The environment

  • Linux/Ubuntu20.04 LTS
  • IntelliJ IDEA Community Editon 2021.1
  • Apache tomcat — 8.5.68


Org. Apache. Jasper. JasperException: Java. Lang. An IllegalStateException: no output directory
'/usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.5.68/logs/catalina.out': not allowed./ 504: Always create/usr/local/apache tomcat - 8.5.68 / logs/catalina out: Permission denied


The folder where Tomcat resides does not have read and write permissions enabled


  1. Open the read and write permissions of the folder and enter the installation directory
lauiji@lauiji-IdeaPad-15sIML-2020:/usr/local$sudo chmod-r 755 apache-tomcat-8.5.68/

In the rainy season, eat the rainbow