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Java 8 List <K, V>

I want to convert a List object to a Map using Streams and lambdas in Java 8

Here’s how I did it in Java 7

private Map<String, Choice> nameMap(List<Choice> choices) {
        final Map<String, Choice> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (final Choice choice : choices) {
            hashMap.put(choice.getName(), choice);
        return hashMap;
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I can easily do it with Java8 and Guava, but I don’t know how to do it without Guava

Guava writing:

private Map<String, Choice> nameMap(List<Choice> choices) {
    return Maps.uniqueIndex(choices, new Function<Choice, String>() {

        public String apply(final Choice input) {
            returninput.getName(); }}); }Copy the code

Guava +Java 8 lambdas

private Map<String, Choice> nameMap(List<Choice> choices) {
    return Maps.uniqueIndex(choices, Choice::getName);
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Answer a:

Based on the Collectors documentation, it can be abbreviated to:

Map<String, Choice> result =,
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Answer two

If your key is not guaranteed to be unique for every element in every list, you should convert it to Map<String, list > instead of Map<String, Choice>

Map<String, List<Choice>> result =;
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Answer three

Use getName() as the key and Choice itself as the map value:

Map<String, Choice> result =, c -> c));
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Answer four

One thing most of the answers above miss is when a list has duplicate elements. IllegalStateException is thrown in this case. See the code below to handle duplicate list elements

public Map<String, Choice> convertListToMap(List<Choice> choices) {
        .collect(Collectors.toMap(Choice::getName, choice -> choice,
            (oldValue, newValue) -> newValue));
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Answer five

For example, if you want to convert some fields of an object to a map:

Object is:

class Item{
        private String code;
        private String name;

        public Item(String code, String name) {
            this.code = code;
   = name;

        //getters and setters
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The operation of converting a List to a Map is as follows:

List<Item> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(new Item("code1"."name1"));
list.add(new Item("code2"."name2"));

Map<String,String> map =
     .collect(Collectors.toMap(Item::getCode, Item::getName));

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The article translated from Stack…