This is the 11th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The last Gwen Challenge in 2021

It’s singles Day again, and many bloggers are sending books to their fans. The fans of that one should not suffer, contacting the publishing house all night, and finally getting some free books and coupons for everyone. details

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Topic describes

Difficulty: Easy

Computes the sum of the digits of the given integer 12345.


  • division
  • Take over operations

Their thinking

The key to solving the problem is how to get the digits in each place.

Example: Get the ones and tens place of 34

int a=34;
// Divide by 3
int b=34/10;
// return the remainder 4
int c=34%10;
Copy the code

Code implementation

/** * Computes the sum of the digits of the given integer 12345. * /
public class question_07 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        int y = 12345;
        int r = 0 ;
        int sum = 0;
        while(y! =0) {
            r = y % 10;
            sum += r;
            y = y / 10;
        System.out.println("y = "+ sum); }}Copy the code

The output


Mastery of mod and divisor operations, great role.

The last

One foot is difficult to go, one hand is difficult to sing, a person’s power is limited after all, a person’s journey is doomed to be lonely. When you set a good plan, with full of blood ready to set out, must find a partner, and Tang’s monk to the West, the master and his disciples four people united as one to pass the ninety-eight difficult. So,

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