentation we can add a class transformer () method, The class transformer is implemented by the class ClassFileTransformer interface. This interface has a unique method, transform(), that implements class transformations, which is where we can enhance class processing! The transform() method is called when the class is loaded, which intercepts the class loading event and returns the transformed bytecode. RedefineClasses () or retransformClasses() can trigger the class reloading event.
The actual operation
1) Prepare the target JVM
Here we directly use a SpringBoot project to test, convenient for you to enhance the transformation ~ project structure is as follows:
Target - the JVM ├ ─ SRC ├ ─ the main ├ ─ Java └ ─ cbuc └ ─ life └ ─ targetjvm ├ ─ controller | └ ─ TestController. Java └ ─ service | └ ─ SimpleService. Java └ ─ TargetJvmApplication. JavaCopy the code
The TestController and SimpleService classes are also very simple
2) Prepare the Agent
1. Compilation method
Then write our Agent JAR package. Because of laziness, I put preMain and AgentMain in the same JAR and simulate the scenario at startup and run time respectively
Simple, one class contains all the functions we need ~ prevent image content from getting too crowded, small vegetables kindly paste the core code separately:
2) Declare methods
Then package the Agent, adding the following to the POM.xml file as you package it
Then run MVN Assembly: Assembly is both acceptable
3) Start the Agent
When we have two JARS ready, we can start testing!
1. Load at startup
nohup java -javaagent:./java-agent-jar-with-dependencies.jar -jar target-jvm.jar &
Copy the code
We add parameters directly to boot, with our Agent JAR package
The result is not too embarrassing. It does what we want, but it’s only loading at startup, which is obviously not what we want
2. Run time loading
In normal operation, the method does not do time statistics, we need to come, we want to count the method time, first get the process ID
Then Attach the Agent by Attach (calling the Controller’s active() method) and we can view the console in real time
Now that you can see that the Agent seems to have attached successfully, we proceed to request the Test interface
The Resolve method has been enhanced!
Four, digression
Above we have simple implementation dynamic target class file operation, the article explains to run in the beginning auto replacement tires is a strange and the demand of the helpless, but this demand can let others realize, actually yes, and this is the main purpose of the side dishes, we learned about how to implement the principle of dynamic change a tire, When we use its mature middleware can also be more handle and will not be at a loss, knowledge can not let us only learn god two words, but when others achieve when we can silently think, think again out of awesome ~! Arthas Gitee, Arthas Gitee, Arthas Gitee, Arthas Gitee, Arthas Gitee, Arthas Gitee, Arthas Gitee, Arthas Gitee, Arthas Gitee, Arthas Gitee, Arthas Gitee, Arthas Gitee
Don’t talk, don’t be lazy, and xiao CAI do a blowing bull X do architecture of the program ape ~ point a concern to do a companion, let xiao CAI no longer lonely. See you later!
Today you work harder, tomorrow you will be able to say less words! I am xiao CAI, a man who grows stronger with you.
wechat public number has been opened, vegetable farmers said, did not pay attention to the students remember to pay attention to oh!